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No Jew nor Greek in Christ...


aged ecumenical anthropologist

...I just wanted to ask this question, why do Christians show favoritism toward the Jews if there is no Jew nor Greek in Christ (Galatians 3:28)?

Jesus was a Jew, all the apostles were Jews, most of the early followers were Jews, they all lived in Israel, believed in the "O.T." that is mostly about Jews, so why is there any wonder that many Christians feel some sort of affinity towards Jews and Israel? I have a special affinity towards my parents because they obviously are a large part of my roots, much like Jews and Judaism are obviously a large part of Christian roots.

Seems to me that you have a political agenda here, not a religious or a historical one.
Jesus was a Jew, all the apostles were Jews, most of the early followers were Jews, they all lived in Israel, believed in the "O.T." that is mostly about Jews, so why is there any wonder that many Christians feel some sort of affinity towards Jews and Israel? I have a special affinity towards my parents because they obviously are a large part of my roots, much like Jews and Judaism are obviously a large part of Christian roots.

Seems to me that you have a political agenda here, not a religious or a historical one.


Lol, well I guess that that is how it seems to you. My question is religious and I guess political if the Jews are a race and a religion; but the centerpoint of my question is Galatians 3:28 in the Bible, which reads, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

Christians should not be favoring the Jews if their Scriptures tell them that their is no Jew in Christ.


Higher and Higher
But some Christian preachers do glorify the Jews in my experience; I'm not sure if those preachers are part of some conspiracy or not.

I still don't know where you see anything that might resemble glorifying of Jews, except in fundamentalist Christian Zionism, which is not, in fact, glorifying Jews, but utilizing them in an apocalyptic theology.

There are numerous progressive Christians today who speak well of Jews and many other non-Christian religions as part of interfaith dialogue and respectful coexistence. But nothing that I would think of as "glorifying."

It's a big world, I suppose I couldn't rule out that there might be a couple of preachers out there glorifying Jews for some reason. But I've never heard of it, I don't know anyone who's heard of it, and I would be deeply skeptical of the idea that such individuals made up even a miniscule minority of Christians.

Christians should not be favoring the Jews if their Scriptures tell them that their is no Jew in Christ.

In general and in absolutely overwhelming majority, Christians do not favor Jews, nor have they ever done so. Historically, the precise reverse has been true. Even today, when there are progressive Christians with cordial and respectful relations with Jews and other non-Christian religions, I cannot think of a single instance where Jews are favored by them any more than anyone else. It simply doesn't happen, unless perhaps in some freak isolated instance that no one has ever heard of-- meaningless in the overall context of general Christian behavior toward Jews.


Premium Member

Lol, well I guess that that is how it seems to you. My question is religious and I guess political if the Jews are a race and a religion; but the centerpoint of my question is Galatians 3:28 in the Bible, which reads, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

Christians should not be favoring the Jews if their Scriptures tell them that their is no Jew in Christ.

I don't understand how or why you are interpreting that passage to mean anything about Jews. IMO it's simply a statement that indicates all the labels humans use to create separations amongst ourselves are really ultimately meaningless.

edit: This passage does not exclude Jews, Greeks, males or females. I think it means all are included.
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I do stuff

Lol, well I guess that that is how it seems to you. My question is religious and I guess political if the Jews are a race and a religion; but the centerpoint of my question is Galatians 3:28 in the Bible, which reads, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

Christians should not be favoring the Jews if their Scriptures tell them that their is no Jew in Christ.

What favoritism have you seen or heard? I don't know of any. Do you have any quotes or links?
I still don't know where you see anything that might resemble glorifying of Jews, except in fundamentalist Christian Zionism, which is not, in fact, glorifying Jews, but utilizing them in an apocalyptic theology.

There are numerous progressive Christians today who speak well of Jews and many other non-Christian religions as part of interfaith dialogue and respectful coexistence. But nothing that I would think of as "glorifying."

It's a big world, I suppose I couldn't rule out that there might be a couple of preachers out there glorifying Jews for some reason. But I've never heard of it, I don't know anyone who's heard of it, and I would be deeply skeptical of the idea that such individuals made up even a miniscule minority of Christians.

In general and in absolutely overwhelming majority, Christians do not favor Jews, nor have they ever done so. Historically, the precise reverse has been true. Even today, when there are progressive Christians with cordial and respectful relations with Jews and other non-Christian religions, I cannot think of a single instance where Jews are favored by them any more than anyone else. It simply doesn't happen, unless perhaps in some freak isolated instance that no one has ever heard of-- meaningless in the overall context of general Christian behavior toward Jews.

