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On having voices in your head.


Well-Known Member
Atropine KNOWS the voices are people. You're the one who doesn't know.

You didn't read this dialogue with atropine very well did you ?

I'll post it again...
Originally Posted by apophenia
Our brains create an identity, the 'illusion' which is the main subject matter of the dharmic religions/philosophies. You are telling us that your brain creates more than one identity. That's fine, some people have six fingers. The neural networks in your brain work in an atypical fashion. You have the illusion of a group whereas most of us have the illusion of a consistent individual, even though our personalities are in fact context dependent to a large degree.
Originally Posted by atropine
As good of an explanation as any! :)
I repeat ...Seems you have no idea about what the person who started this thread actually thinks. Atropine has an experience which is 'as if real'. He gets that. You don't.

This is made quite clear by the quotes from our conversation.

Originally Posted by Super Universe
The brain does not create identity, it projects it. It's a biological television set, that's all.
Projects it ? So a TV projects its content ?

You don't even understand your own metaphors.

I KNOW the voices aren't people.:p That was made clear to me by an all-pervasive Cosmic Intelligence who will prove its existence in 2095.

Prove me wrong. :)
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Well Super-universe, I have to say that i side with apophenia on this one. What atropine was suffering from was clearly a mental illness. It takes one to know one you might say. And having spent three of the last six years in mental hospitals i'll be darned if I haven't befriended a good number of mentally ill people too. Hearing voices is a number one category a symptom of mental illness. Depending on how long it has been going on for is the question of whether it is acute or chronic, psychosis or paranoid schizophrenia proper. He needs to see a psychiatrist, however i appreciate the fact that in america once you are 'sectioned', you are declared 'insane' and consequently written off forever. This is a serious situation, and one which should not be undertaken lightly.

So perhaps would recommend seeking out some kind of counsellor or alternative therapist before taking it to the shrinks. Who will prescribe long term heavy duty typical/a-typical medication have no doubt about that! Perhaps some Chinese medicine, I recommend Xiao yao wan (the happy pill), or other chinese sleepers to help relax the nerves. They seem to help me anyway, thanks.

Super Universe

Defender of God
You didn't read this dialogue with atropine very well did you ?

I'll post it again...
I repeat ...Seems you have no idea about what the person who started this thread actually thinks. Atropine has an experience which is 'as if real'. He gets that. You don't.

This is made quite clear by the quotes from our conversation.

Projects it ? So a TV projects its content ?

You don't even understand your own metaphors.

I KNOW the voices aren't people.:p That was made clear to me by an all-pervasive Cosmic Intelligence who will prove its existence in 2095.

Prove me wrong. :)

So... Basically, I hear voices. Only they’re not just voices; they’re people.
This is what we are. This is what I am. I’ve know that "I" am technically a "we" since I was about three years old.
And that’s what these people are to me. People. And it’s about time I start treating them like people, not like a disease, a mental problem or a role-playing game gone too far. It’s not an over-active imagination. It’s not something wrong with my brain.

I read the dialogue just fine, you're the one who missed the part about "they're people" and "I know that "I" am technically a "we". You also missed the part about it not being a "...mental problem" and "It's not something wrong with my brain".

Just because Atropine does not wish to argue with you about it does not make you right.

A TV does not project it's content, it has no content and neither does the brain.

I know you don't understand. How could you?
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Super Universe

Defender of God
Well Super-universe, I have to say that i side with apophenia on this one. What atropine was suffering from was clearly a mental illness. It takes one to know one you might say. And having spent three of the last six years in mental hospitals i'll be darned if I haven't befriended a good number of mentally ill people too. Hearing voices is a number one category a symptom of mental illness. Depending on how long it has been going on for is the question of whether it is acute or chronic, psychosis or paranoid schizophrenia proper. He needs to see a psychiatrist, however i appreciate the fact that in america once you are 'sectioned', you are declared 'insane' and consequently written off forever. This is a serious situation, and one which should not be undertaken lightly.

So perhaps would recommend seeking out some kind of counsellor or alternative therapist before taking it to the shrinks. Who will prescribe long term heavy duty typical/a-typical medication have no doubt about that! Perhaps some Chinese medicine, I recommend Xiao yao wan (the happy pill), or other chinese sleepers to help relax the nerves. They seem to help me anyway, thanks.

Hearing voices is classified as a mental illness. What I'm telling you is that it's not a defect of the brain, it's a gift. Now, the person may not wish it and it will certainly be something they will have to deal with. Sometimes you can negotiate with the personalities, trading time with them so the core personality can have a somewhat uninterrupted life.

It's not a serious situation unless the voices are telling the person to do something harmful in which case a selfish, angry, power hungry personality is asserting itself.

