Neo Deist
Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
Lots of people with vehicles like that wildly overestimate the capabilities of the car, especially when driven by an idiot.
Around here whenever we get super heavy snow, the people who cause the traffic problems are the ones who think that their 4x4 is unstoppable.
In Alabama we get more black ice than anything. Fools are always wrecking because they think they can still zip down the road running full steam.
A couple of years ago we had a blizzard (which is NOT synonymous with Alabama) and people were stuck at work/school for 3 days. My son's school is 5 minutes from the house, but there are several steep hills to get there. I jumped in my wife's Honda Pilot AWD, dropped it into low gear, kept the speed under 10 mph, made it to the school and picked him up along with some other neighborhood kids. Brought them safely back home. Not once did the Pilot ever have any issues in AWD. Love it!