That's true. And as I stated, I quite agree that hacking should be illegal. It's the nearly life sentence I have a problem with. Manning already spent more time in jail than anyone ever has for committing a similar crime, whereas no one has or will ever be sentenced for the Podesta leak. So claiming legal precedent is a little weird here. It's also different in that whistleblowing, again according to legal precedent, has long been considered a special category under the law with certain, albeit inconsistently applied, protections. I know of no such precedents for clemency in matters of attempted political sabotage.
You're acting as though Manning is now "getting away scot free" rather than just having her sentence shortened. Even shortened, she's spent longer in jail than anyone ever has for a hacking case save Jeremy Hammond, and her full sentence would have trumped his too. So where is your legal precedent? I honestly think executive branch pressure had a lot to do with the unfair sentencing in the first place, so maybe Obama is trying to atone for some of his own sins in the last reel.