Yes, I also think the angel scenario is also a billion to one chance, and thus outside the realm of statistical probability. If I did not have a personal witness from God, I'd have no explanation for the data at all, and I'd have to write the whole thing off as a mystery.
Again, the data does not support an angel, or a miracle, but I believe it does support a genuine historical document.
I'll try one last time, FX: where does the burden of proof lie in a forgery case? Is the burden of proof on me to establish the article is genuine? Or is the burden on you to establish it's a fake?
In court, the burden of proof rests on the prosecution--that would be you. If you want to convince people the book was forged by Smith, you need actual evidence of a forgery, and you need enough to account for ALL the data.
Thats not true.
BalanceFX is satan. The world is round. God exists.
To prove Im not satan you also have to prove both that the world is round and that god exists?
I never claimed the entire BoM is false. Just most of it.