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poll: are you an ape?

are you an ape?

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This is a great example of what I was talking about. As soon as you believer that ID is a possible, if not probable, answer - you are automatically demeaned and labeled.

I'm not so sure about that. Anything is possible, but the bottom line is that there isn't enough available information to be able to draw any conclusions one way or another. To simply jump to a conclusion without evidence is something that some people might not give much credence to. I don't see that there's any call to demean or label people for having a belief, but it still is what it is.


Active Member
This is a great example of what I was talking about. As soon as you believer that ID is a possible, if not probable, answer - you are automatically demeaned and labeled.
You're a monkey! You have limbs, and fingers, and palms, and legs, and feet and a torso and a face, and front-facing eyes, and fuzz all about you. How are you not a monkey?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I don't think Bible gives enough reason to think there is God named El is someone else than YHWH.

I believe they were archangels or human leaders. Some humans are called son's of God in the Bible.

I think it would be god to know that Bible doesn't say Jesus is the YHWH.

No need to be sorry for your thoughts friend - .. for your beliefs ... that is another matter but first to our thoughts about EL -- High God of the Canaanite Pantheon .. obviously the God being worshiped in Jerusalem at the time being a Canaanite City .. alongside the Patron God Zedek.

So when the Priest-King of Jerusalem comes out to meet Abraham -- a King who (as was normally the case) takes the name of the Patron God of the city -- Melchi-Zedek -- and Abraham Submits to this High Priest .. and worship El- Oliun - The Supreme God .. the Supreme One -- that God is EL .. as Melchi-Zedek is a Priest of the Most High God.

Now perhaps this was YHWH in disguise .. but Abe and Melchi-Zedek do not worship a God by the name YHWH. The claim that this is YHWH masqurading as EL is both desperate and silly .. and should not be listened to and is in fact a claim contradicted by Deut 32:8 ... where EL divides up the nations among his 70 sons .. YHWH's portion is Israel .. YHWH is thus a Son of EL .. not EL himself.

Now .. YHWH later takes on EL's Attributes .. usurps the position of EL as "Most High" on Earth .. but EL is still head in the Heavens. There is a reason why Theological Scholarly consensus is that the God of Abraham was EL .. that if you go look up Abraham in the Encyclopedia Brittannica .. it will tell you the God of Abraham is EL .. so there must be reason plenty enough for them.

Psalm 82 - No -- they are not archangels and certainly not humans of any sort .. and what ridiculous nonsense for someone to state "They were one or the other" basically stating one does not have a clue what these beings were.

1) the scene is in Heaven .. so they can't be humans .. further it would be beyond obscene for YHWH to be defeating Humans .. ridiculous nonsense on steroids.. YHWH states "Ye Are Gods" .. as he is addressing these Gods in the Divine Congregation of EL (the Supreme one) calling these Gods -- Sons of the Supreme one ... El Oliun .. same entity as the God that Melchi-Zedek and Abe were worshiping

To claim that the Sons of this Supreme one that Abe was worshiping are humans .. means that the Supreme one that Abe and Melchi-Zedek was worshiping was a human... and thus you have Reduced God down to a human.

Let us see what the footnotes in the Bible have to say .. about your "Nothing in the Bible" belief ?

