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Not a sin anymore???


Veteran Member
Of course Jesus is the ultimate genius... He has all knowledge. All we ever see is the tip of the iceberg, part of the elephant, we will never have the full picture of truth in this life.
Paul was a genius in understanding the Torah in light of the revelation Jesus brought to it. Try reading "Paul and the faithfulness of God."
By N.T Wright
If you understand even half of it you should get some sense of how deep Paul was.
Paul was a follower. And many conservatives Christians follow the follower, not the leader. It;s almost as if Jesus was so much a genius that the average Christian isn't capable of understanding him, so follow Paul's dumbed down ideas.

Truth in love

Well-Known Member
Why him and not another?

He is the current prophet/president of the church. He was the senior Apostles when the past president passed away. He will serve for the rest of his life. (Not sure how long that will be he is in great shape for his age).

Any major changes can be communicated through him. Just like Moses in his day or Peter in the years after Christ.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I do believe Paul was quite intelligent, but I think there is a common misunderstanding most modern-day Christians have as Paul used hyperbole [dichotomies] and symbolic speech that defy literalism, such as Christ being the sacrifice that forgives sins. Symbolically, that's "kosher", but literalistically [new word?] it makes no sense since the Tanakh cites animal and grain sacrifices at the Temple whereas human sacrifices were not allowed. There are also some other issues like this.

I think most Jews back then likely knew what he meant, so it wasn't really much of an issue in the early Church.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
He is the current prophet/president of the church. He was the senior Apostles when the past president passed away. He will serve for the rest of his life. (Not sure how long that will be he is in great shape for his age).

Any major changes can be communicated through him. Just like Moses in his day or Peter in the years after Christ.

But that seems only important for those who ascribe to your particular sect of Christianity. Shouldn't god be communicating his word to everyone?

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
The message is widely available. No one is forced to listen, but all are invited. It is very much for everyone.

But your reasons for him being a prophet are entirely tied to the fact that he has served in your particular church, with its own particular history, culture, and mores. There's nothing there that proves he is a prophet any more than Bob down the street, or myself, or you.

The creator of all mankind, who would have us follow his rules, would be highly ineffective to only communicate through a single man representing a sect in a single religion. Especially since he ought to know the human race is incredibly diverse and not everyone has easy access to the communication necessary.

Truth in love

Well-Known Member
But your reasons for him being a prophet are entirely tied to the fact that he has served in your particular church, with its own particular history, culture, and mores. There's nothing there that proves he is a prophet any more than Bob down the street, or myself, or you.

The creator of all mankind, who would have us follow his rules, would be highly ineffective to only communicate through a single man representing a sect in a single religion. Especially since he ought to know the human race is incredibly diverse and not everyone has easy access to the communication necessary.

It’s Gods call not mine. If people want to know for sure from God they are all encouraged to find out.

The alternative of not having a set point of communication is mass confusion.


Celibacy, sure, but most likely no change in their inclinations.
Although, the scriptures indicate that when a person is born again, regenerated and becomes a new creation in Christ all things are made new. Old tendencies, inclinations, and wrong desires can be left behind and new godly ones replace them. Note the past tense phrase...

”And such WERE some of you. But you were washed..”

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11


It's not only possible that you are mistaken, I'm living proof that you are. Here's yet more of that self-confidence (arrogance?) - if a deity were out there desirous of being known, like millions of other contemplative unbelievers, I'd have found it. It either doesn't exist, or it is undetectable, and those claiming that they have detected a god are misinterpreting their spiritual intuitions. I have felt the same feeling, and as a Christian, interpreted it as the Holy Spirit. I still have spiritual experiences, but I understand them as originating from my mind like my sense of something being beautiful or delicious.
I don’t think you are living proof of anything, other than that you superficially tried the Christian religion. Trusting completely in Jesus Christ is more than an experience or a practice. It is a life transformation where one is regenerated to new eternal life in Christ; born from above. Old things have passed away. One who has been born again in Christ cannot be unborn. If you were truly a new creation in Christ... you still would be now and for eternity.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he isa new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17


This is not an argument, it is a set of claims, none of which believers can substantiate or support with facts.
It is not a argument or set of claims that I need to substantiate. It is an encouragement or challenge for you to go directly to God for substantiation.


