I did not mention Judaism. I mentioned the OT and Israel.
If you do not realize that the OT and Israel deal with Judaism please tell me. I cannot spend time talking about something that you apparently do not understand.
Jesus preached God's Word.
Prove it. Sorry, but the bible does not count as an accurate source, and it is not the words of Jesus anyways. I do believe that Christ was an enlightened person, which you will find is extremely rare among people like me. However, the NT is a quite obviously corrupted work on the teachings of Christ. So much in there is blasphemous against the Jewish God (Christ's god, little history lesson) that it is insulting that people even believe it is of the same deity. Not to mention that Christ was supposedly a Rabbi, he would never claim to be the messiah or son of God in any way that Christianity teaches he does, unless he was an imbecile who did not understand his own religion. I refuse to believe that, but you are welcome to.
The above list of scriptures do not indicate occultism at all, nor is Christianity based on occult practices. These verses describe what takes place in the life of one who places their faith in the Person of Jesus Christ. Occultism involves ones faith in the method, ritual, or technique they perform and the subsequent experience.
No, the scripture I provided indicate mysticism, which is intertwined with occultism. They are both seeking answers to the unknown. I must laugh though, that you call yourself Christian but seem to think there is no method, ritual, and technique involved in your religion. I suppose you have never been to Church. The rituals of Christianity are
extremely occult in nature because Christianity itself was similar to the mystery religions. There is initiation (baptism), confirmations, preaching, rituals, prayer / magick / meditation (these are the same for the most part), etc. I do not even know of any legitimate Satanic occult organizations who literally eat the flesh and drink the blood of another human being. You are calling these other groups evil when your religion has some of the most questionable rituals I've ever researched in all my years of studying occultism.
God has revealed His truth, wisdom, and spiritual realities to His creation. Information and realities that humanity otherwise apart from His revelation cannot understand. Seeking to know spiritual matters or have spiritual experiences on our own or through our own methods, which open the way for demonic deception, is occultism.
Jesus said that God is in us. This means that we
can know God through our own methods, as long as we are spiritually enlightened enough to do so and to understand. You also came in with this silly demon stuff again. Judaism, the religion Jesus followed and Christianity originally comes from, does not hold this idea that God is only part of the whole. We believe God
is the whole, and is perfect and balanced, not flawed and chaotically lost in the realm of all lovingness. If you are into the Bible, I would suggest reading the OT for what it actually meant before Christianity changed all the meanings.
God dwelling in the life of a believer may sound mystical to a non-believer, but it is simply a reality revealed by God.
Well, I believe in a much deeper, more personal God who I can have a personal connection with and who is within me and all things. You may believe in whichever idea of God you want, it does not affect me. But, this discussion cannot continue between us. My idea of God, as described through all holy works, is extremely complex and meaningful. You are right, why you would devote yourself to following an imperfect, unbalanced God down a simple black and white spiritual path will never be understood by me.