  1. Psalm 82:1 sn Psalm 82. The psalmist pictures God standing in the “assembly of El” where he accuses the “gods” of failing to promote justice on earth. God pronounces sentence upon them, announcing that they will die like men. Having witnessed the scene, the psalmist then asks God to establish his just rule over the earth.
  2. Psalm 82:1 tn Or “presides over.”
  3. Psalm 82:1 tn The phrase עֲדַת אֵל (ʿadat ʾel, “assembly of El”) appears only here in the OT. (1) Some understand “El” to refer to God himself. In this case he is pictured presiding over his own heavenly assembly. (2) Others take אֵל as a superlative here (“God stands in the great assembly”), as in Pss 36:6 and 80:10. (3) The present translation assumes this is a reference to the Canaanite high god El, who presided over the Canaanite divine assembly. (See Isa 14:13, where El’s assembly is called “the stars of El.”) In the Ugaritic myths the phrase ʿdt ʾilm refers to the “assembly of the gods,” who congregate in King Kirtu’s house, where Baal asks El to bless Kirtu’s house (see G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 91). If the Canaanite divine assembly is referred to here in Ps 82:1, then the psalm must be understood as a bold polemic against Canaanite religion. Israel’s God invades El’s assembly, denounces its gods as failing to uphold justice, and announces their coming demise. For an interpretation of the psalm along these lines, see W. VanGemeren, “Psalms,” EBC 5:533-36.
  4. Psalm 82:1 sn The present translation assumes that the Hebrew term אֱלֹהִים (ʾelohim, “gods”) here refers to the pagan gods who scomprise El’s assembly according to Canaanite religion.
  5. Psalm 82:1 sn The picture of God rendering judgment among the gods clearly depicts his sovereign authority as universal king (see v. 8, where the psalmist boldly affirms this truth).
  6. Psalm 82:2 tn The words “he says” are supplied in the translation to indicate that the following speech is God’s judicial decision (see v. 1).
  7. Psalm 82:2 tn Heb “and the face of the wicked lift up.”
  8. Psalm 82:3 tn The Hebrew noun יָתוֹם (yatom) refers to one who has lost his father (not necessarily his mother, see Ps 109:9). Because they were so vulnerable and were frequently exploited, fatherless children are often mentioned as epitomizing the oppressed (see Pss 10:14; 68:5; 94:6; 146:9; as well as Job 6:27; 22:9; 24:3, 9; 29:12; 31:17, 21).
  9. Psalm 82:4 tn Heb “hand.”
  10. Psalm 82:5 sn Having addressed the defendants, God now speaks to those who are observing the trial, referring to the gods in the third person.
  11. Psalm 82:5 tn Heb “walk.” The Hitpael stem indicates iterative action, picturing these ignorant “judges” as stumbling around in the darkness.
  12. Psalm 82:5 sn These gods, though responsible for justice, neglect their duty. Their self-imposed ignorance (which the psalmist compares to stumbling around in the dark) results in widespread injustice, which threatens the social order of the world (the meaning of the phrase all the foundations of the earth crumble).
  13. Psalm 82:6 tn Heb “said.”
  14. Psalm 82:6 sn Normally in the OT the title Most High belongs to the God of Israel, but in this context, where the mythological overtones are so strong, it probably refers to the Canaanite high god El (see v. 1, as well as Isa 14:13).

So much for "Nothing in the Bible" these comments on the biblical passage .. comming from the most biased source we could possibly imagine .. so we can safely change "It propably refers to the Canaanite high God EL" to .. We know for a fact that this is what is being referred to .. 18 ways to sunday .. Both From the Bible, but from Biblical History - Archaeology .. and we have their stories friend. We know what the Religious beliefs of the people of the day were .. be it Phonecian, Canaanite, Hittite, Amorite, Assyrian, Babylonian, Midianite, Elamite and so on.

Everyone hearing this Psalm being Sung in or about the Temple .. where ever these hymns were sung .. and expecially this one .. where YHWH defeats the other Gods .. every person to a person .. 1) knows who EL is 2) knows the story of how the Sons of EL are batttling to usurp El's position as High God on Earth .. each people rooting for a different Son .. the Patron God of Their city in general. 3) knows that El is head of a Divine council/ Pantheon -- from where Justice among the Gods is meted .. hence the association of the Twin Gods of Justice and Righteousness Zedek - Melchi-Zedek.

and so it matters ZERO .. to the meaning of the Psalm .. what you think .. or what you believe the Psalm is saying .. What matters is what the people of the Day thought the Psalm was saying .. what they belived .. and not what you believe .. and we know what the people of the Day believe .. Be they Israelite or Canaanite .. and Israelites are Canaanites so this is kind of silly to begin with .. they all have the same general beliefs with respect to the Order of the Gods .. all .. if not polytheistic .. which the Bible tells is us generally the case for nearly all Israelites .. the exceptional few that are not monotheistic .. but monolateral .. beleiving in many Gods but worshiping only one.

