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Obama on the skids -- at home and abroad


Well-Known Member
Sure remove incentive, That will help.........NOT. :facepalm:

It would remove greed, not incentive.

Besides, even it did remove incentive, people have to eat right? You have to make money somehow. There will always be people who want to work at the top, we don't need to pay them 1000 times more than the average employee to attract them. However, there will be no incentive to use sweatshops or build massive corporations, it would benefit small businesses the most and it would really only hurt major corporations and people in the top 10 or 20 percent wealth range.

Successful people aren't driven by money, they are driven by power and status.
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Truth Seeker
Obama dazzled the electorate with his silver tongue. What a brilliant orator, they said. Then, some naysayers began doing fact checks on his speeches. For years they were posted on the internet showing so many lies that some thought it was a conspiracy. Maybe it's Republican dirty tricks!

Then came Obamacare, now its out in the open. The electorate has become educated, Obama, the President of the United States, is a notorious liar.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
It would remove greed, not incentive.

Besides, even it did remove incentive, people have to eat right? You have to make money somehow. There will always be people who want to work at the top, we don't need to pay them 1000 times more than the average employee to attract them. However, there will be no incentive to use sweatshops or build massive corporations, it would benefit small businesses the most and it would really only hurt major corporations and people in the top 10 or 20 percent wealth range.

Successful people aren't driven by money, they are driven by power and status.

Pay on the upper level is about results. Most of the players already have money, power and status. They don't have to work. If you want the best of the best you have to make it worth their while.

If a rain maker can turn your company around and instill confidence with investors, even bring investors on board and get everyone where they want to be they get a great big bonus.

What is so hard to understand? When you need a job, you don't negotiate from a position of power. If just about anyone can do what you do, you are easily replaceable and worth even less.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
You don't have to be a big CEO to negotiate well. If you already have a job and are wanted by someone else, your going to make more money. You could be a tile layer, but the absolute best with plenty of business, your gonna charge what the market will bear.

Think about it, you are building a home with 6 bathrooms and spending 10's of thousands on materials and will have to look at this tile for 30 years. You should be willing to pay more for excellence. Some of these guys are artists. They make your house worth more and worth additional money.

Now, the same person has no work, the economy is in the toliet, they don't negotiate from strength and have to settle for less.


Active Member
I've been looking for barometers about what people think about our President, primarily about their level of trust in him. I haven't found anything definitive -- just one article that says people increasingly don't believe his hype about a supposed "recovery":

Dec. 16, 2013, 6:30 a.m. EST
Do you trust the November jobs report?
Opinion: The employment picture is much worse than it seems
By Wayne Allyn Root


"...Even if we assume the 7% November unemployment number is accurate, why is everyone ignoring the government’s own 13.2% rate of unemployment combined with underemployment” It’s a statistic that most experts agree is the more accurate picture of true unemployment .

"And even if more than 200,000 new jobs were created in November, why aren’t we talking about what kind of jobs those are?

"Economist and author John Lott reported recently that 96% of the jobs created since January are crummy part-time jobs.

"Billionaire businessman and publisher Mort Zuckerman disagrees . He says 88% of the jobs created this year under Obama are crummy part-time jobs. No matter which figure you believe, the “recovery” is a mirage. This economy is only doing well if you want a job at McDonald’s.

"Even worse for taxpayers, of the few full-time jobs created, almost half are government jobs ..."

-- Do you trust the November jobs report? - Outside the Box - MarketWatch

No society can sustain itself where people no longer trust one another. A businessman & preacher friend of mine once said,

"You can make any kind of mistake in business, and still succeed -- any mistake, that is, except breach of trust."

Committing that sin is a recipe for disaster, and that is the sin I believe the Obama Administration has been guilty of -- with the American people, and with leaders around the world. That's what Watergate was all about, and it led to President Nixon's resignation. Nixon lied about spying on his political opponents; Obama has been lying about spying on EVERYONE, and much more. Bush 41 said "Read my lips -- No more taxes." When he went back on his word, the country dumped him. How much does BO think he can get away with? I know he's lying, the minute he moves his lips!

