Hi Folks..
Ben Avraham;
Ah my friend - look at the THINGS HE DID SAY - and see clearly - He has NO AFFILIATION whatsoever to THAT god - the logic and implication of HIS OWN WORDS as recorded FAITHFULLY by those who ACTUALLY walked and talked with Him DAILY make that abundantly clear beyond dispute...LOOK at the OBVIOUS - from Judas first -.
The bold emphasis is mine of course to draw your attention to that which should be plain and obvious to all but the closed indocrinated mind...Christ speaking DIRECTLY to Judas -
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/lostgospel/_pdf/GospelofJudas.pdf - makes it UNDENIABLE - this spirit He teaches of here is SECRET He said - NEVER BEFORE ENCOUNTERED..I do so hate to have to repeat my Self, but once again - let it sink in and SEE the IMPLICATIONS - REALISE this simply can NOT BE Yhvh - IMPOSSIBLE !!!
Secrets of a NEW SPIRITUAL REALM that NONE have ever known before - NOT EVEN THE ANGELS know of THIS truth He just told you (all) clearly...Secrets of a new unknown SPIRIT that He says clearly has NEVER BEEN GIVEN ANY NAME !!! Understand then - no way - imopssible - it is NOT Yhvh - it is NOT the Hebrew god - can NOT be that one as He just told you (all) plainly and adamantly that HIS Father is COMPLETELY UNKNOWN - and yet as we know, the Jews ALREADY know Yhvh INTIMATELY.... Look - at this point the Disciples themselves ARE JEWS and already worship THAT god along with everybody else - and yet here He just told them that THEIR god is NOT HIS FATHER and He will tell them now these SECRETS that NONE HAVE EVER KNOWN !!! By Christ own direct words we see that the Father is NOT the Hebrew god Yhvh - and look it is UNDENIABLE - just see the things He says repeatedly, makes it very clear and indeed undeniable - He speaks so plainly in the ORIGINAL scripture that He logically can not mean anything else, can He..??......
Look - this isnt me PeteC-UK making this stuff up Folks - lol - this is the ORIGINAL TRUTH that Christ delivered directly - the truth they MURDERED HIM FOR !!!
Need more proof - easily provided - from Thomas also - again ORIGINAL and DIRECT teaching Christ to Disciple - LOOK and again see clear logic and its implications - undeniable to all but the closed indoctrinated mind :
OOPS !!!! Whats that..?...Seems I was right after all - Look close and see CHRIST IS NOT A JEW !!! Look CLOSELY - He tells the disciples that THEY are like JEWS - but see, He doesnt say IAM A JEW - doesnt claim ANY kinship with the Jews at all - instead He distances Himself from them - SEPERATES HIMSELF FROM THEM and makes it clear He is NOT like the Jews when He says explicitly the disciples do not understand Him because THEY THINK LIKE JEWS - clearly see the IMPLICATION once again - THEY ARE JEWS - HE IS NOT - do try to let it sink in !! Again, He can not mean anything else by that statement can He..??...
Yet again, more talk of SECRETS - He emphasises this time after time - HIS truth - NEW never before known - truth of Yhvh though - old news, fully disclosed and at this time please remember the god is SILENT - do let it sink in deep Folks - they know ALL about their "god" - many many prophets from it - then it declares to them all it will go silent now (after Malachi 400 years BEFORE CHRIST) the god stops speaking to the Jews entirely - Christ comes and delivers a NEW TRUTH that shows that god to be entirely bogus - THIS is why the god went silent anticipating the Christ intervention - this is why Christ says NO ONE KNOWS THE TRUTH because the god lied and deceived them all - and when that deception is revealed the "god" literally gave up all authority here TO the Christ and has NEVER been heard from since.....Christ TRUTH alone explains it all without any discrepancy or confusion - NOT THE FATHER - yhvh IS a lying trickster DEMI god that covets power and authority over us - Christ came to oust that one and replace it with the legitimate Divine truth - hence all this talk of secrets etc etc...and hence the "god" goes SILENT in the face of this direct threat from Christ and it is the PRIESTHOOD that acts to KILL the Christ.......
Yet again CLEAR and UNDENIABLE truth that tells us logically and undeniably, HE IS NOT A JEW and has NO AFFILIATION to THAT god...Look - give the Emporer that which its due He says - then give the GOD also that which its due - and then there is CHRIST - SEPERATE from BOTH Emporer AND god...Clearly, He wishes to express His SEPERATION from the JEWISH TRADITION yet again - clearly He says the agenda of BOTH Emporer (mortal world) AND "god" (Jewish tradition) are SEPERATE to HIS agenda !!! Again He can mean nothing else here in that statement can He..??.
As offered before - IF anyone still has doubts (logic is always our ally) - then please go read for the Self the ORIGINAL gospel of John (google "secret John") - .and see as said before, EVERYTHING explained start to finish - it will leave no room for doubts at all - the Hebrew god is not - can not ever be - the Father that Christ alone teaches us of - He proved His claim with MIRACLES that no priest for Yhvh could ever possibly match - and when the priesthood realised all this as we know they MURDERED HIM - then set about literally eradicating and destroying His truth - replacing it the world over with BOGUS man made scripture that many here love to quote endlessly without comprehension and that twists His original message completely out of context and so ensures that PRIESTHOOD and religion remains dominant power and authority here.. All the religious adherants still HAVE BEEN TRICKED - just as He openly warned you (all) - THAT god is NOT Our Father