800 Years after Abraham .. the Priestly line of Zedek continues in Jerusalem .. now under Jebusite control .. a branch of Canaanite like the Israelites are a branch of Canaanite .. brothers and sisters fighting each other essentially. The King of Jerusalem when David Shows up is Adoni-Zedek -- "My Lord is Zedek"

and what happens to this Priestly Line ? --- Tell me True .. Tell me Why .. it is not replaced with the Priests of YHWH ? .. but oh No No... Not only is King David .. like Jesus .. made a Priest forever in the Order of Melchi-Zedek .. but Jesus is also a High Priest Forever in the Order of Melchi-Zedek

It is a Priest by the name of "Zadok" -- go figure -- who annoints King Solomon.. Zadok being the Jebusite High Priest of Jerusalem under Adoni-Zedek .. the High Priest Assigned by David to continue after he took the city.
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Veteran Member
I'm not so sure about that.
I think @Kenny is right on that one. At least among educated people. If you still believe in a hypothesis that has been disproven and even in court declared as non scientific, you are either trying to delude or been deluded. UFO abductees have more credibility and they get laughed at (behind their backs).


Active Member
No need to be sorry for your thoughts friend - .. for your beliefs ... that is another matter but first to our thoughts about EL -- High God of the Canaanite Pantheon .. obviously the God being worshiped in Jerusalem at the time being a Canaanite City .. alongside the Patron God Zedek.

So when the Priest-King of Jerusalem comes out to meet Abraham -- a King who (as was normally the case) takes the name of the Patron God of the city -- Melchi-Zedek -- and Abraham Submits to this High Priest .. and worship El- Oliun - The Supreme God .. the Supreme One -- that God is EL .. as Melchi-Zedek is a Priest of the Most High God.

Now perhaps this was YHWH in disguise .. but Abe and Melchi-Zedek do not worship a God by the name YHWH. The claim that this is YHWH masqurading as YHWH is both desperate and silly .. and should not be listened to and is in fact a claim contradicted by Deut 32:8 ... where EL divides up the nations among his 70 sons .. YHWH's portion is Israel .. YHWH is thus a Son of EL .. not EL himself.

Now .. YHWH later takes on EL's Attributes .. usurps the position of EL as "Most High" on Earth .. but EL is still head in the Heavens. There is a reason why Theological Scholarly consensus is that the God of Abraham was EL .. that if you go look up Abraham in the Encyclopedia Brittannica .. it will tell you the God of Abraham is EL .. so there must be reason plenty enough for them.

Psalm 82 - No -- they are not archangels and certainly not humans of any sort .. and what ridiculous nonsense for someone to state "They were one or the other" basically stating one does not have a clue what these beings were.

1) the scene is in Heaven .. so they can't be humans .. further it would be beyond obscene for YHWH to be defeating Humans .. ridiculous nonsense on steroids.. YHWH states "Ye Are Gods" .. as he is addressing these Gods in the Divine Congregation of EL (the Supreme one) calling these Gods -- Sons of the Supreme one ... El Oliun .. same entity as the God that Melchi-Zedek and Abe were worshiping

To claim that the Sons of this Supreme one that Abe was worshiping are humans .. means that the Supreme one that Abe and Melchi-Zedek was worshiping was a human... and thus you have Reduced God down to a human.

Let us see what the footnotes in the Bible have to say .. about your "Nothing in the Bible" belief ?

