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new age beliefs thats wrong


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
I have read many new age books.

Toltec wisdom books, books by marianne williamson and now The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer

I am disappointed with the books

According to them, God is love, God do not judge, and all go directly to heaven.

Yes God is love and God not not judge but our actions do have consequences.

Yes in the end all souls is back with God, but before that some souls have to do many reincarnations on this earth to get rid of karma.

This is my beliefs

What do you think about this? It is really true that all people go directly to heaven? Or if is a half-true like i believe?

Half-truths is no good..


Outstanding Member
I have read many new age books.

Toltec wisdom books, books by marianne williamson and now The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer

I am disappointed with the books

According to them, God is love, God do not judge, and all go directly to heaven.

Yes God is love and God not not judge but our actions do have consequences.

Yes in the end all souls is back with God, but before that some souls have to do many reincarnations on this earth to get rid of karma.

This is my beliefs

What do you think about this? It is really true that all people go directly to heaven? Or if is a half-true like i believe?

Half-truths is no good..

Do you mean you are disappointed just because someone doesn't completely agree with you?

Oh man... Get ready for some more then.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
As I understand it (and this is admittedly limited), the New Age movement as a whole was in part a reaction against the institutionalized gatekeeping that sometimes happens within various Christian traditions. It instead favors a more Universalist approach of love and light and spiritual ascension for all, with no conditions. No need to get rid of karma, no need to pass any tests, you are lovely just the way you are and worthy just the way you are. Positivity is the New Age butter on their bread of personal religious/spiritual growth and development that has liberated itself from institutional religion. It is an important and needed story who were caught up in the mire of toxicity.

Later, when the New Age pathwalker has cast off the burdens of their Christian tradition that fed them toxic myths of sin and damnation, judgement and hellfire, they can (and usually do) approach the issues of consequences and responsibility from a more grounded perspective. Whether or not this is implicit or explicit in the New Age literature I couldn't say, as my exposure to it is minimal.


Veteran Member
I have read many new age books.
Toltec wisdom books, books by marianne williamson and now The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer
I am disappointed with the books
According to them, God is love, God do not judge, and all go directly to heaven..................................................................
What do you think about this? It is really true that all people go directly to heaven? Or if is a half-true like i believe?
Half-truths is no good..
I find in the Bible that 'God "is" love' and God gives all judging to His Son Christ Jesus - John 5:22; 2nd Timothy 4:1
Even the day righteous Jesus died he did Not go directly to heaven but to the grave - Acts 2:27
In the Bible, all the faithful named in Hebrews 11:13,39 are still asleep in the grave - John 3:13
Only those (who are like the ones at Luke 22:28-30) are offered heaven
They have that first or earlier resurrection as mentioned at Revelation 20:6; 5:9-10 to govern in heaven with Jesus.
As far as the living are concerned, those of us still alive on Earth at the coming time of separation as found at Matthew 25:31-34,37 it is Jesus who judges who is a figurative 'sheep' and the 'sheep' can remain alive on Earth and be here on Earth to see calendar Day One of Jesus coming 1000 yr. reign over Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26 - with everlasting life on Earth in view as was originally offered to Adam before his downfall
Thus, Not all people are offered life in heaven, but everlasting life here on earth, the meek who inherit earth - Matt.5:5


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I have read many new age books.

Toltec wisdom books, books by marianne williamson and now The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer

I am disappointed with the books

According to them, God is love, God do not judge, and all go directly to heaven.

Yes God is love and God not not judge but our actions do have consequences.

Yes in the end all souls is back with God, but before that some souls have to do many reincarnations on this earth to get rid of karma.

This is my beliefs

What do you think about this? It is really true that all people go directly to heaven? Or if is a half-true like i believe?

Half-truths is no good..
Wow you are a big reader. Wish I could say the same.

My thinking is that because people are internally unable to be consistent that half truth is about all people can handle usually. For example we cannot all agree about basic things when we are on different sides...such as in the deliberation of wills. If dad dies then the children always think their way is correct. It demonstrates how difficult it is to even perceive what is or isn't true.


Veteran Member
Everyone has their own beliefs, concerning the supernatural that's precisely what they are, beliefs, there is no evidence either way.
Hi ChristineM, how is the coffee ?
True, we have No one back from the dead ( yet - Acts 24:15 )
To me because we have the written Word (aka Bible) is evidence of a teaching
Over the many centuries with all its many enemies, from without and within, the fragile-paper Bible can't be gotten rid of No matter how hard and how long people have tried


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Hi ChristineM, how is the coffee ?
True, we have No one back from the dead ( yet - Acts 24:15 )
To me because we have the written Word (aka Bible) is evidence of a teaching
Over the many centuries with all its many enemies, from without and within, the fragile-paper Bible can't be gotten rid of No matter how hard and how long people have tried

Not yet about it.

