The word worship is a tricky one. I worship Set in the sense that I honor Him above all others, and Work with and collaborate with Him. And at times during Ritual Workings I do kneel before the Altar of Set. But each Setian develops their own unique relationship with the Prince of Darkness. By kneeling before the Majesty of Set I am not surrendering my Self, but rather I do it in honor of That which infused within me the greatest Gift - the Flame of Everlasting Being. And btw I am not the only Setian who does this. I have participated in my share of group Workings with other Setians and have witnessed members of the Priesthood kneeling before the Altar during the overwhelming and energizing presence of Set upon a successful activation of the Magical Link.
This is the part that I do not understand..and I will be the first to admit that I am far from understanding everything..I do not kneel before the altar of anything or anyone. Entities (human or otherwise) that I collaborate with I do not kneel to. I do not worship, or attempt to merge or harmonize myself with any being outside of myself. The LHP to me is a path of psyche centered growth and (hopefully) expansion. To whom did Set bow? To whom did Satan bow? To whom did Lucifer bow? Whether these beings actually exist or not they can offer an example of what it is to walk the LHP. This does not mean (in my opinion) that the black magician should worship, or kneel at the altar of these beings. To say a black magician kneels at an altar....that just seems like quite a contradiction.