  1. Psalm 82:1 sn Psalm 82. The psalmist pictures God standing in the “assembly of El” where he accuses the “gods” of failing to promote justice on earth. God pronounces sentence upon them, announcing that they will die like men. Having witnessed the scene, the psalmist then asks God to establish his just rule over the earth.
  2. Psalm 82:1 tn Or “presides over.”
  3. Psalm 82:1 tn The phrase עֲדַת אֵל (ʿadat ʾel, “assembly of El”) appears only here in the OT. (1) Some understand “El” to refer to God himself. In this case he is pictured presiding over his own heavenly assembly. (2) Others take אֵל as a superlative here (“God stands in the great assembly”), as in Pss 36:6 and 80:10. (3) The present translation assumes this is a reference to the Canaanite high god El, who presided over the Canaanite divine assembly. (See Isa 14:13, where El’s assembly is called “the stars of El.”) In the Ugaritic myths the phrase ʿdt ʾilm refers to the “assembly of the gods,” who congregate in King Kirtu’s house, where Baal asks El to bless Kirtu’s house (see G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 91). If the Canaanite divine assembly is referred to here in Ps 82:1, then the psalm must be understood as a bold polemic against Canaanite religion. Israel’s God invades El’s assembly, denounces its gods as failing to uphold justice, and announces their coming demise. For an interpretation of the psalm along these lines, see W. VanGemeren, “Psalms,” EBC 5:533-36.
  4. Psalm 82:1 sn The present translation assumes that the Hebrew term אֱלֹהִים (ʾelohim, “gods”) here refers to the pagan gods who scomprise El’s assembly according to Canaanite religion.
  5. Psalm 82:1 sn The picture of God rendering judgment among the gods clearly depicts his sovereign authority as universal king (see v. 8, where the psalmist boldly affirms this truth).
  6. Psalm 82:2 tn The words “he says” are supplied in the translation to indicate that the following speech is God’s judicial decision (see v. 1).
  7. Psalm 82:2 tn Heb “and the face of the wicked lift up.”
  8. Psalm 82:3 tn The Hebrew noun יָתוֹם (yatom) refers to one who has lost his father (not necessarily his mother, see Ps 109:9). Because they were so vulnerable and were frequently exploited, fatherless children are often mentioned as epitomizing the oppressed (see Pss 10:14; 68:5; 94:6; 146:9; as well as Job 6:27; 22:9; 24:3, 9; 29:12; 31:17, 21).
  9. Psalm 82:4 tn Heb “hand.”
  10. Psalm 82:5 sn Having addressed the defendants, God now speaks to those who are observing the trial, referring to the gods in the third person.
  11. Psalm 82:5 tn Heb “walk.” The Hitpael stem indicates iterative action, picturing these ignorant “judges” as stumbling around in the darkness.
  12. Psalm 82:5 sn These gods, though responsible for justice, neglect their duty. Their self-imposed ignorance (which the psalmist compares to stumbling around in the dark) results in widespread injustice, which threatens the social order of the world (the meaning of the phrase all the foundations of the earth crumble).
  13. Psalm 82:6 tn Heb “said.”
  14. Psalm 82:6 sn Normally in the OT the title Most High belongs to the God of Israel, but in this context, where the mythological overtones are so strong, it probably refers to the Canaanite high god El (see v. 1, as well as Isa 14:13).

So much for "Nothing in the Bible" these comments on the biblical passage .. comming from the most biased source we could possibly imagine .. so we can safely change "It propably refers to the Canaanite high God EL" to .. We know for a fact that this is what is being referred to .. 18 ways to sunday .. Both From the Bible, but from Biblical History - Archaeology .. and we have their stories friend. We know what the Religious beliefs of the people of the day were .. be it Phonecian, Canaanite, Hittite, Amorite, Assyrian, Babylonian, Midianite, Elamite and so on.

Everyone hearing this Psalm being Sung in or about the Temple .. where ever these hymns were sung .. and expecially this one .. where YHWH defeats the other Gods .. every person to a person .. 1) knows who EL is 2) knows the story of how the Sons of EL are batttling to usurp El's position as High God on Earth .. each people rooting for a different Son .. the Patron God of Their city in general. 3) knows that El is head of a Divine council/ Pantheon -- from where Justice among the Gods is meted .. hence the association of the Twin Gods of Justice and Righteousness Zedek - Melchi-Zedek.

and so it matters ZERO .. to the meaning of the Psalm .. what you think .. or what you believe the Psalm is saying .. What matters is what the people of the Day thought the Psalm was saying .. what they belived .. and not what you believe .. and we know what the people of the Day believe .. Be they Israelite or Canaanite .. and Israelites are Canaanites so this is kind of silly to begin with .. they all have the same general beliefs with respect to the Order of the Gods .. all .. if not polytheistic .. which the Bible tells is us generally the case for nearly all Israelites .. the exceptional few that are not monotheistic .. but monolateral .. beleiving in many Gods but worshiping only one.

800 Years after Abraham .. the Priestly line of Zedek continues in Jerusalem .. now under Jebusite control .. a branch of Canaanite like the Israelites are a branch of Canaanite .. brothers and sisters fighting each other essentially. The King of Jerusalem when David Shows up is Adoni-Zedek -- "My Lord is Zedek"

and what happens to this Priestly Line ? --- Tell me True .. Tell me Why .. it is not replaced with the Priests of YHWH ? .. but oh No No... Not only is King David .. like Jesus .. made a Priest forever in the Order of Melchi-Zedek .. but Jesus is also a High Priest Forever in the Order of Melchi-Zedek

It is a Priest by the name of "Zadok" -- go figure -- who annoints King Saul .. Zadok being the Jebusite High Priest of Jerusalem under Adoni-Zedek .. the High Priest Assigned by David to continue after he took the city.
All I have to add is that dammit we are monkeys!