There are medications that can help shut off the voices but other than that there is nothing a psychiatrist can do because their theories about the brain are much too primitive to know what is really going on.

I would recommend a channeler, a good one, not a fake, before a psychiatrist. You might be able to visualize a door closing to shut off the voices.


Well-Known Member
Read your own words ...

Originally Posted by Super Universe
The brain does not create identity, it projects it. It's a biological television set, that's all.

... it projects it ....

A TV does not project it's content, it has no content and neither does the brain.
I know you don't understand. How could you?

... does not project ...

Your words. Contradictory.

With all your wisdom and genius you can't acknowledge that you made a mistake ?

Super Universe

Defender of God
Read your own words ...

... it projects it ....

... does not project ...

Your words. Contradictory.

With all your wisdom and genius you can't acknowledge that you made a mistake ?


The TV does not project it's content because it has no content. The brain does not project IT'S content because it has no content either. The brain is not the biological memory storage device you humans believe it to be.

Now, the brain does project identity/personality but the identity/personality information is stored elsewhere and no, I'm not going to tell you where that elsewhere is.


Well-Known Member
Well Super-universe, I have to say that i side with apophenia on this one. What atropine was suffering from was clearly a mental illness. It takes one to know one you might say. And having spent three of the last six years in mental hospitals i'll be darned if I haven't befriended a good number of mentally ill people too. Hearing voices is a number one category a symptom of mental illness. Depending on how long it has been going on for is the question of whether it is acute or chronic, psychosis or paranoid schizophrenia proper. He needs to see a psychiatrist, however i appreciate the fact that in america once you are 'sectioned', you are declared 'insane' and consequently written off forever. This is a serious situation, and one which should not be undertaken lightly.

So perhaps would recommend seeking out some kind of counsellor or alternative therapist before taking it to the shrinks. Who will prescribe long term heavy duty typical/a-typical medication have no doubt about that! Perhaps some Chinese medicine, I recommend Xiao yao wan (the happy pill), or other chinese sleepers to help relax the nerves. They seem to help me anyway, thanks.

Thanks for your input john.

The whole topic of what is 'mental illness' and what is merely atypical or whatever is a vexed topic indeed.

Atropine certainly seemed to be coping well with what for most of us appears as an extreme situation. You are right that seeking alternatives to psychiatry is not a bad idea if it is possible and practical. I have seen what can happen to people once 'the system' decides it owns them. Sometimes the original dilemma is preferable to the 'treatment'. Not always, but it certainly can be the case. I was a trainee psyche nurse when I was young, which was a real eye-opener ( some of the psychiatrists are insane ! ), and have also had social interactions with psychiatrists who acknowledge that their profession is 'a bit wobbly' (to quote one of them). Others are very wise, dedicated and helpful. But it's a lottery.

My issue with Super Universe is that he has a 'one size fits all' theory to explain 'voices in the head', and that is not only specious, but may actually cause some people even worse problems. Believing that the 'voices' are some kind of spiritual possession, or the brain 'tuning in' other beings like a radio or TV or whatever would be 'putting out fire with gasoline' in many cases.

In that sense, this 'occult cosmicity' is as wobbly and spurious as the worst excesses of psychiatry IMO. I have seen lots of varieties of 'cosmic wisdom', including some brands being peddled for profit by psychologists and psychiatrists ! Seriously. It was disturbing to witness, especially the cynicism and hypocrisy which went with it.

But if you look around at enough examples, it is obvious that all the 'extraordinary cosmic wisdom' scenarios operate in much the same way. The theories and 'secrets' may vary, but the modus operandi are pretty standard.


Well-Known Member

The brain is not the biological memory storage device you humans believe it to be.

Now, the brain does project identity/personality but the identity/personality information is stored elsewhere and no, I'm not going to tell you where that elsewhere is.

Ooooh ! Spooky !

Go on ... tell us. Or did the Cosmic Masters who sold you the CD forbid it ?
So... Basically, I hear voices. Only they’re not just voices; they’re people.
Out of curiosity, can I ask how many voices you hear? How many distinct voices different from yours? What does each one of them tell you? What do you mean by "people," rather than just voices? Do you mean images accompanying the voices?

One God

If this doesn't scare you or you do not feel any harm to you. Then I would say nothing to be worried about. Also it depends what kind of information you are being feed with? if you have so much influence from outside of your own body/spirit, then I would assume you shall have some dreams that would illustrate your spiritual path as well.
Its your journey and its your choice. You can channel your sources. Its like having a remote control in your hands. Play the most favorite channel and enjoy. This kind of experience can lead you to Higher spiritual knowledge/realm. Soul in body has limits, and soul out of body is limitless. And can see much much more than one can experience from within body experience. Enjoy the ride and get the most of it. Its absolutely normal in my view.