Just give themyour phone numberafter asking if they like sex or you can get even mor blunt. You will be suprised how many call you after thinking it over for awhile. One time after doing this the women slapped me in the face and cursed me out. I walked in the bar a week later and she immediately cameup tome grabbedme and started deep tongue kissin right at the bar. She said.....Lets go.......we went to my car and she just about raped me.
Usually you get a more suttle response but it does work. Just try it? On a less agressive side.....just give your waitresses your number on the back of a match book and tell them to call if they would like to get to knowyou.Oh.....one more thing.It really helpsifyou got training in the martial arts just incase someone reacts violently. I got the training and it saved my butt a few times. You will meet women while you are traing. You couldalso find out where you closest Hmong (Laos immigrants) live. Those women are HOT!!!!!!! Vietnamese are the same. Don'tforget those dumbgoofy blondes either.