unfortunately yes there has been, the ideas around redistribution of weath are based on the propensity to consume index of those making more than the "cost of living" People with more wealth need to spend that money to stimulate the economy. Most of them do just that. they form companies, they employ people to care for thier properties, and most of them donate thier money to charity.
Where are you getting your stats? I'd like to see the source that says most rich people spend money to stimulate the economy, or at least spend money proportional to the amount they make or have. I'd also like to see a source that says most of them donate to charity.
The Liberals think that wealthy persons do not spend thier money to stimulate the economy. This is rediculously false.
No, it's fairly true, unless you have some good source to prove otherwise. Sure, some rich people spend some money and help stimulate the economy, but so do many non-rich people. So what? The point is that rich people don't get a tax break and pump that money back into the economy. They don't say "Oh, cool, I have an extra $500,000 a year; I'll spend it on a new company that employs 10 new people".
Even if it were the government wants to punish frugality and force those who have done well for themselves to pay for some idiot to not work and do drugs. The Government does not have the right to dictate distribution of weath in the country.
It actually has exactly that right. As has been said, right now it's being distributed to the top 1.5% of the population. We just want it to be distributed better. Also, your nonsensical musings about punishing frugality and forcing those who have done well for themselves to pay for some idiot to not work and do drugs is just plain ridiculous. If you have valid views on things that are based on facts, let's discuss them. If you're going to spout off emotionally-charge nonsense like that with no basis in reality, you should find someone on your level, like a 5-year-old.