We are Gods according to christ. We are also Christ according to Christ.
Divination as throwing x thing or reading y other is just a way into tap to our inherent knowledge.
When you are one with God, you get forknowledge.
As student X put it, """ocultism""" is only such when the """occultist""" is a bad person.
For starters, unless you only care about power or some silly thing like that there is little reason to make this things remain occult. There are a lot of books about this subject that anyone can buy, so it is not an "occult" knowledge anymore anyways, so the term "occultism" is completely unfitting unless we define it as a person that doesn´t will to share it´s divine knowledge with others who would be able to learn it and use it properly and with responsability.
I don't think I can discuss this further with you because I do not hold the perspective that "we are gods" and definitely believe this to be a deception one would believe when involved with occult practices and therefore listening to and accepting doctrines of demons.
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons...1 Tim. 4:1