This smacks of mere partisan bigotry. When Obama, Biden & McCain were completely lacking in any business or managerial experience whatsoever, it is shallow to simply dismiss Palin, who at least has run a sizable organization in her career. As we now see, Obama was also completely unprepared
for a job as demanding as prez.
If you say so. I still stand by my claims. That Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, among others, turn out to be significant names in the current American Politics scene says a lot about how hard it is to make the current system work without menacing itself.
This was knowable beforehand, but voters are simply charmed by the candidate with the biggest promises & gift of gab, albeit teleprompter & speech writer dependent. And what of foot-in-mouth Biden? Do you honestly believe that he is more presidential than Palin?
Heck, I am more presidential than Palin.
America is just a junior high school writ large.
Apparently so.