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No longer Roman Catholic


Well-Known Member
robtex said:
Recognizing the equality of women to men makes you a man. I love that you see that woman and men are not unequal in terms of spirtual apptitude . But even more importantly it makes you a human with humanistic recognitions and the moral apptitude to understand that we are all in this life together interdependant upon one another irregardless of gender. Your stock just went way up in my book based on this statement.
Thanks Rob! I don't find the arguments the Church gave compelling in the least... maybe sometime I'll start a thread, but you've gotta understand I don't want to debate it with Roman Catholics... they don't give any other argument than "the Church said so".... so it's a waste of time.
I won't tell the pope you said that if you don't!
Hehe... I'm not the type of person who will wait to be disciplined by the Church and risk hurting other Catholics in the process.... so I've done this and quit my teaching position at the parish.


Veteran Member
:hug: I'm sorry Scott, but I'm glad you found where you want to go. If you ever need anything, just let me know.


Veteran Member
Scott1 said:
Thanks Rob! I don't find the arguments the Church gave compelling in the least... maybe sometime I'll start a thread, but you've gotta understand I don't want to debate it with Roman Catholics... they don't give any other argument than "the Church said so".... so it's a waste of time.

interesting. We are talking about a 2000 year old church and of equal importance we aer talking about one of the most knowledgable people on catholic canon on the block. Surely there were times when opinions on women in the church swayed a bit and surely if anyone is aware of such happenings or know where to find the resources to support such happenings it would be you. The church said a lot of things in 2000 years and may have in all that time, changed its mind on some of it. There was that whole sun revolves around the earth mess, and um sex couldn't be pleasurable till this century. Others as inspired and gifted as you before you showed catholics the light. Someone at some time said, you know ....about that sun earth theory...and likely many of them said, ....ok i gotta tell you ..you know when you said sex isn't pleasurable......and the church grew from it. Those catholics are my heros. The ones I want to know about. Somewhere in the church, likely even in your church there is another group of men or women who feel as you do about women priests but aren't saying anything. They are pretty cool but the ones who openly analyize and evaluate it are exceptional.

Scott1 said:
Hehe... I'm not the type of person who will wait to be disciplined by the Church and risk hurting other Catholics in the process.... so I've done this and quit my teaching position at the parish.

thats cool give you time to think. How did the priests take your resignation?

Also, you confessed to us you were reading science publications last time...what were you reading and did it impact your decisions on this thread at all?


Will to love
Hi Scott, I wish you peace and courage in this phase of your spiritual life. I always enjoy your posts here and am sorry that they have caused you such consternation, but you've got to till the soil to have new growth, right?

Like Sunstone, I'm impressed by your personal integrity. I believe that the Holy Spirit will be with you throughout this. Best wishes.



Well-Known Member
robtex said:
They are pretty cool but the ones who openly analyize and evaluate it are exceptional.
A lot of the things you listed are not part of the faith or morals of Catholic dogma... the Church can (and has) erred on a lot of things, but my dispute is directly related to the decision making process. (Most) Catholics believe the Church never made, never will, and could not make an error.... I don't believe infallibility (which I do believe protects the Church) works like that. The Church is infallible in eternity, not in a moment-in-time decision, in my opinion.
thats cool give you time to think. How did the priests take your resignation?
Not well... he's not much of a theologian and SUPER-passive, so we just kinda looked awkward for a bit, then I left.
Also, you confessed to us you were reading science publications last time...what were you reading and did it impact your decisions on this thread at all?
I still am... having a great time as well, but no... it did not impact AT ALL.

My decision was based upon the reading of a book by...... ahem........ wait for it..........................

.....................................> JOSEPH CARDINAL RATZINGER. :eek:

Yep... the Pope made me a heretic.... hehe.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
First of all, a tackling :hug: ! It's good to see you!

I really hope that everything's okay. While I would imagine that, in some ways, it must feel like a breath of fresh air to no longer struggle with personal beliefs that don't seem to mesh with one's church's, that it would also be intimidating at the same time. I appreciate your decision to go with your consience immensely!


Veteran Member
You are gonna make a ton of thread worthy material with first paragraph of post # 25.

What is the name of the book? What is a good online resource for Ratzingerism?
Any other views change other than those two how is your wife doing with your confession?

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
robtex said:
Meggie if you keep tacking people on RF I am gonna have to call you for "ruffing the poster (as opposed to passer)!