Well-Known Member
All I have to add is that dammit we are monkeys!

Absolutely .. previous in the thread .. I posted the Atrahasis text .. which details how the Gods took primative human and crossed that with the Sky God DNA to create a hybrid worker they called the Adamu .. the word which means Earthling .. from the Earth.. and so the Primative Hominid was crossed with the Sky-God to create the Adamu :)


I pull out some of the main details below
Saying, "Every single one of us gods Declared war. We have put [a stop] to the digging. The load is excessive, it is killing us, Our work is too hard, the trouble too much, So every single one of us gods Has agreed to complain to Ellil! '

The work is to ohard for the Gods . they complain to Ellil (Illil, EL) who is one of the two sons of the Great God Anu ... Enki (Ea) . It is decided that a worker drone will be created .. where they will mix some God that they Kill .. with some Primative Hominid .. creating some hybrid drone creatures .. the Adamu .. in case you wondred where the Bible came up with the name Adam.

Enki made his voice heard And spoke to the great gods, 'On the first, seventh, and fifteenth of the month I shall make a purification by washing. Then one god should be slaughtered. And the gods can be purified by immersion. Nintu shall mix clay With his flesh and his blood. Then a god and a man Will be mixed together in clay. Let us hear the drumbeat forever after, 10 Let a ghost come into existence from the god's flesh,11

"God and a Man will be mixed together in Clay" -- there is a bunch more details in the text but what is going on here is clear .. making workers who are a hybrid of these Sky Gods "Annunaki" -- and a primitive Hominid Earthling.
The womb-goddesses were assembled. He trod the clay in her presence; 14 SBV She kept reciting an incantation, For Enki, staying in her presence, made her recite it. When she had finished her incantation, She pinched off fourteen pieces (of clay), (And set) seven pieces on the right, Seven on the left. Between them she put down a mud brick. 15 She made use of (?) a reed, opened it (?) to cut the umbilical cord, 16 Called up the wise and knowledgeable Womb-goddesses, seven and seven. Seven created males, Seven created females,

Enki has 14 womb-goddesses inseminated with the hybrid God-Man Seed .. to create 7 males and 7 females .. who then multiply like rabbits and become an irritation to Enlil who then decides to wipe them all out with a Flood .. but .. Enki has a fellow build an Ark .. he and his family survive the great flood ..

And Now you know "The rest of the Story" :) keeping in mind that this is not just a story .. and that it matters how you or I think we got here .. but this is the Story that every living soul in Mesopotamia believes .. and will tell you if you ask "how did we get here" .. and they believed this for some 3000 years that we know of .. and that same story .. with slight changes is believed by everyone in the known world .. which was quite extensive at the time of Abraham .. in 1800 BC .. Trade with Greece and as far off as India .. Tin shipped from England..

That is what they believed .. Sky Gods came down .. created hybrid human .. "In our Image" "Like US" Its on Page 1 of the Bible for goodness sakes .. 26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness,

and it matters not what some modern monotheist apologist Theologian engaging in artistic liscense thinks .. because we all know what the Ancient Israelites thought .. when they read this passage .. and they could name the Gods involved ... and tell you The Rest of the STory.

And then Genesis 6 opens with
6 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with[a] humans forever, for they are mortal[b]; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
OH .. how lovely the Sons of of these Gods are able to mate with the Female Adamu .. and so they marry them .. and become husband and wife .. nothing like a little Alien- Human marriage to set the box office ticket sales into overdrive .. aye mate :) and yes .. the primative Human they took for hybridization was darn monkey like .. hence your good looks today :)
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Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I think @Kenny is right on that one. At least among educated people. If you still believe in a hypothesis that has been disproven and even in court declared as non scientific, you are either trying to delude or been deluded. UFO abductees have more credibility and they get laughed at (behind their backs).

