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Place your bets folks

Which religion(s) do you find more likely?

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Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
If you had to place some bets on a religion in case there is indeed a god what religion would that be?

Don't most faiths warn against gambling?

Would you categorize these religions in an order from most likeliest to least?

No, I wouldn't. We don't always have to play Categories.

They all contain some degree of utility to their users. It's whenever dogma becomes abused that it takes on more destructive forms. We should never just follow traditional doctrines for their own sake, but they may work well in a variety of contexts directly related to the well-being of the human condition. Of course, that's just my opinion. Take it or leave, or let us discuss it further. As long as there's an open-minded exchange of perspectives and critical reflection, then development can always progress naturally.


Time to play a little game called Pascal's Wager so listen up knuckleheads!

Many people debate the existence of god and ponder about it everyday. Personally I would rather debate the existence of the Santa Claus, darn nit I nee some new boots for the winter.

If you had to place some bets on a religion in case there is indeed a god what religion would that be?

Would you categorize these religions in an order from most likeliest to least?
I'd bet the farm on the religion that stays truest to the will of God.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
None of them. Logically speaking, they most likely are all wrong. They were all created by a primate species that is very young in its development. We've only been around for about 200,000 years. That's pretty much early infancy in evolutionary terms. Most of them came around before modern science and before we really started exploring the universe. We still don't even have manned spaceflight to other planets yet, let alone other solar systems, galaxies, universes and dimensions. We still don't understand much of anything about our universe or about ourselves. Let's check back a few million years down the road and see where we're at then.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Time to play a little game called Pascal's Wager so listen up knuckleheads!

Many people debate the existence of god and ponder about it everyday. Personally I would rather debate the existence of the Santa Claus, darn nit I nee some new boots for the winter.

If you had to place some bets on a religion in case there is indeed a god what religion would that be?

Would you categorize these religions in an order from most likeliest to least?
I'm always amused when I see God compared to Santa Claus. I think it would be safe to say that no adult of even average intelligence believes in Santa Claus. They recognize him as a myth (though originating with a real human being). A huge, huge number of intelligent adults throughout the world (billions, actually) believe in a Higher Power, a "God" of some kind. This alone suggests to me that there is something quite different about a belief in God and a belief in Santa Claus. Rather than simply dismiss God as an "imaginary friend," it might actually be more worthwhile to try to figure out what it is that unites well over half of the world's thinking, intelligent, well-read adults in a belief that there is someone or something that has greater knowledge and power than we do. While they may not all see Him/Her in the same way, the fact that once they reach adulthood and continue to believe in Him/Her (decades after having rejected the idea of a fat man in a red suit shimmying down their chimleys), should be enough to make the skeptics at least come up with some more intelligent arguments against His/Her existence than they have so far.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm always amused when I see God compared to Santa Claus. I think it would be safe to say that no adult of even average intelligence believes in Santa Claus. They recognize him as a myth (though originating with a real human being). A huge, huge number of intelligent adults throughout the world (billions, actually) believe in a Higher Power, a "God" of some kind. This alone suggests to me that there is something quite different about a belief in God and a belief in Santa Claus. Rather than simply dismiss God as an "imaginary friend," it might actually be more worthwhile to try to figure out what it is that unites well over half of the world's thinking, intelligent, well-read adults in a belief that there is someone or something that has greater knowledge and power than we do. While they may not all see Him/Her in the same way, the fact that once they reach adulthood and continue to believe in Him/Her (decades after having rejected the idea of a fat man in a red suit shimmying down their chimleys), should be enough to make the skeptics at least come up with some more intelligent arguments against His/Her existence than they have so far.

As for Pascal, his little "wager" is a knucklehead of an idea that only shows he himself had no faith or reverence for his deity if he could so easily reduce it to a "playing it safe" mentality. It also shows his only reason for following any god is because of his fear. I'm pretty sure if I looked, I could even find places in the Bible where Jesus frowned upon such a type of "faith."


رسول الآلهة
Why? That's my question to you. Why is it a matter of "likelihood"? That presumes there is some fixed truth that you can find. What if it's not like that at all? Then your question misses the mark.

his is not an objective based question, it is a subjective one.

On an individual appeal what religion would be more likely in truth to one's self.

You are giving my question a whole new meaning assuming they are asking for the objective


Aura of atheification
Premium Member

As for Pascal, his little "wager" is a knucklehead of an idea that only shows he himself had no faith or reverence for his deity if he could so easily reduce it to a "playing it safe" mentality. It also shows his only reason for following any god is because of his fear. I'm pretty sure if I looked, I could even find places in the Bible where Jesus frowned upon such a type of "faith."

