Hmm .... Mercy I am afraid I don't follow you. I think I get your gist, you're just trying to be humorous, right? Sorry for being dense. :sorry1:
No problem.
Yes, I made a humorous comeback to your remark: "When the same reasoning can be used to arrive at two different incompatible conclusions, you know there's something wrong with the reasoning." That immediately made me think of
Schrodinger's cat.
That is not what he has done. He has consistently reached over the aisle to taunt the other side.
In his proposals he always throws in raising the national debt which is exactly what the republicans are against. It is not about making people homeless and making the rich even more wealthy.
News flash: If that debt ceiling does not get raised, then our government may well shut down. That may be a wet dream for the Tea Party, but to those who have ANY sense of any kind, they just so happen to know that doing so could push the economy off the cliff. Failure on the Republicans' part to raise the debt ceiling is flat-out stupid.
And as I said to Kathryn, you can deny all you want the fact that Obama has consistently attempted compromise with the Republicans, at the progressive agenda's expense, but denial don't make it so.
When the right bawks and says "come back with a decent proposal by cutting programs the government has no business being in" the left gets up in arms saying "They want to take away your unemployment benefits!" when that is not true.
although, most of this idiocy is media driven because they want to create controversy.
The republicans who have rejects his backhanded "attempts" to "reach across the aisle" have been in the interest of the tremendous national debt which will cripple our country's ability to operate at all.
The government has to shrink. People should not be dependent upon government, the government should be dependent upon the people.
if you want to see real politics watch CSPAN and not Fox News or even worse, "The Daily Show." Holy hell i can't believe people watch that for their "News source"
If you think that the Republicans honestly want to reduce the deficit, then you need to seriously review everything they have done in the last ten years. Have you not forgotten that George W. Bush turned a multi-billion-dollar SURPLUS into a roughly $1.3-trillion deficit, that
Obama did NOTHING to generate? Why were the Republicans so silent then? Why have they flip-flopped into becoming militant deficit hawks? It seems that they despise funding programs that will potentially help people find jobs, improve infrastructure, or simply put food on the table; but when it comes to guns, bombs, and war, not to mention tax cuts for the rich, they have absolutely no problem with the deficit!
I just don't get it, madhatter. The hypocrisy from the Right on this matter is baffling.
I'm not saying that he hasn't made symbolic gestures, or done some political grandstanding - he is, after all, first and foremost a lawyer, and knows very well how to stick to the letter of the law while straying far from the spirit of the law.
His ATTITUDE toward who he perceives as his opposition has been incredibly divisive, and in my opinion haughty and even immature.
The man simply doesn't have a grasp of what constitutes appropriate and inspiring leadership.
With all due respect, comments such as these serve to confirm that Democrats have no business attempting to compromise with the Republicans, until the day comes in January that we have to start doing so.
Much as I'm sure you hate him, Keith Olbermann nailed it in one of his criticisms of Obama: The Right hates him so much, that no matter how much he compromises or not, the noise of that hate will be the same. Had Obama understood that, he should have realized that he might as well just go for broke and pass the most progressive legislation in decades.
If we ever want to lower the unemployment rate in this country, we have got to quit sending these people checks for doing nothing.
Yet another Republican lie. God, do you people ever THINK about the lies you're being spoonfed? How can potentially lowering the number of job seekers, and definitely not decreasing the number of jobs available, definitely lower the unemployment rate? It's Math 101, Rick! Has the right completely forgotten this?