Abrahamic God right? Christian? Makes a diffence.
If God cannot be proven, how do we know that the God we serve is the right one?
We dont, even if we claim we do. As long its by faith, we do not knw He exist it is by hope. Syncronicities, coincedence, your existence, etc, to many prooves a creator exists. If you dont see the blessings of life coming from a creator, it will be hard finding evidence for one.
The right one? Some that doesnt suggest harm other others based on desire to be worshiped. A God who iS life not a Creator and separated from it. "God" is internal not external. As long as people look for an external God, looking outside themselves for inward answers, answers will be a reflection of others not their own. The right God lets you have a sense of you Through God. He doesnt come into you, you are a part of God.
What evidence is there for God? And if there were evidence wouldn't that be proof?
Evidence above? Panthestic (no all agree) view of God yes. Ahrahmic God. He exist by your trust and hope in His existence and promises He gave and confirmed in His book, Quran, Torah, and Bible. Personificatio of their scripture prooves His existence. The actions and results from religious rituals proves His existence.
Does the theory of evolution botch the idea that what we see in nature is proof of God's existence?
No. Everything evolves. Nothing is created from thin air. Nothing disapers.
Are the holy books of any religions evidence of God's existence, why or why not?
Abrahamics, yes. In Chistianity, the Bible, the actions of God through people, phrophets, and apostles are proof that God still acts in peoples lives so that they live as Gods right hand man.
Holy scripture, Quran, bible, Vedas, lotus sutra doesnt proove God or Law exist depended on a book but the teacher Himself, God or not.