I think it has to do with the Facebook page he created: ‫الله | Facebook‬I've been skimming through his blog (the English version) and I think I've found the passage you are referring to:
'You may object to faith in the existence of god outside you. But what objection have you to call that power god which makes you and me talk, walk, eat, think and work? God is the power within us?'
Is that correct?
I somewhat understand that. Anyway, the point being that in the first sentence, he says, "Allah, I am The Merciful Lord", who created the universe, who doesn't burn people, etc.Facebook said:الله أنا الرب الرحيم@ خالق الكون العظيم@ غني عن العالمين@ لا أريدهم أنيعبدون@ لا أحرقهم بالنار ولا أرميهم في الحميم@ فليهيموا بالفنون@ أكتبلهم الجنة في يوم البعث هم فيها خالدون@ فيها شواء@ ونساء كهيفاء@ أماالكافرون@ فسماح وغفران إني رب حليم@ في بيوت من طين@ وأكل من علب الطون@ونساء متدليات البطون@ جمالهن دون
According to Google Translate, it reads, "I am God your Lord and the Lord of your earliest ancestors". God is specifically Allah.Facebook said:Description:انا الله ربكم و رب ابائكم الاولين
Also, he created ‫الله - الÙرع الثاني | Facebook‬ and ‫الله | Facebook‬ (according to ).
Huh, a SuperAllah in the second one. In the third one, he says:
After my final messenger Muhammad died, and because I am unable to send a prophet, I decided to reach(?) you via this page in order to teach you with my presence and to make true your prayers.بعد وفاة اخر رسلي محمد ولانه لا يمكنني ان ابعث نبي
قررت ان اتواصل معكم من خلال هذه الصفحة لكي اعلمكم بوجودي واحقق لكم دعواتكم
I think I'll double-check my translation:
Close enough. Although I really don't get that last line. And I thought teach didn't make sense... announce it is.Google Translate said:After the death of Muhammad and other messengers that I can not send a prophet
I decided to communicate with you through this page to announce to you my presence and I would bring you Beautiful
EDIT: Some of the messages are new, so somebody else has access to one or more of the accounts, I would think. In any case, the link above says he created them.
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