I have. I was rather thinking that perhaps you hadn't
I am not asking you to. You stated something, I am asking you to back up your remarks with references which you have not got. That makes me think you haven't got any
The 10 Words? Which ones?
The word of God says he is an apostle in Romans 1.
1 Cor 2 says he had a demonstration of power... something that accompanied apostels.
Now if you say that is through S-tan, why would the apostles at Yerushalaim accept him, WHICH THEY DID!
Acts 15.4 ''when they came to Yerushalaim they were WELCOMED by the calling and APOSTLES and elders.
Some Jews tried to kill Paul. Who killed Jesus?
At the council in Acts 15, they spoke with Paul, they listened to him, they gave him advice. They DID NOT SAY keep the Mosaic law/ Rather they gave him a watered down version. This was from James the leader and Petros (Peter).
In Galatians 2 they gave him the RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP.
He sent money to Yerushalaim. Does any of that sound as though he was classed as a liar or a fraud? There is the evidence. Where your is I don't know I'm sure.