So because our forefathers conquered the land we live in, we can't complain about illegal immigration? Seriously?
Which is not what I said! First, I want some recognition of the fact that North America and Australia are not white native territories. I think most people are vaguely familiar with aboriginal inhabitants that have been displaced, exterminated or marginalized on reservations; but they create the theme of Manifest Destiny, wherein conquerors of a land who view themselves as moral people, find some religious justification combined with denigration of the native inhabitants, to justify their conquest. This is true in North America, South America, Australia, as well as Israel and South Africa. They all come up with founding myths that put God on their side; telling them that it's their land and God wants them to clear out any interlopers who happen to be in the way.
Viewed from the point of view of the conquered, the European Age of Exploration could be viewed as a swarm of locusts, who overpopulated their own nations at the time, and could no longer grow enough food to provide an adequate living at the time. But, they did manage to come up with a few inventions that made it possible to explore and conquer some less heavily populated lands....muskets, cannons, and sailing ships which had the most sophisticated riggings and navigation systems of the time. And, after colonizing much of the world, the Europeans, and then the Americans, created a system of economic colonization beginning with England in the 1880's, where private interests backed up with naval force would guarantee the flow of grain and other natural resources to Europe and America.
Even back at the start of the conquest, many of the aboriginal leaders who were amazed by tall ships and guns, knew there was something out of balance about the way of life that these white visitors were trying to impose on them, and on the land. And now that we live in a time when the chickens are coming home to roost, we can see that our myth of cultural superiority and progress, has led to the rampant exploitation of the environment and natural resources. Now that we are running out of pristine land and renewable and non-renewable resources, hindsight can fill us with regret that we did not heed these voices for moderation and respect for the land....or it might just fill some with denial, as they keep ramping up the exploitation of dirtier forms of energy to drive the world to the brink of extinction......but that's getting on another topic!
And now we may be staring WWIII in the face because China and India are reaching a level where they want to get in on the economic colonization game.....but, that's also another story to deal with later...maybe.
Okay! So, where do we go now? My first problem with bashing illegal immigrants, is that they are mostly here because they are being driven off the land because they are in the way of one or another corporation that wants to do some mining or buy up vast tracks of land for commercial agriculture. I recall a study done a few years ago which found that 60% of the illegal immigrants coming across the U.S. border from Mexico, were originally from Central America or South American countries like Equador and Columbia. And then there is the business angle to exploiting illegal workers. Very little of what I witnessed online from all of the "Minutemen" and similar groups claiming to be protecting the borders, even mentioned the fact that their own businesses were seeking out illegals to work for them.....then again, maybe that's because so many of these immigration activists themselves are exploiting illegals as slave work for them as domestic help, or landscapers etc..
And, when anti-illegals let their hair down on the right wing forums, the all-pervasive message is that they hate everyone who is not white and not Christian. The word "illegal" is used as a mask to cover their real feelings about others! They don't want illegals, and they don't want any legal immigration either....unless they are the right colour and the right religion!
For my own perspective, I was more inclined to be anti-immigrant when I was living in a mostly white suburb, and my views started changing a little over 10 years ago, when I moved to a smaller city that is a melting pot of different races, religions and ethnicities. For example, whatever you think about Jamaicans...or Muslims, to name two examples, will likely change a bit if you are living among them, and get to know some of them on a personal level. Objectification of enemies (like immigrants) is much more easily accomplished when you live a separate life, in your own white community, and only see immigrants as strangers passing you on the street when you have to go to some downtown area.
And finally; looking into the future....when I look at the state this world is heading in to, I can see a time coming when there will be human waves fleeing from wars, droughts and other causes of famine around the world. The CIA, as a matter of fact, has been predicting similar trends on a more limited scale for at least the last 10 years. And, that might be the end of any open-door acceptance of immigration. It could end up as a matter of survival in the coming decades. But, this is a different angle than the traditional reasons to be against immigration.