As I said, I just like seeing that the law of gravity still works.


Active Member
Obama Job Approval Falls Below 40, Worse Than Bush At Same Point in Presidency
Conn Carroll | Dec 26, 2013

-- Obama Job Approval Falls Below 40, Worse Than Bush At Same Point in Presidency - Conn Carroll

He still hasn't found the bottom. I wonder how his golf game is doing?




Active Member
Saudis lament, 'we have been stabbed in the back by Obama'
By Richard Miniter
Published December 27, 2013

Arabs don’t trust Obama either.

'As 2013 ends, President Obama has lost credibility with many people who trusted him at the start of the year. Thanks to the Healthcare.gov debacle, polls find support for the president among women and independents has dropped to the lowest ebb of his presidency. Obama's words -- promising Americans they could keep their doctors under his health care plan -- didn’t match his deeds...

“The bond of trust between America and Saudi Arabia has been broken in the Obama years," al-Ibrahim said. "We feel we have been stabbed in the back by Obama."

"Every time that Obama had to choose between his enemies and his friends, he always chose his enemies," he said. "We don't know what he's putting in his tea."...'

-- Saudis lament, 'we have been stabbed in the back by Obama' | Fox News

This seems to be a hole that only gets deeper. Anyone who has followed American foreign policy for the past 70 years, knows that if the Saudis are offended like this, EVERYONE is -- it's hard to imagine the image of America sinking much lower. The Israelis no longer trust the US President; and now, there isn't even a single Arab country that does. I find it hard to imagine, that Obama can be this stupid. It's much easier to think that he simply thinks WE'RE stupid; and by "we", I mean the whole world except Barack Hussein Obama.


Bush did just as much to hurt the reputation of the US abroad as Obama has. The fact is, it doesn't matter whether it's a conservative, 'liberal', Republican, or Democrat, they're all after one thing: power. America needs to get over it's imperialist ideas, and get along with everyone else.

Personally, I think we need to be more objective instead of religious in our relationship with Israel, and I think we just need to leave Saudi Arabia alone.

Politics is a power play, and useful for nothing.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Right now we are seeing an anger whereas the average American voter is pretty much saying "A pox on both your houses!". However, there's absolutely no doubt that Obama and staff has hurt themselves as well, and losing peoples' trust is very hard to recover from.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I think you got this wrong.....
His speech at Nelson Mandela's memorial (a couple of days ago) was the most popular of all, and, as usual, impressed most of the world.

Most Brits that I talk with think he's one of the best Presidents you've ever had. You'll be sad when he's no longer the President. Well, maybe not you, eh? :)

Which Presidents do you think of as having been more worthy than President Obama?

And in most locations worldwide, what you say is true even though he has slipped fairly significantly, according to recent polls. But you see, "the Haters" don't want to see it that way simply because they don't want to see it that way.

BTW, just to be clear, there are "the Haters" on both sides of the aisle.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
It seems to me that people who go around calling others "stupid" should maybe consider looking more deeply into their own intellect and morality. Seems to me that even in elementary school and with our religious instruction that we were told not to call people names as that was just a form of bullying.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
And in most locations worldwide, what you say is true even though he has slipped fairly significantly, according to recent polls. But you see, "the Haters" don't want to see it that way simply because they don't want to see it that way.
BTW, just to be clear, there are "the Haters" on both sides of the aisle.
Obama's approval is down, but it's unseemly for the opposition to gloat over it.
It's too snarky gossipy...even for me.
I'll continue to rail against his agenda, but if I get too snippy, be sure to call me on it.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Obama's approval is down, but it's unseemly for the opposition to gloat over it.
It's too snarky gossipy...even for me.
I'll continue to rail against his agenda, but if I get too snippy, be sure to call me on it.

OK, but I'm never "snippy", so I can't really relate to that. ;)

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Obama's approval is down, but it's unseemly for the opposition to gloat over it.
It's too snarky gossipy...even for me.
I'll continue to rail against his agenda, but if I get too snippy, be sure to call me on it.
I don't want to gloat, but I can't help but grin. :D