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No proof of god.

i'm not a fan of isms. and to halycon, i got that information from einstiens theory of relativity, string theory, and several other concepts in physics. gravity is a byproduct of matter. without matter, gravity does not exist. As i said, without matter or energy, nothing can exist. you need energy in one form or another or else nothing exists.

As for the size of the universe, please study physics and come back to me.

The edge of the unverse is when there is no more matter.


Premium Member
Some of us don't need "tangible". :)

I understand that everyone has to find their own beliefs (or non-beliefs). What I never understood is why we believing in God would bother or even interest certain people. We have a right to believe and you have a right not to believe. It is almost like proselytizing, if an atheist can proselytize. ;)


I wnat to know why people believe in god other than their "feelings" they get while praying... somethign a little more tangible would be useful.

i am usually not attaracted to such kind of threads , but you succeded to attract me with your username :D
as you are an egyptian ,i suggest watching " The lost treasure " programm by the muslim preacher mostafa hosni daily on Iqraa channel...only three episodes are left..but you may find the previous episodes somewhere on the internet...

the program is all about how to see god..not with our eyes..but with the eyes of the heart...that Allah is apparent in everything around us ..not by himself...but by his attributes...

And welcome to the forum...


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
There is countless proof there is no god. Even the greatest mind of our time, stephen hawkings (and countless others like eisntien and richard dawkings) know god does not exist. It is a myth just like faries (which some people in the UK believe exist).

So there is plenty of evidence supporting evolution and the big bang. Please provide me with a shread of evidence god DOES exist

- former christian

Edit: There is nothing saying there is no god... but no evidence supporting god either. i'm looking for evidence supporting god.

You seem to be contradicting yourself. So, do you think there is or there is not evidence against the existence of god(s)?
i am usually not attaracted to such kind of threads , but you succeded to attract me with your username :D
as you are an egyptian ,i suggest watching " The lost treasure " programm by the muslim preacher mostafa hosni daily on Iqraa channel...only three episodes are left..but you may find the previous episodes somewhere on the internet...

the program is all about how to see god..not with our eyes..but with the eyes of the heart...that Allah is apparent in everything around us ..not by himself...but by his attributes...

And welcome to the forum...

well, thats a good notion maro.:cool:
I wnat to know why people believe in god other than their "feelings" they get while praying... somethign a little more tangible would be useful.

I'll say it again, because believers find triumph in God, rather than getting confused like you...when you believe in God you will find a solution for every single 'WHY' in life.

if you limited your thoughts to everything that is 'tangible', this means you have chosen to live like a machine...no feelings.

and...i can see that you are repeatedly mentioning universe, matter, space..etc...

Try something else, look closer, look at yourself...maybe you could observe the greatness of your creation, thus the greatness of your creator.


Well I would know a man had to build it because scientifically speaking, a building of that form and structure cannot naturally form unless enviornmental factors caused the building to form that way. Do you understand what i'm saying? I would believe the envirnment would create such a building if there was evidence which gave proof it formed naturally.

And I would say I am a confused athiest/former thiest who almost wanted to devote himself to priesthood.

Edit: Actually rather than a confused athiest, i'll say this... I am an Athiest who is not sure why so many people in this world believe in this being "god" when there is so much scientific evidence supporting the big bang and evolution... could god have been a result of the big bang? What is god? is he matter? energy? Einstiens theory of relativity basically states that everything must be energy in one form or another.
i'm not a fan of isms. and to halycon, i got that information from einstiens theory of relativity, string theory, and several other concepts in physics. gravity is a byproduct of matter. without matter, gravity does not exist. As i said, without matter or energy, nothing can exist. you need energy in one form or another or else nothing exists.

As for the size of the universe, please study physics and come back to me.

The edge of the unverse is when there is no more matter.

First of all, welcome to the forums :)

Second, please revise your physics information, cuz some of that u provided are not accurate enough :)

Second, I dont see how the Big Bang and evolution deny the existance of God..I mean, from an Islamic percpective, Big bang actually supports the existance of our islamic God (which is pretty much the same God for christianity and judaism, theoritically at least:rolleyes:)..