No, it's a set of claims that you can't substaniate. That's a fact.

There are no gods known to exist, so this is another assertion that you don't substantiate with any evidence.
How do you know? If we live in the physical realm, but God is Spirit, how do you suggest one go about substantiating God with physical evidence? I am asserting that God as a spiritual Being
must substantiate Himself to you in a way you will comprehend. You must at least be willing to seek.


Veteran Member
How do you know?
Because i follow facts as a means to understanding. Facts is the basis of knowledge. Witout facts you have no knowledge. You make claims that are not based on facts, so there is no rational basis to accept what you say is true.

If we live in the physical realm.....
If? We do ive in a physical realm. That is a fact you experience every moment. But you're unsure?

....but God is Spirit....
That is what people claim, but no gods are known to exist outside of human imagination.

how do you suggest one go about substantiating God with physical evidence?
Stop making claims you can't back up.

I am asserting that God as a spiritual Being
must substantiate Himself to you in a way you will comprehend. You must at least be willing to seek.
That sounds a little suspicious. Any religious person can claim the same thing about their god. What we critical thinkers require is unambiguous evidence that is available to ordinary senses, and without special feelings or assumptions. Can you provide that? pretend we are in court, could you provide evidence of your god on a witness stand?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I do believe Paul was quite intelligent, but I think there is a common misunderstanding most modern-day Christians have as Paul used hyperbole [dichotomies] and symbolic speech that defy literalism, such as Christ being the sacrifice that forgives sins. Symbolically, that's "kosher", but literalistically [new word?] it makes no sense since the Tanakh cites animal and grain sacrifices at the Temple whereas human sacrifices were not allowed. There are also some other issues like this.

I think most Jews back then likely knew what he meant, so it wasn't really much of an issue in the early Church.
Jesus paid the ultimate price as explained in the Scriptures as the equivalent of Adam, enabling those with faith and works pertaining to Jesus and his Father to attain to everlasting life. Jesus was killed. His father accepted him as the one through whom salvation of the everlasting possibility (unlike that which the Law gave) could be attained.


Veteran Member
Jesus paid the ultimate price as explained in the Scriptures as the equivalent of Adam, enabling those with faith and works pertaining to Jesus and his Father to attain to everlasting life. Jesus was killed. His father accepted him as the one through whom salvation of the everlasting possibility (unlike that which the Law gave) could be attained.
So did Frodo. I'll bet more people cried over Frodo than Jesus.

There is no reason to take Bible stories literally.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
its not bestiality since he is only receiving?
That's as absurd as asking you if you call that particular Angel gay to his face. I very much doubt you would.
Beastiality, yeah, that I don't know. I think those taboos have widely been found, but I don't really know because that's not something I've really looked into.
Homosexuality though, that one I can definitely state is a recent idea in terms our species history.
Now, of course I've also known guys who share your views. And this leads us to ask who is right, and who is wrong. I probably have no less than at least 100 other things more important to worry about, so I don't really care about the issue. But there is no Law of Nature or universal practice or standard to say anyone is right or wrong.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Not to mention.....a bj is oral sex, it is sexual activity

of, relating to, or involving sexual activity between people of the same sex

Definition of HOMOSEXUAL
I can also say this black and white thinking complicated things when the origins of HIV was being traced. It's a lesson in being aware and careful when asking questions of those from a different culture.

We Never Know

No Slack
I can also say this black and white thinking complicated things when the origins of HIV was being traced. It's a lesson in being aware and careful when asking questions of those from a different culture.

"black and white thinking"?

I gave you a definition with link.

You seem to be the one black and white thinking. Its only ok if you agree. Yet at the same time you have prejudice and special pleading because you have been involved in what we are discussing.