Republican voters are more likely to deny evolution, believe in a human virgin birth and a dead guy coming back to life, and that Jesus probably or definitely will return during their life time. And be more likely to support military intervention.
I notice that many here focus upon minor differences between groups,
& paint themselves as the smarter & better group. The other side becomes
dumb & evil. All candidates then become one extreme or the other.
This blinds them to nuance & shared traits. Any discussion of it is met with
quick cries of "False equivalence!".
Examining these groups, I'm entirely unimpressed with both Dems & Pubs.
Take a look at Kennedy's, Johnson's & Nixon's records on the Viet Nam war.
The party of war considers itself the party of peace, & doesn't face its
own candidates being pro-war. Just look at the Democratic Party now....
....the hawk is being anointed without serious opposition.