I'm an Apatheist.
I personally find that questions like "Does God Exist?" or "Do You Believe in God?" are neither useful, nor interesting, because they ask me to speculate about the nature of some external "thing" that apparently nobody can, or is supposed to (if I read most religions right), meaningfully define by any reference other than their own subjective experience. If the question is understood as "Do you believe I had an experience of something I call 'God'?" the answer, of course, depends on whether you tell me you did - in which case, I'll just take your word for it. But I don't think that's what most people mean when they ask these questions.
Now, if you ask me whether I believe "dog" exists, that I might be able to answer. Unlike "God," of course, it is permissible and possible to discuss our subjective experiences associated with "dog," and reach some reasonable facsimile of shared meaning (though there are no guarantees ).
the doppleganger