@fantome profane ’s OP is right. The most sickening thing about all of this.....all of everything in the last four years, everything about yesterday’s assault on our nation’s capital. It was all called, clear as day; play by play; long befor the election in 2016. Trump was a known narcissistic self-serving spoiled and greedy little piece of crap, who was at all times in his life, seen and known as the butt of jokes.
The warning signs didn’t develop over this ruinous presidency. They were always there. Yet millions of deluded American citizens, and the violently ignorant, and anti-American right-wing press who spoon fed them (and their god-king president) all those lies, innuendo, twisted statistics, and other hogwash still refused to acknowledge his lack of fitness for office; and even praised himas a maverick, “outsider” who would set D.C. straight, and clear out the corruption
You were warned back then. You were informed time and again, and again, and again. Those warnings were not politically motivated. They were not biased.
They were real.
Now the history of this insurrection and coup attempt is real. The threat Trump still poses to the US, whether in office or out is real. His loyalists in the Senate and the Supreme Court (and many other courts) are real.
What else is real, is that this post will change nothing. His violently ignorant zealot followers, Trump, and his anti-democracy masters in the press (and above the press) will not suddenly “see the light” and take their blinders off to work toward a healthier democracy and USA.
No. They are willfully against learning from their mistakes. They will continue to be a threat to our country. Violence will not deter them. In fact they will gain power from, and revel in violence.
Cutting their press, and teaching them, and their children, real facts....reality....can, over years and decades, stand as the only chance of making America great again.
May whatever god you believe in be with us.