Religion. A pox on all their Houses.
. The *science* shows there are many difficulties with the strict male/female split.Except that isn't what we actually see in the real world. The *science* shows there are many difficulties with the strict male/female split. For example, there are the androgen insensitive XY individuals that look like females, and often don't find out they are XY until puberty.
Who said anything about 'sacrosanct'? In fact, the whole point of the scientific outlook is to NOT hold things sacrosanct. Question *each and every* conclusion made, and make sure the evidence supports your conclusions.
In a physics class? yes. There is a HUGE difference between "we don't know" and admitting we are speculating (which is what is happening in your situation) and 'taking things on faith', which is what religions tend to promote.
So, yes, we should most definitely teach what we have discovered in physics. We most definitely should teach those things we know (expanding universe, quantum indeterminacy, etc) and be *clear* about what is and what is not speculation.
And what aspects of cosmology do you think have no basis at all? That the universe is expanding? That it was once much hotter and denser than today? That at one time nuclear reactions formed the light elements? That the current expansion phase is about 13.7 billion years old?
Each and every one of those *conclusions* is based on solid evidence collected over decades and evaluated by many researchers with different perspectives.
if you want to debate cosmology, start a thread. I will be happy to engage.
While not wanting to dig into deep here we are talking about .0001% of humans so overturning the collective understanding of male and female to cater for .0001% of people who are born abnormal seems to be ideology not science. To stick to the traditional view rather than the new innovation is not something that should be punished.
In a physics class? yes. There is a HUGE difference between "we don't know" and admitting we are speculating (which is what is happening in your situation) and 'taking things on faith', which is what religions tend to promote.
I find this to be the most interesting aspect of this sort of discussion. It seems to me that the quantum world lends itself to explaining all manner of phenomenon that you people reject as fantasy. While it is permitted to "speculate about " string theory and M theory and multiverses and multi dimensions anything that smacks of the supernatural is said to be foolishness.
It also seems to me that the "replicators" that Star trek have is the scientific answer to creation out of nothing. That the manipulation of the quantum world can change reality is pretty much one of your accepted facts so all that is required for the seemingly miraculous is the ability to manipulate things at the quantum level. Walking on water, The loaves and Fishes, even the resurrection are nothing if you know and can manipulate reality.
Should a student who answered that because God can manipulate things at the quantum level then all things are possible be graded down for such a speculation?
And what aspects of cosmology do you think have no basis at all? That the universe is expanding? That it was once much hotter and denser than today? That at one time nuclear reactions formed the light elements? That the current expansion phase is about 13.7 billion years old?
I honestly think they are no better than the ancients. The ancients thought they were on a flat disk that had water above and water below because that is all they could see, it was their truth. Water comes from above, dig and you find water, so it is below, walk straight ahead and the horizon is always flat....sorted.... but wrong. I think we are in the same spot with a slightly better view is all.
And it is truly laughable to talk about any definitive cosmology when 95% is "duh ... we don't really have any idea of what it even is".
You lot always ask for proof of the divine but when it stares you in the face you expend huge resources to explain it away as a mystery. From the beginning of mankind's history up until the present day mankind has had a phenomenological connection with a "spiritual realm" we get PROOF that 95% of the Universe is some sort of matter that we can not see or even measure and one obvious conclusion is never even broached.
Should a student who speculated that the missing 95% is the invisible spirit realm be marked down, yet to speculate a multiverse is ok... i don't know it seems the one is as valid as the other to me.
Each and every one of those *conclusions* is based on solid evidence collected over decades and evaluated by many researchers with different perspectives.
Wild New Study Suggests The Universe Is a Closed Sphere, Not Flat
Btw... what areas of science could i not pursue if i believed in miracles and creation, other than evolutionary stuff i guess?