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Patriotism? What do you think?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
You play a game for money. You want to take a knee when the National Anthem is being played...you can go live somewhere else.

I’ve heard one of the reasons is that one of the versus of the original “Star Spangled Banner” refers to slaves. Is that the only reason? How do you feet?
Personally, I have no time for patriotism. It is an artificial sentiment, and far too easily directed towards destructive purposes.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You play a game for money. You want to take a knee when the National Anthem is being played...you can go live somewhere else.
Thanks for making people like me look like patriots for defending our Constitutional rights. If you don't like our rights, if they offend you when no harm is being done, how about you go live somewhere else that will protect your sensitivies?


Veteran Member
Maybe it's okay if he's "poked" at a little bit, for stepping out of line in regards to the way the system operates..?

...I mean, imagine someone complaining about RF. I'm sure it would be okay if we suggested that person go find greener pastures elsewhere.

Same concept, right?


Veteran Member
Expect him to say that he just might, if an opening in a less ufantistic, delusional place turns up.

I would.

But, maybe his goal is to create change here. Because deep down, he likes the people here, and feels comfortable being here.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Maybe it's okay if he's "poked" at a little bit, for stepping out of line in regards to the way the system operates..?
Good thing the Continental Congress got over that, damn the king, damn the queen, it's time for rebellion. Thay was WAY more than taking a trivial and insignificant knee during a ritualized song.


Grēne Mann
Premium Member
Who cares? It's a free country, or it's supposed to be at least. Why are we supposed to care if not everyone steps in line in exactly the same way?

Also, how is the message that kneeling is trying to propogate any less patriotic? If you want your country to do better, what's wrong with quietly reminding people of an issue that needs to be addressed?


Veteran Member
Good thing the Continental Congress got over that, damn the king, damn the queen, it's time for rebellion. Thay was WAY more than taking a trivial and insignificant knee during a ritualized song.

Be careful, a large portion of the world would call you on your sarcasm. :D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Be careful, a large portion of the world would call you on your sarcasm. :D
Let them. As long as it creates no victims I am a strong supporter of our rights. Religious exemptions for not taking a sick child to the doctor have to go, but taking a knee during a song ritual has not one victim, and unless you let it cant bother anyone. It's a very benign thing, really, and anyone who can't stand the sight of their fellow citizens harmlessly practicing their rights then they should be called out for disrespecting the values, principles, and rights our nation was founded on.


Well-Known Member
You play a game for money. You want to take a knee when the National Anthem is being played...you can go live somewhere else.

I’ve heard one of the reasons is that one of the versus of the original “Star Spangled Banner” refers to slaves. Is that the only reason? How do you feet?
Right, Francis Scott Key wrote about slavery while watching the battle of Baltimore.

Here is the rule of the modern race obsessed social warrior, anything written prior to 1865 is about racism, as is any historical event.

Washed up Kapercrap has the right to kneel, if he ever gets into a football game again, and his followers in the NFL do as well.

Their excuse for this is police violence directed at young black males. Co incidently young black males, based on statistics, are the most violent demographic in the country. Young black males are also the largest statistical group of the victims of violence, committed against them by bother lack males.

I find this excuse for kneeling, very weak. It is an urban myth that the police are systematically shooting young black men because the police are racists. No Police Officer wants to kill anyone, if not because of moral reasons, then for practical reasons. A Police Officer who kills someone is put through the wringer as far as interviews, reconstruction, paper work and paperwork and more paperwork. The Officer spends days defending what he did and why he did it and the shoot team analyzes every action, every word said, over and over again. I would have to hate someone whom I don't know a whole lot to go through that except in the direst circumstance.

Actually, the purpose is to irritate people who are patriotic, and to do outlandish things. This was no different than Carlos in the 1968 Olympics, people were pissed of, and what the protestors did meant nothing.

Kapercrap was raised by a very prosperous white family, they type folks he considers the enemy now.

It is interesting that he plays a game and as a result is a multimillionaire, while I lost friends in VN, whose families had pretty much nothing. He has accomplished nothing that would make him any more than a pimple on the butt of one of those guys who died in combat for the Republic.

It is all about sticking it into someones face who Kapercrap and his crew hate, It is all about trashing symbols that those people respect.