Even believing that it might be possible? Some people are still nicer than others about it; there's no call to demean or belittle just because they believe something.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
All I have to add is that dammit we are monkeys!
Only in the sense that taxonomy is a series of subdivisions of subdivisions, and that any of these is a subset of all that came before it and thus, technically, a part of the former set. This obviates the whole of taxonomy and cladistics, though. One might as well drop all the category names and declare all life archaea.

The named, taxonomic categories and subcategories are convenient, and useful in understanding different life forms.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Even believing that it might be possible? Some people are still nicer than others about it; there's no call to demean or belittle just because they believe something.
But everything "might be possible." Most conceivable things, though, are highly unlikely.
The reasonable approach is not to hold a provisional belief in everything, but to believe what there is objective evidence of, and defer belief in all, yet unevidenced things.


Veteran Member
Even believing that it might be possible? Some people are still nicer than others about it; there's no call to demean or belittle just because they believe something.
I guess people are too polarised on the matter to be "just believers" or thought of as "just believers". The parties are dug in and they are at war. And while the hypothetical believer deserves a better education, the warriors deserve all the mockery they get.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
because I am a lemur.
No. If you follow your lineage back, ancestor to ancestor, you will never find a lemur.
Lineages fork, they branch off, there is not a single line of descent for all extant organisms.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Only in the sense that taxonomy is a series of subdivisions of subdivisions, and that any of these is a subset of all that came before it and thus, technically, a part of the former set. This obviates the whole of taxonomy and cladistics, though. One might as well drop all the category names and declare all life archaea.

The named, taxonomic categories and subcategories are convenient, and useful in understanding different life forms.
Yes, species are names that could be said to have an expiration date. It is never set, but for some species it does not make a lot of sense to still use the term. Though when people ask if we "Came from monkeys" the answer is yes since the species that occurred at the time of the split of Old World and New World Monkeys would have been classified as monkeys today. For practical purposes we have gained to many new traits to make that name practical. So though we are definitely apes when we go back that far it is better to use the more scientific term "simians".

Ooh, except for one point. In Spanish we are monkeys. That is because they do not differentiate between monkeys and apes. One is likely to find that in other languages too. In Spanish the term "mono" covers both apes and monkeys. Hmm, a Googling I will go.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yes, species are names that could be said to have an expiration date. It is never set, but for some species it does not make a lot of sense to still use the term. Though when people ask if we "Came from monkeys" the answer is yes since the species that occurred at the time of the split of Old World and New World Monkeys would have been classified as monkeys today. For practical purposes we have gained to many new traits to make that name practical. So though we are definitely apes when we go back that far it is better to use the more scientific term "simians".

Ooh, except for one point. In Spanish we are monkeys. That is because they do not differentiate between monkeys and apes. One is likely to find that in other languages too. In Spanish the term "mono" covers both apes and monkeys. Hmm, a Googling I will go.
So does the French term "singe."
As I understand it, the ancient Hebrew word for flying animal, translated as "bird" in the Bible, also included bats, This is not a biblical, taxonomic error, as biblical critics claim, but a linguistic idiosyncrasy.

Even the technical terms like species or family are vague. There is often no clear feature delineating biological categories. Linnean lines are drawn for convenience, not precision. When I say "rodent" or "fish," people can picture these in their minds. With more modern, cladistic or gradual continua of change -- not so much.
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
So does the French term "singe."
As I understand it, the ancient Hebrew word for flying animal, translated as "bird" in the Bible, also included bats, This is not a biblical, taxonomic error, but a linguistic idiosyncrasy.

Even the technical terms like species or family are vague. There is often no clear feature delineating biological categories. Linnean lines are drawn for convenience, not precision. When I say "rodent" or "fish," people can picture these in their minds. More modern cladistic or gradual continua of change -- not so much.
And it is through the use of cladistics that we would be called monkeys. The problem arises when one tries to mix two different classification systems. I can still see a use for a time limited name for a population. But it is very clearly that Homo sapiens are descended directly from Homo erectus. Going backwards in time we can see Homo sapiens approaching Homo erectus until we cannot tell which is which.

From our creationistic past we still have mistaken concepts such as "the first modern man". There was no first Homo sapiens. There is just a broad fuzzy line that marks a largely arbitrary boundary.