In my previous post, I have outlined the classical Vaisesika system of metaphysics and had also noted that that Udayana united Nyaya logic and epistemology with Vaisesika metaphysics into a new and improved system of describing reality. In Udayana's thesis,
The world is self-consistently structured as a directed graph that connect seven elementary categories of existents that can be uniquely defined by the structure of the world-graph itself.
A graph is a relational structure, consisting of a set of nodes or vertices that are connected by a set of edges. A directed graph is one where the edges have direction (i.e. have arrows, like vectors) . Below is a random image, but directed graphs and graph theory in general is a widely used mathematical and logical tool in the modern world.
The key understanding Udayana had was that the inherence relationships are like these arrows of the directed graphs that connects the various categories of existents in a specific order.
Consider a specific case of a "Red Rose." We have a universal color "Redness" that is inhering in that specific paticular manifested shade of the color property Red which in turn is inhering in the compound substance Rose. The compound substance rose is in turn a "whole" which is inhering in the atoms that are making up the flower Rose. So we can explicate the metaphysics of "Red Rose" as
Redness➔Specific Red Shade➔Rose➔Atoms of Rose
or more generally
Universal (U)➔Specific Property Attribute (P)➔Compound Object (O)➔Atomic Constituents (A)
where the symbol ➔ denotes the "inheres in" relationship.
Note that the above is a linear graph without branches. But this is not necessarily true. For example a rose will have other specific properties, like smell, shape, texture etc. each with their own universals. Hence multiple property (and motion) particulars will converge upon a compound object. Furthermore a compound object itself will have multiple subcomponents which can be further divided into simpler constituents all the way down to atoms. Hence multiple inherence arrows will also diverge from a compound substance down to its simpler constituents. Lets look at a modern example:-
Universal wetness or liquidity inheres in the specific watery properties of a water molecule which is a compound whole that inheres in the three atomic fundamentals H,H,O.
Universal Heat inheres in the specific temperature property of the same water molecule which is a compound whole that inheres in the three atomic fundametals H,H,O
Wetness ➔ Watery ➔ Water ➔ H,H,O
Heat ➔ Temperature➔Water➔ H,H,O
I have tried (badly) to show how two properties converge into the compound substance water in the graph network above.
Udayana realized that events, objects and observables in the world can be consistently described through such a network of directed graph between categories of existents with as much or as little detail as needed.
Consider the decay or uranium to thorium:-
Law of Radioactive Decay (universal) ➔ Specific Decay Event (a motion)➔ Uranium and Thorium (compound substance) ➔ Protons, Neutrons, Alpha Particles (subcomponents/atoms)
Remember that ➔ denotes the inherence relation. Note that laws of nature find a natural home in such a schema devised by Udayana. They are very general universals that are manifested through many motions/events or property particulars observed in the world in which they inhere.
Thus it is clear (to me at least) that many (and probably all) things one sees in the world can be structured in this format.
But Udayana went further. He noted that the various nodes in such a graph network can be uniquely identified.
Every such graph
has nodes from which arrows are going out or coming in.
So each node can be assigned a coordinate (N,M) where N denotes the number of arrows coming into the node and M denotes the number of arrows going out of the node.
Now here are very simple rules:-
1) For nodes where atoms are, arrows only come in but do not go out. They are, after all, the most fundamental constituents and hence inhere in nothing further. So atomic nodes can be identified by all the nodes with (N,0) with N>=1.
2) Arrows always go out of nodes with universals but never come in. Universals are the most general laws or generalized categories of property-ness or substance-hood and they inhere in specific instantiations, but are not inhered by some even more general categories. So nodes with Universals are categorized by (0,M). Also if a universal is truly a universal, there would be multiple instantiations of it in the world where it is manifested as a inhered regularity. Thus redness is manifested by multiple observations of red throughout the world etc. So a universal node is characterized by (0,M) with M>1 always.
3) Compound substance, Quality, Motion ...these all have both converging and diverging nodes. So they are characterized by (N,M) where both are non zero.
4) However substances cannot inhere a universal directly. Substances (atomic or compound) inhere specific properties/qualities/motions which in turn inhere universals. Thus substances (compound or atomic) are defined as the nodes that are separated from a universal node by at least one extra node (denoting a property, a quality or a motion).
These 4 axioms completely and uniquely define all the basic categories of "reals" in terms of their nodal coordinates ensuring that a consistent graphical structure of a real observable or event can indeed be built.
What is the payoff? We have moved decisively from a world of woolly and verbose definitions with ambiguities into a precise and abstract mathematical structure into which the interconnected parts of reality can be easily cast and carefully analyzed. If the task of metaphysics and epistemology is to produce a clear and comprehensive scheme in which the basic furniture of reality (explained in detail by the sciences) can be cast for better understanding, analysis and conceptual clarity...then Udayana surely has succeeded. Currently the work of the Nyaya philsophers from 900 CE to 1600 CE is generating quite a bit of interest in modern philosophy as their work is being deciphered and understood . As more analysis is made and presented, I would hope people in general and Hindus in particular would take note of it and move their work in the philosophy of science, metaphysics and epistemology forward again.
Philosophy in Classical India