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this question is primarily for the strict religious fundamentalist.

if you believe that sexual intercourse was created/designed by god with the sole purpose of reproduction, not recreation, then why did god throw in the orgasm? you might get away with explaining the male orgasm by tying it to ejaculation/insemination, but what about the female orgasm? what purpose does that serve if not recreation?


Veteran Member
i also want to know why do men have to ejaculate millions of sperm...?
doesn't fit with the "predestined" notion to me..


New Member
I'm fundamental by some people's standards but it is clearly unbiblical to believe that sex is only for pro-creation. Sex was intended not just for pro-creation but also for pleasure within a marriage context. Read Song of Solomon and also in several places in Ecclesiastes and Proverbs.


Veteran Member
that is called the "up suck" theory which has been disproven in the 1950s
From the article you obviously found too troublesome to read.

"Yet, it was only three years ago that two British biologists, Robin Baker and Mark Bellis, tested the so-called upsuck hypothesis. They were building upon ideas articulated by evolutionary biologist Robert Smith, who suggested that since women don't have orgasms every time out, female orgasm favors some sperm over others.

They discovered that when a woman climaxes any time between a minute before to 45 minutes after her lover ejaculates, she retains significantly more sperm than she does after nonorgasmic sex. When her orgasm precedes her male's by more than a minute, or when she does not have an orgasm, little sperm is retained. Just as the doctors' letters suggested decades earlier, the team's results indicated that muscular contractions associated with orgasm pull sperm from the vagina to the cervix, where it's in better position to reach an egg."
Emphasis added
No there is still controversy over the fact it depends on who you ask.



It really still hasn't been proven and even if it does help the sperm along a little it has not yet been proven whether it increases pregnancy.


Veteran Member
No there is still controversy over the fact it depends on who you ask.



It really still hasn't been proven and even if it does help the sperm along a little it has not yet been proven whether it increases pregnancy.
Did you even read the article you're talking about?
"This isn't to say that enjoyment of sex may not improve fertility in other ways. But at least as far as "up suck" theory, female orgasm does not seem to be a must-have ingredient for getting pregnant.

[EDITED TO ADD: I did more research on this topic, and discovered that some researchers feel the "upsuck" theory does happen. They used a different method to research it. Read more about the research on female orgasm and getting pregnant here.]"
Emphasis added. And, to be sure there may be controversy about it, as there is about just about everything in science, but that doesn't negate what has been found.

and even if it does help the sperm along a little it has not yet been proven whether it increases pregnancy
Then I suggest you read the piece I quoted
But that doesn't make it true. They say themselves in the article that does agree with the theory that it has not been proven to increase pregnancy.

And do not attack me just because you have a problem with what I posted. I simply said there is still controversy over it. And not only that but gave a link to both sides. Did you read it? IT STILL HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN TO INCREASE PREGNANY. Both articles state the same thing. You even have it up yourself that both articles say it hasn't been proven wether or not it increases pregnancy.


Premium Member
But that doesn't make it true. They say themselves in the article that does agree with the theory that it has not been proven to increase pregnancy.

And do not attack me just because you have a problem with what I posted. I simply said there is still controversy over it. And not only that but gave a link to both sides. Did you read it? IT STILL HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN TO INCREASE PREGNANY. Both articles state the same thing. You even have it up yourself that both articles say it hasn't been proven wether or not it increases pregnancy.

Not for nothing but the thread asked for a reason for the female Orgasm. One was given that you do not agree with but can not be disproven. It seems as the threads question was answered with validity.
yes. but i simply gave a link for both sides of a theory that was claimed to be why women orgasmed. As there was controversy before I even posted the links. Then was attacked and replyed to that.


Active Member
this question is primarily for the strict religious fundamentalist.

if you believe that sexual intercourse was created/designed by god with the sole purpose of reproduction, not recreation, then why did god throw in the orgasm? you might get away with explaining the male orgasm by tying it to ejaculation/insemination, but what about the female orgasm? what purpose does that serve if not recreation?
In Jewish doctrine, sex is only permitted in a marriage context. On the marriage contract, there are three specific things that the husband is required to give/provide his wife with: food, clothing, and something called "onah," which means conjugal right (or sex). God made sex fun and gave the man and woman very sensitive organs with which to have that fun. The reason why a woman has orgasm is precisely because God allows a husband and wife to have sex, BOTH for the purpose of procreation and fun. But the fun aspect is only permitted in a marriage context where it has meaning. When a husband and wife commit to one another, when the man sanctifies his wife to himself and thereby makes his wife forbidden to any other man, the sex between them has more meaning, because the man didn't marry the woman only for the purpose of having sex or because she has a good body; but he married her because of her, because of who she was as a person. In fact, Torah law states that a man and woman may not have sex if they are angry with each other, or if the wife isn't really in the mood, etc. Both man and woman must be on the same page to have sex, because through the sex, they highlight the emotional connection that they have to one another. Sex has the potential for holiness and it also has the potential to be animalistic.