Do you think Pascal expected anyone to take the Wager seriously (much less himself)? It does not seem very likely.


we're all stardust
So this is like Pascal's Wager multiplied by 100?

I really can't imagine how it would feel if you believe in god X your entire life, praying to Him/Her/It everyday, leading a devout, honest life and being a good person in general and then when you die, you find out that god Y is the only true God... and that he's not very happy with you praying to the wrong god, and decides to send you to hell for eternity along with people like Hitler and Stalin just for the unforgivable crime of disbelief... how will you feel then?

imagine Christian nuns going to Muslim hell, or Muslim Sufis going to Christian Hell, or Buddhist Monks going to either one, does this make any sense?!!

but then again... we live in a cruel unfair world, why assume that its creator should be any different?!!
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Judaism, of course.
Judaism and Jews are a-historical.
There is no other paradigm that compares with Judaism in all of history - except for Judaism.
There are no other people that have managed to defy historical "norms" except for the Jews.
"Fortunate are you, O Israel! Who is like you, O people whose salvation is through the Lord, the Shield Who helps you, your majestic Sword!"
- Devarim 33:29


we're all stardust
Judaism, of course.
Judaism and Jews are a-historical.
There is no other paradigm that compares with Judaism in all of history - except for Judaism.
There are no other people that have managed to defy historical "norms" except for the Jews.
"Fortunate are you, O Israel! Who is like you, O people whose salvation is through the Lord, the Shield Who helps you, your majestic Sword!"
- Devarim 33:29

no offence but Judaism is more like a closed country club...no outside members allowed.... besides it doesn't seem to care much about after-life


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I really can't imagine how it would feel if you believe in god X your entire life, praying to Him/Her/It everyday, leading a devout, honest life and being a good person in general and then when you die, you find out that god Y is the only true God... and that he's not very happy with you praying to the wrong god, and decides to send you to hell for eternity along with people like Hitler and Stalin just for the unforgivable crime of disbelief... how will you feel then?

imagine Christian nuns going to Muslim hell, or Muslim Sufis going to Christian Hell, or Buddhist Monks going to either one, does this make any sense?!!

but then again... we live in a cruel unfair world, why assume that its creator should be any different?!!
The correct religion was Mormons: Abandon all Hope - Video Clips - South Park Studios


no offence but Judaism is more like a closed country club...no outside members allowed.... besides it doesn't seem to care much about after-life
Untrue. Anyone can convert to Judaism if they so desire.
And, there is a great deal about the "afterlife." It is just not viewed in the same manner as Christianity or some other religions.
What we do in This World determines our place in The World to Come (the afterlife).


Brain User
God may turn out to be an alien (scientist,artist or kid doing a science project:laundry:)
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رسول الآلهة
Untrue. Anyone can convert to Judaism if they so desire.
And, there is a great deal about the "afterlife." It is just not viewed in the same manner as Christianity or some other religions.
What we do in This World determines our place in The World to Come (the afterlife).

WRONG, it did not take me over a year to convert to Islam. Took 5 seconds.

Please tell me the last time Jews tried to convert outsiders? Jews concern themselves with Jews, they do not proselytize.

Anybody can be a Jew but Jews do not openly convert. You are blatantly wrong here. Judaism is a closed club and the entrance into it is by self perseverance not doorman advertisements.

Any true Jew would have known this. Jews DO NOT SEEK CONVERTS, CONVERTS SEEK JEWS.


we're all stardust
Moishe3rd said:
"Fortunate are you, O Israel! Who is like you, O people whose salvation is through the Lord, the Shield Who helps you, your majestic Sword!"
- Devarim 33:29

"Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.", Carl Sagan

So you're telling me that the Creator would concern himself only with less than 0.2% of the population of some speck of dust lost in space time, fighting their wars, vanquishing their enemies, sending down books telling their stories, demanding animal sacrifices...etc?!!!

makes perfect sense!!!!:sarcastic


WRONG, it did not take me over a year to convert to Islam. Took 5 seconds.

Please tell me the last time Jews tried to convert outsiders? Jews concern themselves with Jews, they do not proselytize.

Anybody can be a Jew but Jews do not openly convert. You are blatantly wrong here. Judaism is a closed club and the entrance into it is by self perseverance not doorman advertisements.

Any true Jew would have known this. Jews DO NOT SEEK CONVERTS, CONVERTS SEEK JEWS.
I don't understand your point of contention...
What is "WRONG?"

"Anybody can convert to Judaism if they so desire" is 100% accurate.
It's nice that your five second conversion was good for you.
I think it takes about the same amount of time for Christians too.
Nonetheless, other than being contentious on your part, I don't see the point of your reply.
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