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No Jew nor Greek in Christ...


This thread is kind of painful to read and has a twilight zone feel to it..."in Christ" and "body of Christ" = Christians or "the Church"...that letter is saying nationality, ethnicity, gender, etc. doesn't matter within the community of Christians - focus on oneness/unity.

Jews are not any part of that. It doesn't mean that Jews do not exist anymore.
This thread is kind of painful to read and has a twilight zone feel to it..."in Christ" and "body of Christ" = Christians or "the Church"...that letter is saying nationality, ethnicity, gender, etc. doesn't matter within the community of Christians - focus on oneness/unity.

Jews are not any part of that. It doesn't mean that Jews do not exist anymore.

That's your interpretation, Sir. The "letter" says that there is no Jew nor Greek in Christ.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
That's your interpretation, Sir. The "letter" says that there is no Jew nor Greek in Christ.

He's right, actually. Paul was talking about Christians. He was addressing the rift between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians. From what I know, the original Christian movement was a Jewish one and the push to convert Gentiles came later and most of the Jewish Christians were against this.


That's your interpretation, Sir. The "letter" says that there is no Jew nor Greek in Christ.

It's really not my man. If he meant "in the world" - he would have said so. In Christ, body of Christ, bride of Christ, etc. are specific describers. This is very basic stuff.

It's good to ask sincere questions and continuously educate yourself according to level of interest, but if you are trying to challenge or educate others...it's best to learn more and bring your A game, else it will seem rather foolish and get you negative responses.


Veteran Member
What "christian prophesy" are you referring to? and how would such prophecy change Gal. 3:28: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus"?

I'm an American; I don't know how most Americans feel (favor or don't favor) about Jews but I do hear a lot of Christian preachers showing favoritism of Jews/Israelis.

very obvious


Veteran Member
Originally Posted by Levite
If the Christians have been showing us favoritism, perhaps they could stop while there are still some of us left....


I assume that as a Jew you don't listen to a lot of Christian preachers but a lot of American Christian preachers preach favoritism of Jews/Israelis.

It is like pendulum gone on the other-side.

It's really not my man. If he meant "in the world" - he would have said so. In Christ, body of Christ, bride of Christ, etc. are specific describers. This is very basic stuff.

It's good to ask sincere questions and continuously educate yourself according to level of interest, but if you are trying to challenge or educate others...it's best to learn more and bring your A game, else it will seem rather foolish and get you negative responses.

LOL it's simple, Sir/Ma'am. In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek = Christians should not favor the Jews.



Dragon Worshipper
Granted, I don't spend a lot of time listening to Christian preaching, but I have done a fair amount of interacting with Christians in America, and I haven't seen much in the way of glorification of Jews. There are some Christian Zionists among the evangelicals (problematic, as I mentioned), and there are also some pleasantly supportive individuals among non-fundamentalist Christians, though I don't hear much from them of what I would call "glorification."

I have, on the other hand, been checked for horns a couple of times, been told I and my fellows served Satan more than a few times, been told innumerable times that I and my fellows were damned to Hell, been more than occasionally told that I and my fellows are Christ-killers, been almost constantly told that what I believe as a Jew is false and my understandings of the sacred texts written by and for my own people in our own language are wrong; and that's not even mentioning being told that Jews are money-grubbers, or conspire to control banks or media or art, or that we use Christian blood for this or that, or that we faked the death of six million Jews during WWII, or other, even stranger and less pleasant conspiracy theories. I've occasionally heard phrases like "Jewing down the price," or "getting Jewed on the deal," and even a couple of times gotten called a "dirty Jew," or "kike."

That's just my experience, relatively common to Jews in modern America. It is nothing compared with the history of pogroms, polemics, Crusades, Jew lynching, persecution, and anti-Semitic legislation that typefied the ways that Christians dealt with Jews for the majority of the past sixteen or seventeen hundred years.

I don't know about any glorification.

I assume that is being said facetiously.

That is terrible! I'm sorry that you've had to deal with this.And that you've experienced this kind of hate multiple times is so much worse. Where do you have these experiences? I've never seen such hostile situations as people being called "dirty Jew" or "Satan worshiper", and I live in the deep south, the most prejudiced part of America, by far.

My personal experience around Christian opinion toward the Jewish has been
also one of approval, especially among patriotic Americans. I observe that the more patriotic a person is, the more religious they become and the more they wish to tie their religious beliefs to politics. In defending the U.S.'s actions they, inevitably, have to defend the American financial and military support of Israel. And so they, often times, justify it with religion. I, in fact, grew up in just such a family and have observed this type of culture in many, many other families.

