You wouldn't listen to reason any of the other times we talked about this. Are you willing to now?
But of course you are not guilty of that yourself though, are you?
When experts in this field of medicine from around the world are sounding the warning, are you going to contradict them? Do your credentials somehow outweigh theirs? Does your experience somehow carry more weight than theirs?
What do the words "morbidity" and "mortality" mean to you? In plain English, they mean that no other common procedure in medicine carries more risk of permanent damage or death than blood transfusions do. We didn't say that....the medical professionals did. Are you listening?
We follow what the Bible teaches and we have always found that it was the right thing to do. Even when everyone thought we were wrong. We have had medicos apologise to us over this issue.
When the AIDS epidemic of the 80's was taking a huge toll on certain members of the population, (and still is) what were the main methods of transmission? Homosexual sex with multiple partners, infected bi-sexual people engaging in immoral sex with multiple partners and taking foreign (infected) blood into the body. All of which are condemned in scripture. Following the Bible's instruction was a protection.
No one is saying you can't have all the blood you want.....but you do so at considerable risk. It's yours to take.
I know it must be a tough pill to swallow to acknowledge that the tenets of the religion you care about kill people, but that doesn't change the actual facts.
That is a lie. If you had to compare the statistics of people who died in the ER from their injuries, you would find that those who were given blood died way more often than those who refused it.
In fact, it is so rare that it often makes the news. Short on actual detail, people are led to believe a sensational news story, rather than the truth, which is never told.
In the video that I posted, there was a cytoscan of a patient who was given saline, compared to being given whole blood. What did the scan show? It demonstrated that foreign blood clogs up the system, delivering little oxygen to the tissues and compared to the saline, was putting the patient more at risk than if they had received no blood at all. Saline is a volume expander and used in conjunction with the administration of EPO, (which stimulates the production of red cells) patients can recover rapidly and recovery is not impeded by a compromised immune system.
That video was nothing to do with JW's but it showed that we understand more about blood transfusions than the average uneducated doctor. We have a Hospital Liason Committee who are experts in this field, and make it their business to keep up to date on all the bloodless techniques used, even in cases of trauma. Doctors from all over the world consult with these men when they have JW patients who need surgery or whose treatment needs alternative measures. The outcomes have been so successful, that many doctors are opting for these approaches with their non Witness patients in general.
That is obviously a bitter pill for people like yourself who hate admitting that they are wrong about this issue. JW's can't possibly be right about anything, can they? We understand your position.