You can define this for yourself. Just abandon most of the standing cosmology and start thinking for yourself.
You mean decide the universe should be formed from what "seems right" or by using "intuition"?
Using those methods people didn't figure out germs, or that the earth revolves around the sun, or that photons are particles, or some stars are actually other galaxies.
The human mind is constantly wrong with scientific intuition. What sets up right is empirical data, models, experiments and multiple confirmations.
Of course they keep finding support to their skewed theory - and of course I completely ignore ideas made up from a false idea.
Right, because you are completely close-minded. You think you are right and all science is wrong.
Please remove that false sig and admit you close-mindedly insist that EU is the only possible correct theory.
Even when evidence is slowly growing in favor of dark matter, nope, throw it away.
If the truth has nothing to do with your mythology then you don't want anything to do with it.
This is exactly like the catholic church in the middle ages who refused to hear anything about the earth moving around the sun.
Their "natural logic" was that god made the earth as the center of the universe and it could not possibly revolve around the sun.
Rubbish! If so, they should have abandon the gravity ideas when this was contradicted in the galactic rotation curve.
Again, close minded, you throw out a theory when it's proven wrong. You have no such information. Why would you want scientists to practice ignorance?
Especially when EU has no working model at all? You want scientists to bury their head in the sand and ignore lines of exploration that are working out?
What's next? Book burnings? Maybe you could try to legislate science books as illegal and propaganda and start legislation that ancient Egyptian creation stories be taught as science along with evolution.
You completley misses the plot. They don´t know what "dark matter" is and they cannot explain what gravity is either and why it works differently in the Solar System and in the Milky Way galaxy of which the Solar System is an integrated part.
No, they don't know what dark matter is? They don't know what causes cancer either. Should you now insist that we stop working on cancer prevention?
Same pointless sentences every post. No responses to any facts.
STILL they state their theories to be correct - according to their calculations. Unfortunately their cosmological calculations doesn´t fit the real world in cosmos - which is why they keep on with more and more unnatural and speculative ad hoc assumptions.
What theory are you talking about? Scientists keep saying dark matter is a mystery.
So what theory exactly are you talking about?
Every post is some conspiracy rant not even related to the posts I make?
What theory is correct according to their calculations? Which theory doesn't fit the real world in the cosmos?
What are you even talking about???
This was your response to me explaining that the video you posted was of a scientist who also believes in gravity, fundamental forces and is working on dark matter solutions.
They are completely missing the sense of natural logics and keep on going astray in cosmos. And you just swallows it all.
Again, physics has continually, over and over, shown us things about reality that have defied our expectations about how things should be.
So if you knew the history of modern physics you would know that that statement is that of someone who has NO knowledge about the science and it's history.
and again, what do you mean by "natural logics"? What would seem to be logical by our mind was how the Greeks did physics. They decided everything was made of elements, air, fire, water, land. The earth was a flat circle and weather, disease, good/bad fortune came from gods who lived directly above us in the lower heavens.
Beyond that everything else is a surprise to our "logic" and a result of science. Nothing else made logical sense because human logic is designed to catch food, fight, make shelter and such.
The computer you are using was made from science that totally defied all human logic. Things you might grasp when you learn a laymans version of physics.
Each post you drift further and further away from reality.
All of the videos you posted helped prove our point?
You haven't responded to the clear facts that micro/macro lensing is not refraction, dealt with specifically in the articles I linked to.
Or all of the things that dark matter is giving better understanding to and why we would just stop working on an idea when it's producing good results?
You still haven't shown ONE phD scientist in physics who doesn't believe in gravity even though you said only outdated scientists still believe in gravity.
Show me one scientist who is an actual physicist who thinks gravity is not real and EU is correct.
One scientist.