Also, off topic, I wonder, has the oppression you've experienced caused you to identify with other oppressed minorities? I'd imagine that, in America at least, there are minorities that have been even more misunderstood and that are even more the target of bigotry and hate and xenophobia, like Communists in the last generation or Muslims in this one. Thoughts?


Higher and Higher
That is terrible! I'm sorry that you've had to deal with this.And that you've experienced this kind of hate multiple times is so much worse. Where do you have these experiences? I've never seen such hostile situations as people being called "dirty Jew" or "Satan worshiper", and I live in the deep south, the most prejudiced part of America, by far.

My personal experience around Christian opinion toward the Jewish has been
also one of approval, especially among patriotic Americans. I observe that the more patriotic a person is, the more religious they become and the more they wish to tie their religious beliefs to politics. In defending the U.S.'s actions they, inevitably, have to defend the American financial and military support of Israel. And so they, often times, justify it with religion. I, in fact, grew up in just such a family and have observed this type of culture in many, many other families.

Also, off topic, I wonder, has the oppression you've experienced caused you to identify with other oppressed minorities? I'd imagine that, in America at least, there are minorities that have been even more misunderstood and that are even more the target of bigotry and hate and xenophobia, like Communists in the last generation or Muslims in this one. Thoughts?

I found anti-Semitism everywhere I've gone, to one degree or another. Lots in the Midwest and South, some on the East Coast, but even some in California. Although, as I said, lots of pleasant, progressive, and respectful Christians as well-- just none who "glorified Jews."

And yes, I definitely feel for oppressed minorities. I've been a long-time fighter against racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia, as well as a supporter of the rights of the poor, immigrants, and laborers. No question that anti-Semitism in America today is far less intense than it was fifty or a hundred years ago, and there are other minorities who currently experience much more intensive oppression. But these things come and go-- we Jews have learned not to trust too much in any consistency of fortunes favoring us. IMO, we do best when remembering our oppression and not only trying to avoid more of it, but trying to help others who experience what we have experienced.
Who are you to tell Christians what they should do? That sounds like preaching to me.

Well Sir/Ma'am I wasn't telling anyone what to do. If it sounded that way to you, you misunderstood. Nor was I preaching; I was replying to someone who made a point that I was countering.



Dragon Worshipper
I found anti-Semitism everywhere I've gone, to one degree or another. Lots in the Midwest and South, some on the East Coast, but even some in California. Although, as I said, lots of pleasant, progressive, and respectful Christians as well-- just none who "glorified Jews."

And yes, I definitely feel for oppressed minorities. I've been a long-time fighter against racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia, as well as a supporter of the rights of the poor, immigrants, and laborers. No question that anti-Semitism in America today is far less intense than it was fifty or a hundred years ago, and there are other minorities who currently experience much more intensive oppression. But these things come and go-- we Jews have learned not to trust too much in any consistency of fortunes favoring us. IMO, we do best when remembering our oppression and not only trying to avoid more of it, but trying to help others who experience what we have experienced.

Thank you for answering and, for what it's worth, I very much admire your values.


Premium Member

Lol, well I guess that that is how it seems to you. My question is religious and I guess political if the Jews are a race and a religion; but the centerpoint of my question is Galatians 3:28 in the Bible, which reads, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

Christians should not be favoring the Jews if their Scriptures tell them that their is no Jew in Christ.

You said it here, too.

It looks to me like, you are interpreting Christian scripture in your own way, applying it to a political situation of today that it was not meant to apply to when originally written, and making statements that indicate you think Christians should do what you want them to do, based upon your own application of a passage from Christian scripture to a situation for which it was not written.

It looks to me like you have something against the Jews and that you are trying to use Christian scripture to say Christians ought to think like you.



...I just wanted to ask this question, why do Christians show favoritism toward the Jews if there is no Jew nor Greek in Christ (Galatians 3:28)?

The scriptures verse you are highlighting is in reference to the entity of the church and anyone who has put their faith in Jesus Christ. Whether they are Jew or Greek, male or female, all who have faith in Christ are now included in the church or the body of Christ and are all equal in Christ without favoritism. But this does not negate the fact that God has called the Jews and the nation of Israel to a special purpose for His plans through the unfolding events of HIStory.

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.Galatians 3:26-28