Dirty Penguin
Master Of Ceremony
So all the astounding complexity of life occurs because of... the environment?
A small bird can migrate thousands of miles unerringly to a nesting site because the environment caused this?
What, so now you actually agree with us? Why would you find it odd that a bird could do this? Your very own flood story says that the biblical Noah and his family entered the boat with animals two by two Male/Female after some time, on a mountain, everyone and everything exited the boat. Now you have to reconcile how all the different animals got to their new homes after the flood waters receded. How did the kangaroo, the polar bear, the brown and black bear or the penguin get to their homes after they were let out of the ark? Surly Noah wasn't a taxi cab driver or some sort of tour bus service dropping everyone off at their destinations.
I find your questions kind of childish. You, on the one hand, question how the various species migrate but on the other hand can't account for what would seemingly be a mass exodus of animals from a central area after said flood.
Owls can fly virtually soundlessly because the environment selected them to do this? I could go on and on.
Yes you can go on and on and your questioning still would not make any sense. Most birds that do not have to constantly flap their wings are stealthy or silent fliers. This works to their atvantage when stalking prey, flying long distance and/or preserving energy. Some smaller birds that constantly flap their wings will make frequent stops, they may not fly as high as other birds or as far of a distance.
As to people who believe in Creation (I am NOT a creationist in the sense I don't believe that God created the earth in 6 24-hour days 6,000 years ago) not believing creation happened without a cause, that's simply not true. We believe God created the heavens and the earth, as Genesis 1:1 confirms.
Regardless of what type of creationist you are you show a great ineptitude for the understanding of evolution. I know you've been told this over and over and over that Evolution is NOT Abiogenisis. Evolution is change in a living species over time. It does not address the origin of life.