Moreover, big bang and evolution are still mere theories with no enough proofs to make them final ones, even if they were the most acceptable theories so far.

I tend to feel that "no physical proofs for either claims exist" is true...I can list u as many evidences as you want to support my claim, and that would be a really long thread :)...Though, an athiest would still find out ways to reply, and the loop will go on forever until either parties becomes convinced.




I'll say it again, because believers find triumph in God, rather than getting confused like you...when you believe in God you will find a solution for every single 'WHY' in life.

if you limited your thoughts to everything that is 'tangible', this means you have chosen to live like a machine...no feelings.

and...i can see that you are repeatedly mentioning universe, matter, space..etc...

Try something else, look closer, look at yourself...maybe you could observe the greatness of your creation, thus the greatness of your creator.

I second that :)


Well-Known Member
Actually, you need to define exactly what god concept you are trying to prove, as there are many. It is not the job of disbelievers to disprove all god concepts, and usually god-believers believe as a matter of faith, not proof.


Well-Known Member
i am usually not attaracted to such kind of threads , but you succeded to attract me with your username :D
as you are an egyptian ,i suggest watching " The lost treasure " programm by the muslim preacher mostafa hosni daily on Iqraa channel...only three episodes are left..but you may find the previous episodes somewhere on the internet...

the program is all about how to see god..not with our eyes..but with the eyes of the heart...that Allah is apparent in everything around us ..not by himself...but by his attributes...

And welcome to the forum...

This kid is not being indoctrinated?


Hes making his own choice about which god to follow...

I could totally add a single caption: "Indoctrination starts early" and add it to my sig.

In response to the thread...

There is no proof for or against god... many are conditioned to believe such exists.... markedly the trend is falling out of style in my country espcially with the younger folk.

Religion has many good points but is a tool of control we cant allow people to wield so bluntly... it has been used to justify ripping out tongues, flying planes into buildings and obvious for murder and torture...

Granted they have some great charity programs but I think those would do better as secular organizations...

And thats my opinion.

No god. No need for god. Superstition. Anyone who wants me to change anything because of religion or that I need religion to be moral is a liar. ;)



Just me
Premium Member
This kid is not being indoctrinated?


Hes making his own choice about which god to follow...
He is not "following a God" by performing those actions. Or any actions. It's only "following" if there is someone in the lead. If anything, he is following his father in ritual.

It's no more odd than following his father in learning the ritual of placing the shaving cream on the left hand side of the sink.


Well-Known Member
He is not "following a God" by performing those actions. Or any actions. It's only "following" if there is someone in the lead. If anything, he is following his father in ritual.

It's no more odd than following his father in learning the ritual of placing the shaving cream on the left hand side of the sink.

Seriously? You dont think hes being indoctrinated? Do you know what indoctrination is?

I was one who never had a dad. I grew up with a single mom who worked her tail off to raise three kids. My dad went to war and died, My sisters dad died when I was 2 and my brothers dad... we wont even get into it.

Ya know what my mom indoctrinated me into. To think for myself. To take care of myself and to not blame others for my problems.

This is BS if you dont think that kid is not gonna grow up to be muslim. He would always feel like something was missing or be wrong or like he is disappointing his dad. A real world guilt that may cause him to act and behave in a certain manner.

The same stuff happens in america.

Your canadian... whatever... did you see jesus camp? Whether its wrong or not I guess depends on the religion.

Your argument seems to be no matter what the father does the kids gonna be indoctrinated... but indoctrinated into a religion and to always put your shaving cream on the left seem like extremely different and unrelated events and I cant grasp why your trying to tie these together?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you should work on your reading comprehension. I've never suggested either proposition. :slap:

I'm gonna make a thread where I just post my replies and your responses... I get you dont like me but why accuse me of being pompous.... ohhh right... yeah.

Listen if your want to say something be clear. You cant complain about reading comprehension when you post one sentence quips in reply to multiple paragraphs of text.

Always remember RF is a conglomerate of many people... try to be respectful and clear when you attempt to respond. If you want to be clever and somehow insult me then do so in a way I can more clearly respond too. Even better try to make your ad homs more out in the open so everyone can see them and just ignore them.

If this isnt an ad hom then speak up. I'm awaiting with bated breath.