The favoritism might be more visible in the way that the American government and people regard the state of Israel. It's like, as far as the American government and people are concerned, the state of Israel can violate international law and do whatever they please because they are the state of Israel. That kind of thinking is EVIL in my book even though I'm an agnostic (meaning I don't believe or disbelieve that there is a God (something or someone who should be worshiped.))
I don't understand how or why you are interpreting that passage to mean anything about Jews. IMO it's simply a statement that indicates all the labels humans use to create separations amongst ourselves are really ultimately meaningless.

edit: This passage does not exclude Jews, Greeks, males or females. I think it means all are included.

I see. To each his own I guess.



Jesus was a Jew, all the apostles were Jews, most of the early followers were Jews, they all lived in Israel, believed in the "O.T." that is mostly about Jews, .

And that movement died with him.

The movement we know was spread all through the diaspora by Hellenist that found importance in the mythology surrounding the martyrdom.

We have nothing from Judaism other then a foundation the Christians plagiarized.


aged ecumenical anthropologist

Lol, well I guess that that is how it seems to you. My question is religious and I guess political if the Jews are a race and a religion; but the centerpoint of my question is Galatians 3:28 in the Bible, which reads, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

It seems you have missed the point, but then again I think you're more making a political point versus asking a religious question, and it's the latter that I dealt with.

The verse you cite relates to the issue that the early church opened it's membership to gentiles and that the leaders didn't want a two-tiered system whereas Jews were only the ones to lead and gentiles to follow. Essentially what Paul is doing is justifying his recognition of some gentiles as being leaders.

Christians should not be favoring the Jews if their Scriptures tell them that their is no Jew in Christ.

Since Jesus was a Jew, and since the concept of a messiah is very Jewish, then your statement above is clearly wrong.

Again, what I'm picking up from your tone is a political motivation on your part, not so much religious. You're not asking questions as much as you're making assertions.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
The favoritism might be more visible in the way that the American government and people regard the state of Israel. It's like, as far as the American government and people are concerned, the state of Israel can violate international law and do whatever they please because they are the state of Israel. That kind of thinking is EVIL in my book even though I'm an agnostic (meaning I don't believe or disbelieve that there is a God (something or someone who should be worshiped.))

Ah yes, now we fully see what I've said of your posts, namely it's nothing about religion and it's entirely about politics. And since you denied this earlier, this doesn't make you the most honest person on these boards.


Higher and Higher
The favoritism might be more visible in the way that the American government and people regard the state of Israel. It's like, as far as the American government and people are concerned, the state of Israel can violate international law and do whatever they please because they are the state of Israel. That kind of thinking is EVIL in my book even though I'm an agnostic (meaning I don't believe or disbelieve that there is a God (something or someone who should be worshiped.))

First of all, that has nothing to do with anything in the Bible, Christian or otherwise.

But second of all, as far as I can tell, the American government supports the state of Israel because it's the only democracy in the Middle East, it has been a staunch ally of American policy in the Middle East for fifty years, and because they should be supported in the face of terrorism-- as should anyone.

Much is made of Israel's purported violations of international law, but they are often blown out of proportion, especially given that the barbarism of the terrorists they face is grossly underreported and all too often dismissed, as it would not be in nearly any other case, because too many people question the very right of the state of Israel to exist-- because it is a Jewish state, and the Christian, Muslim, and secular world see little reason to value it.

One need not agree with every single action or decision of the Israeli government-- most Jews certainly don't, but unilaterally writing off support of Israel as evil is nothing but garden variety anti-Semitism.


Veteran Member
For me Jesus is simply saying that we are all one in god, whatever culture or colour skin we have isn't who we really are, to believe we are our culture or skin colour is to live on the outside, the carnal self.


Well-Known Member

...I just wanted to ask this question, why do Christians show favoritism toward the Jews if there is no Jew nor Greek in Christ (Galatians 3:28)?
From my discussion with Christians they see in the Torah where G-D said that Jews are G-D's chosen people and that G-D gave them the land of Israel.


Well-Known Member
I have been organizing Pro-Israel rallies during the Gaza war, and some of the most staunch Pro-Israel, Pro-jewish Christians are the evangelical Christians.

And they tell me why. Genesis 12:3.

They are very strongly Pro-Israel, and Pro-Jewish.


I do stuff
I don’t think the American government is a spokesperson for Christians. To put it another way, one has nothing to do with the other.