Just to be clear at the outset...I am both and atheist and "straight".
I can not know nor explain why any "gay" person (male or female) would enjoin any "conservative" political viewpoint...any. "Conservatives" (I prefer the nomenclature as being "regressive") tend towards abject bigotry and hate of any persons they dislike or deem "different" from themselves, but that is a different topic for a different forum.
But let's at least be fair here. Not ALL self-identifying "Christians" are, as you offer, "condemning" of gay people.
Denominations, and even more specifically, individual churches, may welcome
all to their worship and services.
And,the "abomination" of homosexuality ranks right up there equally with such matters as eating shellfish,etc. [
Proverbs 6:16-19], [Proverbs 17:15], [Galatians 5:19-21], just getting started...
if you accept such silly things as "truth". Yes, I've read Proverbs, Numbers, Deut., etc. Odd how many "Christians" have never read, much less abide by "scripture" to invalidate the words of their named Savior, much less follow the mandates of pious rules ascribed as "faith" and loyalty to a "God". But never mind the hypocrisies that puts forward for now... atheists are immune to such things.
It remains of no interest to me whether or not you are a "believer" in supernatural entities or not, nor if you are sexually attracted towards your own gender. Honestly, I don't care. I don't pretend that I understand believing in Santa anymore than I feel "born" with any physical attraction towards men. NO paradox there...just doesn't exist for me. But then, I'm not "gay". But if you are, I really do not care either. I support equal representation under law. Simple.
I even support the notion that "churches" may choose whom they allow as "members", and whom they choose to exclude, as any non-profit "club" may exercise (or exorcize) their wishes by their own rules.
But, and this is a big but. You may always VOTE (as I most often do) to best serve your
own interests. Bigots and fools can ALWAYS be voted out of office. If you believe in equal justice under law, then VOTE. Otherwise, you are just "pi**ing up a rope.
"Lincoln Log" Republicans have been voting for years (decades?) to preserve "conservative" values in their elected officials, never to discover any representation within their own community of "gay Christians". That is always your choice, your call, your desire to fulfill.
Here we all go again.
If being gay is more important to you than being a part of the under taxed minority of wealthy people, vote differently this time.
Otherwise, you get what you don't vote for or against. Period.