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No longer Roman Catholic


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Just wanted to make a quick announcement so there would be no confusion with some of my past and future comments : I can no longer consider myself in communion with the Roman Catholic Church.

This is not 100% by choice, but two members on this forum impressed upon me that my views are not welcome in the Church and are in fact contrary to the teachings of the Church. I respect the authority of the Church, and I will submit to Canon Law and not receive the Eucharist or refer to myself as Roman Catholic unless and until I change my views (or the Church does... but I'm not holding my breath.)

Among other things...I do believe that the restriction of Holy Orders to men only is wrong.... and I don't believe the Pope can speak infallibly of his own authority (ex cathedra).... two things I MUST believe in order to remain Catholic.



Veteran Member
Scott what branches of Christianity are you prospecting at this point and how long have you known you are no longer Catholic?


Well-Known Member
Hey all...

Thanks for the kind words.... I'm doing very well, suprisingly. I have no doubt the Holy Spirit is leading my path... where it will lead, I can only trust in the Lord.

As far as where to go from here: there is nowhere to go. I still believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ, and I would not consider being a member of any other Christian community.

Two members here let me know last week that I was not welcome in the Church.... I just want to be honest with what I believe and follow my conscience while respecting the teachings of the Church... which I still agree with 99.9% of.

So................... :confused:

Love ya'll


Dissent in religion is normal, Scott. If all Catholics who disagreed with some aspect of the Roman Catholic Church and its teachings left, there'd be no one left.


Veteran Member
Scott1 said:
Among other things...I do believe that the restriction of Holy Orders to men only is wrong.... and I don't believe the Pope can speak infallibly of his own authority (ex cathedra).... two things I MUST believe in order to remain Catholic.


Scott could you elaborate on this for us hopefully in lay-terms?


Well-Known Member
Djamila said:
If all Catholics who disagreed with some aspect of the Roman Catholic Church and its teachings left, there'd be no one left.
Well... it is not a matter of disagreement with "some aspect".... it is not believing something that the Church tells me I must believe in order to remain Catholic... we are not talking about bingo or my parking space at the Church, but some pretty advanced theological issues... please don't think it is "normal" or that it is "ok" for a Catholic to believe as I do and stay in the church.


Well-Known Member
robtex said:
Scott could you elaborate on this for us hopefully in lay-terms?
I believe women should be allowed to be Priests.

I don't believe the Pope can, on his own (without the agreement of the entire Church) make a statement on faith or morals that is infallible and binding upon the entire Body of Christ.


Well-Known Member
Scott1 said:
Hey all...

Thanks for the kind words.... I'm doing very well, suprisingly. I have no doubt the Holy Spirit is leading my path... where it will lead, I can only trust in the Lord.

As far as where to go from here: there is nowhere to go. I still believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ, and I would not consider being a member of any other Christian community.

Two members here let me know last week that I was not welcome in the Church.... I just want to be honest with what I believe and follow my conscience while respecting the teachings of the Church... which I still agree with 99.9% of.

So................... :confused:

Love ya'll

i have a little advise take it as you will,
the holy Ghost can lead you only to truth, the devil anywere else... if you are willing to follow the sprit no matter on were it takes you, then you will find the truth, which is the light, and that light is Jesus... but your the one that has to do the work, the sprit will only show you if you are right or wrong... may your path be lighted by truth and light...


The Devil's Advocate

I cannot imagine you not Catholic. :(

Are you basing your decision on the fact that two members have said that you're not welcome? Or are you basing your decision on the fact that you believe they are right - that you do need to believe those things in order to be considered Catholic? If the former, who are they to say? If the latter... well I'm just sorry that you have to go through this.



Scott1 said:
Well... it is not a matter of disagreement with "some aspect".... it is not believing something that the Church tells me I must believe in order to remain Catholic... we are not talking about bingo or my parking space at the Church, but some pretty advanced theological issues... please don't think it is "normal" or that it is "ok" for a Catholic to believe as I do and stay in the church.

Well, everyone needs to make their own choices but I still believe it's okay. We have Eastern Rites Roman Catholics who have more than enough beliefs that would warrant their exclusion from the Roman Catholic Church, but they're still a part of it.

The believe in Marija Magdalena as a lover of Jesus Christ and a divinely inspired woman is official in two regions of Slovenia, most regions of Croatia, and one region of Bosnia. They're still part of the official Roman Catholic fold.


Well-Known Member
lilithu said:
I cannot imagine you not Catholic. :(
Oh I'm always a Catholic.... just not a member of the Church... but I know what you mean... never thould you'd see the day, huh? :eek:
Or are you basing your decision on the fact that you believe they are right - that you do need to believe those things in order to be considered Catholic?
No... they are right.... I read Canon Law and a letter about it from a Church source.... I MUST believe these things or excommunicate myself... which I did.... not permanently, mind you, but I'm just trying to be honest and not cause confusion or injury to faithful Catholics (or others) who read what I write and get confused.

Thanks for asking my friend,


Well-Known Member
Djamila said:
We have Eastern Rites Roman Catholics who have more than enough beliefs that would warrant their exclusion from the Roman Catholic Church, but they're still a part of it.
Every Christian is part of the Church (I believe)..... I understand what you are trying to say, but you'll just have to trust me that I know Roman Catholic faith and rules pretty well.


Oh I believe you. If you don't believe in certain things, though - why do you believe in the rules that state you must excommunicate yourself? Aren't virtually all the rules of the Roman Catholic Church made by mortal men, throughout the centuries after Christ's death? Who says you have to excommunicate yourself such that you believe you must, on whose authority?


Veteran Member
Scott1 said:
I believe women should be allowed to be Priests.
Recognizing the equality of women to men makes you a man. I love that you see that woman and men are not unequal in terms of spirtual apptitude . But even more importantly it makes you a human with humanistic recognitions and the moral apptitude to understand that we are all in this life together interdependant upon one another irregardless of gender. Your stock just went way up in my book based on this statement.

Scott1 said:
I don't believe the Pope can, on his own (without the agreement of the entire Church) make a statement on faith or morals that is infallible and binding upon the entire Body of Christ.
I won't tell the pope you said that if you don't! Just kidding. This could be a great topic of debate on RF on the near near future.


Well-Known Member
Djamila said:
Oh I believe you. If you don't believe in certain things, though - why do you believe in the rules that state you must excommunicate yourself?
Good question... a bit too involved to answer properly here...
Aren't virtually all the rules of the Roman Catholic Church made by mortal men, throughout the centuries after Christ's death?
No they are not.... and this is not the place to bring it up... please. If you want to chat about the RCC in general, please do it on another thread.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Scott1 said:
Hey all,

Just wanted to make a quick announcement so there would be no confusion with some of my past and future comments : I can no longer consider myself in communion with the Roman Catholic Church.

This is not 100% by choice, but two members on this forum impressed upon me that my views are not welcome in the Church and are in fact contrary to the teachings of the Church. I respect the authority of the Church, and I will submit to Canon Law and not receive the Eucharist or refer to myself as Roman Catholic unless and until I change my views (or the Church does... but I'm not holding my breath.)

Among other things...I do believe that the restriction of Holy Orders to men only is wrong.... and I don't believe the Pope can speak infallibly of his own authority (ex cathedra).... two things I MUST believe in order to remain Catholic.


I am extremely impressed with your integrity, Scott.