Who is better? DeSantis? Trump pandered to Christo-fascists but was not one. DeSantis is! Pence is, Haley is, Scott is, etc. The current crop of GOP folks are theocrats. Who is left?
They all believe that they have to at least pretend to pander to them, to win. Because they can't win without them. But they also can't win without the independent voters in the middle, and those folks have become sick to death of the republicans pandering to fascist extremists.
The American people have always had a strong fascist streak that rears it's ugly head every so often. But in the end the majority comes to it's senses and the fascism is subverted. I think we are reaching that point, now. It will take a while for the sickness to fully abate, and it will always be latent, as that seems to be who we are, but the insanity has gone as far as it can. Trump can't win. DisSantis can't win. Pense won't win. And any republican that continues to pander to extremism is going to lose, eventually. Biden could implode, and lose, but that seems unlikely at the moment. And he even seems to be hinting at becoming more progressive. Though no one is going to believe it unless he actually DOES something progressive. And that's difficult given the near total stagnation of the government process.
But even as the winds are changing, a LOT of damage has been done. And it will take a long time to undo it. Especially in the judiciary.