Unveiled Artist
Veteran Member
I would like some psychiatrist to explain me in detail what is in pedophiles' mind.
There must be something weird in their brain that pushes them to feel sexually attracted to prepubescent persons.
There is no justification, imho.
I'd say a better (in my opinion) question is not why people are attracted to children. We can't tell our bodies who we are attracted to, male female, young, or old. But I'd ask to "those" who commit child abuse "because of" their attraction (not their attraction defining the abuse), I'd wonder about that. I don't know if it could be distinctively because of their childhood. I had a relatively good childhood, but my attraction (to adult) females wasn't influenced in a straight-oriented environment. So, I guess it depends. Not all pedophiles act on their attractions. So, who knows.
Now that I think of it, off comment, I wouldn't think pedophilia is a sexual orientation insofar that sexual orientation refers to the "sex" a person's attraction is oriented not the age.