God loves everyone.
There is a parable in the Bible about a man with a vineyard who had two sons. One of the sons was a really hard worker. He was loyal to his father and obeyed him completely. The other wasn't so much. The 2nd son had the audacity to ask for his inheiritence before his father had actually passed away. However, the father still gave the son the money. The son travelled from city to city, wasting his inheiritence on booze, women, etc, etc. Eventually, the son ran out of money. He felt horribly guilty at what he had done and returned to his father's house saying 'I am not worthy to be your son, father. Send me to work with the slaves.' But the father embraced him and put a robe around him and had a huge feast for the son. Naturally, the loyal son was ticked off. He told his father 'He wastes your inheiritence money on sinful things and now he comes back and you treat him like a king. I have worked these fields for so many years and anything you have asked of me, I have done. Why don't I get a feast?'. The father replied 'Be happy that your brother has rejoiced and learned the error of his ways. He was strayed from the path but has returned. You have always been here but both of you are my sons and will always have a place in my heart.'
God loves everyone, pretty much regardless of what you have done (a few exceptions). If you repented your sins...you will not be punished. If you turn to God, He will love you just as the father loved the son who returned to him in the parable.
Hope this answered what you were asking.