And that makes it all right then?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Or if is a half-true like i believe?

Half-truths is no good..
Then why believe a half truth if it is no good?

The full truth in my view is that free-will does not exist. I can tell you that when I had a chemical injection for paranoid delusions it completely altered my thinking process, which suggests to me the brain is an electro-chemical machine.

Sure thoughts or the mind are emergent properties, but you can control emergent properties through effecting an underlying substrate in my view eg changing the nature of a game by an upgrade to either hardware or software.

So not only is there no reliable evidence for either of a God or Karma's effects on an afterlife making it in my view a most probable half or more to the point - total non truth, it would be unjust of any alleged "creator" to have made a set of defective hardware/software (ie a defective substrate) and then blame the substrate for what emerges from it as I see it.

It would be no more logical than for a human to create a black pot then punish it for being the wrong colour in my view.

But I predict this logical explanation will be ignored in favour of repeating the same in my view false claim in a new thread as though your thinking has never been thoroughly debunked before.


I'm a Universalist in belief, but I di not believe there are no consequences. I most definitely believe in karma, and I believe in reincarnation multiple times until the soul is heaven prepared.

However, I have read a couple of opinions that are interestingly different. One is a take on Purgatory where the only way the soul gets to move into the light is by forgiving those who wronged them in life -- by reliving that wrong over and over.

Another is a view on a soul's first judgement, where one's life does indeed flash before your eyes, but just after death instead of before. You "feel" whatever was felt because of you, by those you encountered in life, the happiness and pleasure, as well as the pain and suffering. This is how your deeds are sorted and tallied prior to the next reincarnation.

For me one of the greatest joys of being an Omnist is being able to freely explore all the possibilities others think and believe without shame, guilt, or fear, and accepting what feels right, filing away the unclear, and respectively setting aside what does not fit.

My "faith" relies on James 1:5,6
5If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. 6But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.

And of course with Jesus's verification in Matthew 6:7
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.



Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
It is really true that all people go directly to heaven?
I should hope not

That would mean God is not just

I would want God to be just

And I have faith that he is just

Some people don't deserve to go to Heaven so if they do that would be wrong and would mean God is not just


What do you think about this? It is really true that all people go directly to heaven? Or if is a half-true like i believe?

Half-truths is no good..
The impression I get from near-death experiences (of others) is that everyone (of them) found themselves in a similar situation - watching their body, moving around, seeing a person, seeing a light or river or tunnel, in other words a place that can be traveled to or traveled along or traveled through.
However, there were significant slight differences between those who had died accidentally or naturally as opposed to those who had attempted suicide.
From those accounts, I came to believe we all go to "the same place" but our conditions there are different somehow, I don't know how.
Religions with which I am most familiar teach that good people go to one place and bad people to another place, good and bad being defined by the respective religion's texts and leaders. If that were true, I would think there are very many places because of the very, very wide range of goodness and badness that people practice.
I finally figured out that most people die. However, approximately 8 billion have never died! So maybe some never will. ;) Therefore, death is even more common than birth, as more have died in utero and in atmospherea combined, than have been born. The commonality of death makes me think that what happens after death is also common to us all.


Veteran Member
What do you think about this? It is really true that all people go directly to heaven? Or if is a half-true like i believe?

Half-truths is no good..
I focus on living. I have no thoughts about any afterlife as that seems a useless endeavor. When I have pondered the idea of an afterlife I do like it, but nothing suggests it has any basis in truth, or is even plausible. It also strikes me as greedy and arrogant. I consider it greedy as why want immorality, even if in an imaginary thing like an afterlife? The life we have is what we have. Wanting more and assuming some immortality is greedy. And it is arrogant as it assumes we humans are so special that we are granted this special status after we die. We are evolved being that exist much like any other organism. In what way is it wise to assume we humans are special and above all other organisms on this planet? It strikes me as something insecure and frightened people would invent to offset their anxiety of death.


I focus on living. I have no thoughts about any afterlife as that seems a useless endeavor. When I have pondered the idea of an afterlife I do like it, but nothing suggests it has any basis in truth, or is even plausible. It also strikes me as greedy and arrogant. I consider it greedy as why want immorality, even if in an imaginary thing like an afterlife? The life we have is what we have. Wanting more and assuming some immortality is greedy. And it is arrogant as it assumes we humans are so special that we are granted this special status after we die. We are evolved being that exist much like any other organism. In what way is it wise to assume we humans are special and above all other organisms on this planet? It strikes me as something insecure and frightened people would invent to offset their anxiety of death.
I believe as you do, on the person we know we are -- the ego, the personality, the mind and memory, and of course the body. But I don't believe any of these things are the true part that is in God's image. That is the part, the unearthly part, this "mystery being" that continues on and on.