Terry Sampson

Well-Known Member
You pay good money to attend a game between two teams.
On a loudspeaker, an announcer says: "Everybody within hearing distance of my voice, stop whatever you're doing wherever you are, stand at attention with your right or left hand over your heart, and no talking while Miss X sings the National Anthem, which she will begin to do in 60 seconds. Failure to comply will result in Immigration Police arresting you and taking you to the nearest deportation center."

And I wonder to myself: "Who passed that law? Why is the National Anthem being sung at games? What moron would pay good money to have to put up with that malarkey? What if someone is sitting on a toilet or is holding food and drinks? For that I served in the U.S. Navy for 3 years and 9 months? blah-blah-blah."

Then my idiot brother-in-law, who never goes to games, says: "That's a good law, don'cha think?"

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Actually, the purpose is to irritate people who are patriotic,
I propose that no one who is patriotic will become irritated over a fellow citizen peacefully exercising their rights. Our rights are a very major part of what molded America, and to not support the peaceful amd free exercise thereof is unpatriotic.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
You play a game for money. You want to take a knee when the National Anthem is being played...you can go live somewhere else.

I’ve heard one of the reasons is that one of the versus of the original “Star Spangled Banner” refers to slaves. Is that the only reason? How do you feet?
Protest is as American as apple pie-- although apple pie really ain't that "American".

And also just a reminder that Jesus was actively involved with protest as well, plus he didn't seem to be much of a "patriot".

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
And I wonder to myself: "Who passed that law? Why is the National Anthem being sung at games? What moron would pay good money to have to put up with that malarkey?
It is malarkey, but it is not law. All anyone can do is protest and complain (or assualt in some cases). What the law does say, however, is it's perfectly legal to use a flag as toilet paper and then burn it. You can hold up a sign that says "and justice for none" while chanting boogedy boo durimg the anthem. Legally, it's your right.


Well-Known Member
The original reason for taking the knee during the National Anthem was to call attention to the number of people of color who were being shot under suspicious circumstances by police officers. With the increased aggressiveness and militarization of law enforcement, there have been recent fears that America is degenerating into a police state. This trend seems to go against the general principle of living in the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave." These cops are going around with fear and loathing of their own people in their own communities. Cops have such a profound hatred and contempt of the common people that they're the ones who come across as unpatriotic. They hate Americans. They're constantly afraid and go around thinking that every honest citizen could have a gun ready to shoot them down, so the cops are trained to fire first solely out of fear.


According to the Washington Post (which is about as left leaning a publication as exists in 'mainstream media) there were 897 people shot and killed by police in 2019, a number that has gone progressively DOWN over the past year.

Of that number, the vast majority of the killed had guns and were either actively shooting back or threatening to shoot...515.

Also, of that number, 205 people were 'black,'...

and 692 were NOT black. In other words, a 'white' guy is four times more likely to get killed by a police officer than a black guy is.

Why isn't anybody worried about that? Are the only lives that matter 'black' ones?

And don't you DARE call me a 'white supremacist.' Not considering who I married and who my kids are.

BTW....SOME DAY, I think I'll vote for Candace Owens for President, if I'm still around and the liberals don't kill her first.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
Patriotism is wanting to make your country be as good as possible. Nationalism is demanding people think your country is the best, no matter what.

Protesting against police brutality, and trying to stop people from protesting against police brutality fall pretty squarely in one of these categories, respectively. I'm sure most people here can work out which is which.


Well-Known Member
You pay good money to attend a game between two teams.
On a loudspeaker, an announcer says: "Everybody within hearing distance of my voice, stop whatever you're doing wherever you are, stand at attention with your right or left hand over your heart, and no talking while Miss X sings the National Anthem, which she will begin to do in 60 seconds. Failure to comply will result in Immigration Police arresting you and taking you to the nearest deportation center."

OK, that's enough. Such a law will never be passed and you are being about as 'Chicken LIttle" as it's possible to get.....I'm a conservative, and believe me, it is the CONSERVATIVES who would utterly prevent such a thing. It is the politically correct Democrats who would pass such a thing: making it mandatory that the flag be burned on the fifty yard line.



aged ecumenical anthropologist
Stats clearly show that people of color have a greater chance of being arbitrarily stopped, convicted, and also getting longer sentences for the same crimes than do whites.