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Online Misogynists


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
A good article about online misogynists can be found here. Contains profane language.

"West is right; it’s time to stop thinking of trolls as idiots who are just seeking attention, and see them for what they are: Misogynists with a political agenda. These are men that absolutely do not want to live in a society where women are treated equally, and they are obsessed with silencing the women online whose writings they rightfully fear are going to help push society in a more feminist direction. They want to harass feminists into silence. If we keep this understanding front and center and discard useless theories about “attention-seeking” or “lulz”, we can begin to have a more productive conversation about what the hell to do about the problem."

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رسول الآلهة
Misogyny is truly a despicable word. Makes no utter sense. If a person believes a woman should be at home cooking and obeying her husband this somehow implies the hatred of females.
I adhere to this viewpoint simply because of my lack of romance and sexuality. What else would I do with a woman? :shrug: beats me but as far as I am concerned I only have this singular usage.

Very few misogynist are what the word implies. Most are just "gender conservative". I love women, I love them so much I do not think a woman in a committed relationship should even leave the house. As Surat Rahman states, the good wife shall be in her tent to await her rabb :yes:.

I think I should shut up before I feminist attack me :D
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Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Misogyny is truly a despicable word. Makes no utter sense. If a person believes a woman should be at home cooking and obeying her husband this somehow implies the hatred of females.
I adhere to this viewpoint simply because of my lack of romance and sexuality. What else would I do with a woman? :shrug: beats me but as far as I am concerned I only have this singular usage.

Very few misogynist are what the word implies. Most are just "gender conservative". I love women, I love them so much I do not think a woman in a committed relationship should even leave the house. As Surat Rahman states, the good wife shall be in her tent to await her rabb :yes:.

I think I should shut up before I feminist attack me :D

Hey, look, you're a dominant asexual sadist. All the best to you finding a female partner who wants to be related to in that way. Just as long as you don't try to make this policy for everybody, you'll have no fight from me.

Back to the OP - I think it was good. I have found trolls who are harassing feminists have an agenda and a major chip on their shoulder(s). They don't just post violent threats of rape or murder to be cute.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
If a person believes a woman should be at home cooking and obeying her husband this somehow implies the hatred of females.

Perhaps not hatred, but at the very least double-standard treatment based on the superficial quality of someone's genitals. In some people's books, that might as well be full-on hatred given the double-standard is nearly always in favor of humans with penises and screws over humans with vaginas. Whether there is active, willful hatred is practically irrelevant: the end effect is to engage in systematic cultural discrimination that treads half the human population underfoot. :shrug:

At any rate, it's personally beyond my comprehension why people make judgements on the basis of genitals. I really don't get it. It has almost no significance whatsoever with a few notable exceptions, such as medical problems and copulation. So naturally I don't get why someone would want to keep someone down because they have one sexual anatomy instead of another. I just... I don't understand how that makes any sense.

Karl R

Active Member
West is right; it’s time to stop thinking of trolls as idiots who are just seeking attention, and see them for what they are: Misogynists with a political agenda.
Trolls aren't a unified group. I'm sure that some are misogynists, and some are just attention-seekers looking to provoke a reaction.

There are people who will go onto a Star Trek forum and post that Trekkies are losers who need to get a life. Then they'll go to a cat lovers' forum and post that dogs are better than cats and all cats should be drowned. They'll visit the Sierra Club forum and recommend paving over the Amazon basin. They'll deliberately hop from forum to forum looking to get a rise. It's the same kind of entertainment kids get from kicking anthills.

I once accidentally trolled a video game forum. (I'll describe the situation below, for those who care.) I started a tongue-in-cheek thread to make a point, and I gave it a provocative title to ensure lots of people read it. A few people responded in a similar tongue-in-cheek manner, but then someone took one of the responses seriously. They flamed that person for not getting the joke. Several people flamed that person back. Suddenly my joke thread turned into an all-out flame war.

My joke thread took on a life of its own. It became the hottest thread on the forum. I was fascinated by this turn of events. I would check on it daily to see how much it had grown. It had over 1,000 posts. Over 20,000 reads. It was the largest, most read thread by an order of magnitude.

I was somewhat in awe of what had been created, and that had never been my purpose. For the people who actually are attention-seekers, I could easily see how they would get addicted to watching the ants scurry around like crazy.

There are attention seekers out there. They enjoy making people react. If a misogynist says something hateful and gets a reaction, an attention-seeking troll will see the reaction, then say something more outrageously hateful to get a bigger reaction.

The Story of How I Accidentally Trolled a Forum (for the few who care):
This involves the computer game Diablo II and the forum for that game.

Diablo II has a five-act story (with multiple scenes per act), character development, challenging encounters and multiple ways to overcome those challenges. The developers also included (as a joke) The Secret Cow Level. The cows were easier than most encounters, but the rewards for defeating them were about equal to most other encounters.

People quickly decided to exploit this by playing The Secret Cow Level again and again to easily gain the rewards. Over half the threads on the forum were about The Secret Cow Level. People regularly asked advice about how to best develop their character to beat The Secret Cow Level (instead of designing their character to defeat the challenges that were far more difficult).

