Irishgal,Irishgal said:This is my first post on this site. I found this website by accident after reading information on "priests for life". After working in hospitals in the medical field for many, many years I can assure you "doubting, or in denial, Thomases" that the pictures shown on Priests for Life are real. Actually, they're not as real as seeing the product of abortion "up close and personal". Get your heads out of the sand for God's sake! These are tiny little human beings....miniatures of us...if we only allow them to grow. They suffer horrible deaths during their abortion, i.e., murder. It is sheer torture! Many, many times during late term abortions they whimper or actually cry. But not for long. If you care so much about "this is my body" fine...but this miniature child is NOT your body. It's a completely separate person's body your killing. Now, if you believe in abortion, which we all know is the slaughtering of the most innocent of all, just have the guts to say so. Don't ramble on about...oh, let's see, it's not human until such and such month, or, it doesn't feel anything, or those pictures aren't real, they're phonies. You're the phonies. Wake up and look at these little babies you believe have no rights to anything. If you're an atheist or a pagan or whatever the heck you decide to believe in or not believe in, if you have one iota of decency you will have to admit that the killing of these innocent children in WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. There is, quite simply, no justification in taking their life. Do whatever you please with your life or your body, but don't play around with the taking of another's life....especially one so defenseless and innocent. Just my ramblings for the day. (Oh, and I'd be willing to wager those who most promote abortion are the very ones who scream about the injustices concerning capital punishment...the humanely administered death penalty for our most sadistic, evil citizens.)
Irishgal...oh and God's Peace to all of you.
I wouldn't be so quick to judge. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion regardless of what any of us say. If someone want to be pro-abortion that is their right and doesn't make them any less of a person b/c you think different.