It's both and neither. The unity of opposites.
Me three. This is how I view it makes it a bit hard for me to approach mind/body discussions or even materialism/idealism ones.
Yeah...Sorry for helping to derail your thread
@Deidre :/
To better address your OP:
I think that he is wrong. Deism is a faith based primarily (often entirely) on reason and experience.
It's a completely different approach to spirituality. Pantheism is to hold everything as sacred and interconnected, Atheism is the belief that there is no god/a lack of belief in someone who is a Panendeist, and so is a bit of both, I can tell you that Pantheists aren't always atheists, nor atheists pantheists. He doesn't make a lot of sense when it comes down to it...I think it's a bit of a sloppy generalization.
Even if it were true, what's wrong with a little sexing up?