Hostis humani generis
Although I believe in God, I subscribe to an atheistic form of evolution, where God did not "guide" us to this form, and I am not a "religious fundamentalist", and consider myself quite liberal.

However, if I were to play Devil's Advocate for a second and drop my own beliefs, I would concur very much so with Yanni, whose post I have quoted below because I agree with it:

God made sex fun and gave the man and woman very sensitive organs with which to have that fun. The reason why a woman has orgasm is precisely because God allows a husband and wife to have sex, BOTH for the purpose of procreation and fun.

That would sum up my opinion.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
this question is primarily for the strict religious fundamentalist.

if you believe that sexual intercourse was created/designed by god with the sole purpose of reproduction, not recreation, then why did god throw in the orgasm? you might get away with explaining the male orgasm by tying it to ejaculation/insemination, but what about the female orgasm? what purpose does that serve if not recreation?

Another good question to ask someone who believes sex is only for procreation might be why, then, is female fertility not clearly marked, as it is in animals that can be said to have sex more or less solely for procreation.

E. Nato Difficile

Active Member
Another good question to ask someone who believes sex is only for procreation might be why, then, is female fertility not clearly marked, as it is in animals that can be said to have sex more or less solely for procreation.
Good question.

In the same vein, why would there be any question of sexual relations not producing offspring if its purpose is procreation? As someone else pointed out, the notion of billions of sperm being in every male ejaculation seems indicative of a very contingent process: isn't only one sperm necessary to fertilize an egg?

And why, then, do the majority of fertilized eggs never embed in the uterine wall, but rather leave the woman's body (unbeknownst to her) during her subsequent period? If life begins at conception, isn't this completely against the purpose of the process?



Veteran Member
But that doesn't make it true. They say themselves in the article that does agree with the theory that it has not been proven to increase pregnancy.

And do not attack me just because you have a problem with what I posted. I simply said there is still controversy over it. And not only that but gave a link to both sides. Did you read it? IT STILL HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN TO INCREASE PREGNANY. Both articles state the same thing. You even have it up yourself that both articles say it hasn't been proven wether or not it increases pregnancy.
From the article I linked to in post # 2
"The doctor concluded that female orgasms pull sperm closer to the egg as well.

Yet, it was only three years ago that two British biologists, Robin Baker and Mark Bellis, tested the so-called upsuck hypothesis.

They discovered that when a woman climaxes any time between a minute before to 45 minutes after her lover ejaculates, she retains significantly more sperm than she does after nonorgasmic sex. When her orgasm precedes her male's by more than a minute, or when she does not have an orgasm, little sperm is retained. Just as the doctors' letters suggested decades earlier, the team's results indicated that muscular contractions associated with orgasm pull sperm from the vagina to the cervix, where it's in better position to reach an egg."

Now, do you have results that a female orgasm doesn't pull sperm from the vagina to the cervix, where it's in better position to reach an egg? If not then we have to go with what results we have:
Muscular contractions associated with orgasm pull sperm from the vagina to the cervix, where it's in better position to reach an egg.
Think that sperm in a less advantageous position has an equal or better chance of fertilizing an egg? The article addressed this very point when the researchers found that women use orgasms, consciously or not, to control fertilization.
And I never said it did not increase sperm intake. The article that agrees with the this states themselves

"This study did not, however, look at pregnancy rates. If pregnancy rates are higher with female orgasm, it's unclear by how much."

Please stop arguing with me about something so trivial. There was controversy on whether or not the method worked. I posted links to both sides and stated that while it may help intake more sperm both sides state it has not been proven to increase pregnancies yet. If you have a problem with what I say take it up with the articles not me.


Veteran Member
PeaceLoveJoy said:
And I never said it did not increase sperm intake.
And I never said you did. I know you talked about fertilization.

"This study did not, however, look at pregnancy rates. If pregnancy rates are higher with female orgasm, it's unclear by how much."
Whaaaa? You take a study about intrauterine insemination and try to say it applies to one about sperm movement during orgasm? Do you not know how completely irrelevant that is?

Please stop arguing with me about something so trivial.
It takes two to make an argument. If you need to back out of a discussion just say so. No need to make up face-saving reasons. And by the way, I and others here argue about whatever we wish. None of us seek permission before doing so. So, If you don't want to argue an issue then don't. You're under no obligation.

There was controversy on whether or not the method worked. I posted links to both sides and stated that while it may help intake more sperm both sides state it has not been proven to increase pregnancies yet. If you have a problem with what I say take it up with the articles not me.
I took it up with you because you obviously don't understand the implication of the findings in the article, and I was trying to help you see what they were. However, considering that you can't, I won't waste my time :banghead3
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