But with practically no evidence to support the Bible, how can you say it is objective? We have no evidence of a global flood, we know various cultures separated by great oceans have independently developed their own languages, we know once biological functioning has ceased that even bones do not stand much of a chance to last and decay occurs very rapidly, we know there is no evidence for the Exodus, and we know that certain psychedelic drugs and mental disorders can cause what most would call a religious experience. We know that when prayer is put to the test it doesn't work, we know that genetic mutations can eventually give rise to new species, we know the earth is billions of years old (but that is a very weak argument since the Bible not once states the age of the earth or universe), and we know today (actually the ancient Greeks knew this) the earth is not flat or fixed in it's position. We know having sex with a woman who is on her period is not any less sanitary than when she is not menstruating and she is far from unclean, we have a general mutual agreement that people should not be bought with money, the fossil record does not agree with Genesis on what life forms came first and then later (another weak point I'll admit), and we know the book of Revelations was probably not prophecy but a coded message to Christians and churches of that era. We also know, largely due to haste and threat of a death sentence, as well as people who weren't as good as they thought, the English Bible is a very terrible translation. We know that a Caucasian with the name of Jesus is VERY out of place for the time and setting (this one depends on individuals and their specific denominations), we know the Arc was just too small for two of every species on this planet (not to mention how dinosaurs entirely discredit this story) and not only that but not every species can survive the Middle Eastern environment, we know seeing a flash of light and hearing a voice is an extremely strong indication of schizophrenia or some form of psychosis, and depending on your denomination we know there is absolutely no way that Native Americans came from Israel.
This my friend is what we with scientifically inclined minds call objective and critical thinking. Religion is entirely subjective, and often based on primitive (although not always inaccurate) interpretations of the world. Even today many people believe in a just world, or Karma, or divine judgement, or whatever you want to call it, even though an honest and subjective analysis of the earth does not support this, but rather anyone who does not close their eyes will see there is much uncertainty in our lives, and indeed the entire planet, and bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. A truly objective observation will only reveal there is no such thing as a cosmic force of justice.