In order to make a point about how ridiculous this was, I started a thread and titled it: "Secret Levels Found!" I started my post with the line, "I was playing a game of Cows, and I stumbled across some secret levels...." I then proceed to name some of the rarely-visited non-secret levels.

People were so obsessed with the secret level, the possibility of more would definitely get their attention. Once they read my post, they would get the joke and perhaps consider how silly their obsession was.

Little did I realize the silliness that would ensue....

And I'm sure some attention-seeking troll later visited the Diablo II forum, looked at my thread, then tried to write a similar one in order to "accomplish" the same "success".


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Misogyny is truly a despicable word. Makes no utter sense. If a person believes a woman should be at home cooking and obeying her husband this somehow implies the hatred of females.
I adhere to this viewpoint simply because of my lack of romance and sexuality. What else would I do with a woman? :shrug: beats me but as far as I am concerned I only have this singular usage.

If you're asexual and lack care for romance shouldn't that only be further reasons for you to find gender almost irrelevant in your treatment of others? Whether someone has a vagina or a penis wouldn't have any relevancy to you, i assume. So that's further reason to not look at women as if they're supposed to fulfill some role in the first place.


Well-Known Member
A good article about online misogynists can be found here. Contains profane language.

"West is right; it’s time to stop thinking of trolls as idiots who are just seeking attention, and see them for what they are: Misogynists with a political agenda. These are men that absolutely do not want to live in a society where women are treated equally, and they are obsessed with silencing the women online whose writings they rightfully fear are going to help push society in a more feminist direction. They want to harass feminists into silence. If we keep this understanding front and center and discard useless theories about “attention-seeking” or “lulz”, we can begin to have a more productive conversation about what the hell to do about the problem."


Sometimes I wish we could remove their anonymousity just for the lulz - see how confident they are then xD.

On a more serious note, I have absolutely no idea how to combat this, other than simply blocking/deleting.


Well-Known Member

Hahaha! Brilliant.

See? Give people a sense of anonymity (I hate that word, I can never bloody spell it) and they will lose their inhibitions. It has it's benefits I supposed, because it lets people speak with honesty, but more often than not it gets abused and used as a "free" ride to torment others.

Regardless, I'm glad that guy got exposed! :D


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I view what people say anonymously to generally be a truer description of their views compared to what they say when they have social consequences for saying it. The internet is interesting for allowing some really hateful people to be able to comfortably express their views.

Same thing for alcohol, imo. Observing a person when they are intoxicated and therefore don't have as much of a filter for their thoughts tells me more about their fundamental character, than what they do when they are sober and have those filters working properly.


Well-Known Member
Misogyny is truly a despicable word. Makes no utter sense. If a person believes a woman should be at home cooking and obeying her husband this somehow implies the hatred of females.
I adhere to this viewpoint simply because of my lack of romance and sexuality. What else would I do with a woman? :shrug: beats me but as far as I am concerned I only have this singular usage.

Very few misogynist are what the word implies. Most are just "gender conservative". I love women, I love them so much I do not think a woman in a committed relationship should even leave the house. As Surat Rahman states, the good wife shall be in her tent to await her rabb :yes:.

I think I should shut up before I feminist attack me :D
I think the most insulting part was when you said you love women, I almost puked in my mouth.


Well-Known Member
Hey, look, you're a dominant asexual sadist. All the best to you finding a female partner who wants to be related to in that way. Just as long as you don't try to make this policy for everybody, you'll have no fight from me.

Back to the OP - I think it was good. I have found trolls who are harassing feminists have an agenda and a major chip on their shoulder(s). They don't just post violent threats of rape or murder to be cute.

Maybe that woman needs help.

Me Myself

Back to my username
A good article about online misogynists can be found here. Contains profane language.

"West is right; it’s time to stop thinking of trolls as idiots who are just seeking attention, and see them for what they are: Misogynists with a political agenda. These are men that absolutely do not want to live in a society where women are treated equally, and they are obsessed with silencing the women online whose writings they rightfully fear are going to help push society in a more feminist direction. They want to harass feminists into silence. If we keep this understanding front and center and discard useless theories about “attention-seeking” or “lulz”, we can begin to have a more productive conversation about what the hell to do about the problem."


A lot of people troll for the lulz.

What led her to the conclusion no one pretends to bemysoginistic for the lulz?

Mind you, I am not pretending everyone who posts mysoginy is pretending.


Well-Known Member
I view what people say anonymously to generally be a truer description of their views compared to what they say when they have social consequences for saying it. The internet is interesting for allowing some really hateful people to be able to comfortably express their views.

Same thing for alcohol, imo. Observing a person when they are intoxicated and therefore don't have as much of a filter for their thoughts tells me more about their fundamental character, than what they do when they are sober and have those filters working properly.

Indeed. Hell there's plenty of stuff I say on RF that I'd never say in-person. Not necessarily "bad" stuff either, just stuff that I'd probably never talk about IRL.

I agree as well about assessing people's drunken behaviour, it can be very telling. But then again, drunk people tend to frighten me so I don't get to "assess" much nowadays. :D


Depends Upon My Mood..
Most are just "gender conservative". I love women, I love them so much I do not think a woman in a committed relationship should even leave the house.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell.Women are on EARTH to serve a mans needs.