First, Bet and gambling are forbiden in Islam. 90 % of muslim don't care Saudi Arabia, It is a wahhabi country. we don't care about Saudi Arabia's mufti's decision. Chess or any other game can be played but Islam is against extremism and also against understatement also. A person, a man/woman has many thing to do I must work, I must pray, I am busy with my family I must help to my children to do their home work after school or I can help to my mother or my wife in some work at home but if me, instead of to help my wife to clear our house, I prefer to play chess during two hours with a friend It is not good according to Islam. It is an example you can change the events, If I buy a football match ticket instead of to pay my electricity facture then It will not good according to Islam.So do you agree with forbidding chess, or do you only agree that chess should be played in your spare time and not when you have more important things to do?
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