The scary thing is, if you hadn't explained it, I wouldn't have gotten the reference! I would have thought it was 'ruffling', and then I would've smarmily replied 'but everyone else is always ruffling Feathers'. But you explained it, so I can't do that. :p


Well-Known Member
robtex said:
What is the name of the book? What is a good online resource for Ratzingerism?
The book is "Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith: The Church As Communion" and I don't know of any online resouces.
Any other views change other than those two how is your wife doing with your confession?
Not views, per se, but how I view them.... the Pope's first letter "God is Love" was also an influence on my theology... everything is (should be) centered around the abiding love of the Holy Spirit.... and my wife is fine with things... we don't talk about faith (suprise) we just do our own thing.

HEY! Watch your hands Meg! Hehe;)


Veteran Member
Scott if I can take this time to pick you brain, you were non-religious once and than said something to the effect of "catholism made sense to you." What else did you look at and what was the initial attraction to the catholic church? What seperated it from say Lutherns, or methodists, or baptists?


Well-Known Member
robtex said:
Scott if I can take this time to pick you brain, you were non-religious once and than said something to the effect of "catholism made sense to you."
Yes... I was an atheist for a few years... had a "born again" experience and became Christian.... started to read early Christian history and viewed the Catholic Church (Roman or Eastern Orthodox) to be the one and only historical, apostolic, authentic Christian Church.... I chose Roman Cath. because I believe the Petrine ministry (the Papacy) to be an essential part of the faith----->as a central voice towards Christian unity, not the legal SUPREME PONTIFF that it developed into. Vatican II made steps in the right direction... but it's still far off from what I believe is correct.
What seperated it from say Lutherns, or methodists, or baptists?
Anything founded 1500 years later really had nothing to offer me....


The Devil's Advocate
Scott1 said:
Anything founded 1500 years later really had nothing to offer me....
It's not like Protestantism was founded de novo 1500 years later. The entire history of the Catholic church led up to that break. Not that I'm trying to convince you to be Protestant.

If age is the primary consideration, why not the Orthodox church? ;)


The Devil's Advocate
Scott1 said:
My decision was based upon the reading of a book by...... ahem........ wait for it..........................

.....................................> JOSEPH CARDINAL RATZINGER. :eek:

Yep... the Pope made me a heretic.... hehe.
Another reason for me to not like the new pope. Yes, I know that as a Catholic you don't pick and choose which popes you like, and I don't mean to be disrespectful. But I'm not Catholic and I say that I miss John Paul II.


The Devil's Advocate
Scott1 said:
Oh I'm always a Catholic.... just not a member of the Church... but I know what you mean... never thould you'd see the day, huh? :eek:
Well, I'm nitpicking now but if the Church is the body of Christ, then you are always part of the Church. :)


Veteran Member
Scott1 said:
.....................................> JOSEPH CARDINAL RATZINGER. :eek:

It's okay, I've never really been found of him. No offense, but I think he looks like a devil. :eek:

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin

You know you have my support and prayers in what must be a difficult time. I think you're wrong about the priesthood (though I very much doubt for same reasons that you heard from the RCC) but that you are clearly right with regards to what the role of the Pope of Rome ought to be. I doubt either of those opinions are a surprise o anyone here, though, you least of all. May our Lord keep you and guide you.



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Scott, my first reaction was shock and concern for you; such a step must be an extreme one.

Reading through this thread though, my reactions turned to recognising that you are going through a change - which you have obviously thought about carefully, and that you believe that you are being directed; I am sure that you are (as you have indicated), acting according to your conscience.

My only immediate thought is that I hope your thoughts do not seed into doubts for other Roman Catholics here.

Personally, I can fully sympathise with the reasons you have given for not feeling 100% Roan Catholic, and (if it helps) those too have been some of my concerns about that faith.

I wish you all the joy in the world, knowing that you are still comitted to the same God, and that you are going through a spiritual 'growth' which hopefully will allow you to feel far more "Comfortable". I do have some idea of how hard this must have been for you, and I echo Phil's comment about admiring your spiritual integrity.

I sincerely hope that this change (which is obviously right for you) will bring you great Joy; as I said, you are obviously in a period of spiritual growth, and if that is the path you are taking, I am sure that it is the right one for you.:)


Well-Known Member
i have to say, congrats to you scott--leaving the church (not the catholic for me but the church as a denominational standard) for me was the best thing i could have done--i learned alot without and what to expect within


Religious Zionist
man, i saw the title to this thread and was shocked!

resolving one's personal outlooks with a particular institution of faith can be difficult Scott. I pray that you find peace and happiness in whatever spiritual path G-d leads you...

but, hey, you can always come home to Torah, brother;) :D