Veteran Member
One of the quotes that Muslims like using is this verse 5:32, especially with what I have highlighted in red and bold:
What a lot of Muslims are unaware of, unless they have actually bother to read rabbinic literature like the Talmud, then that highlighted quote is a rip off the Babylonian Talmud, Mishnah Sanhedrin 37a:
The Talmud were written several centuries before Muhammad appointed himself as prophet, and they (Talmud and other rabbinic literature) are all based on oral tradition (such as the Oral Torah), as well commentaries made by various rabbis or sages.
Clearly the Qur'an plagiarized idea with non-biblical text with the murder of one person kill all of mankind. A non-prophet rabbi or sage wrote that, and it is not found in the Torah (not found in the Genesis).
If you read the whole passage (referring to Mishnah Sanhedrin 37a), especially the beginning, before "murder" and "saving" of mankind, the passage is clearly a commentary made about the murder of Abel by Cain.
So why would Muhammad include something that clearly come from Talmudic commentary?
He could of thought that the Talmud sources were from God and lacked the education to figure out it wasn't. He was clearly a literalist. This just makes his citation of previous God's works wrong.