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Polygamy (polygyny)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Judgement Day said:


by N.A. Faruqui
Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at Islam, Lahore, Inc.

Brother JD, beaware.

Qadyaniyyah (Ahmadiyyah) is a deviant group that has nothing to do with Islam.

Many Muslim scholars consider the Ahmadis as non-Muslims for several reasons.

You can find the details in this link below, plus a fatwa about them from the scholars of Islam.

Qadyaniyyah in Focus:

Judgement Day

Active Member
The Truth said:
Brother JD, beaware.

Qadyaniyyah (Ahmadiyyah) is a deviant group that has nothing to do with Islam.

Many Muslim scholars consider the Ahmadis as non-Muslims for several reasons.

You can find the details in this link below, plus a fatwa about them from the scholars of Islam.

Qadyaniyyah in Focus:
Yes, thank you for reminding me brother The Truth. I didn't really pay attention to that part.


Brother JD, beaware.

Qadyaniyyah (Ahmadiyyah) is a deviant group that has nothing to do with Islam.

Many Muslim scholars consider the Ahmadis as non-Muslims for several reasons.

You can find the details in this link below, plus a fatwa about them from the scholars of Islam.

Qadyaniyyah in Focus:

Hmm...You know...as an Ahmadi Muslim, I could respond in many ways. First of all, since we believe and say the Shahadah, who are you or any other person in the world to say that we are not muslim's? Judgement of other people's faith's rests with god alone. Bash us all you want, but remember an ahadith of the Holy Prophet where he severely rebuked Usamah Ibn Zaid after he had killed a pagan in a war when, right before he was about to be stabbed, said the Shahadah. The Holy Prophtet asked Zaid later "Why did you not cleave his heart to see if he said it from his heart or not? He kept repeating it until I wished I had accepted Islam only that day" (Muslim). And I think a site in support of Ahmadiyyat is in order too


fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
Hmm...You know...as an Ahmadi Muslim, I could respond in many ways. First of all, since we believe and say the Shahadah, who are you or any other person in the world to say that we are not muslim's? Judgement of other people's faith's rests with god alone. Bash us all you want, but remember an ahadith of the Holy Prophet where he severely rebuked Usamah Ibn Zaid after he had killed a pagan in a war when, right before he was about to be stabbed, said the Shahadah. The Holy Prophtet asked Zaid later "Why did you not cleave his heart to see if he said it from his heart or not? He kept repeating it until I wished I had accepted Islam only that day" (Muslim). And I think a site in support of Ahmadiyyat is in order too


I don't think Trutrh was trying to bash anyone, but warn him. Wow this was a long time ago. Anyway from what I know of ahmadiyyats they believe Mirza Gulam Qadiani was a messenger of Allah. Is this true?


I don't think Trutrh was trying to bash anyone, but warn him. Wow this was a long time ago. Anyway from what I know of ahmadiyyats they believe Mirza Gulam Qadiani was a messenger of Allah. Is this true?

No harm done. And I don't believe there can be any greater then the one given in that Ahadith. And as to Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, yes, we believe that he was a messenger of Allah, albeit a special one. We believe that he was the Imam Mahdi foretold by the Holy Prophet (saw), and is in essence the second coming of many awaited personas, such as the prophet Jesus, prophet Krishna and others as well.

Without going into too much detail or the controversy sorrounding it (which would take a few pages...:cover:) Ahmadi Muslims are usually bashed on one verse of the holy Qur'an, which says that Muhammad was the Seal of the Prophets. the arabic word used in the word means seal, and not "last", as some people say.
To us, this means that Muhammad was sent to verify the genuineness of all the prophets before him, effectively branding them with his seal, or approval. This also means that any prophet that comes in the future will have to bear the seal of Muhammad, meaning he will have to be a servant of Muhammad (a muslim), and bring no new law, just to be a reminder of it (Islam). Thus, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani came as a muslim reformer and the second advent of all awaited prophets of old. He wrote dozens of books, mostly in Urdu, some in Arabic and Farsi. And looking at the state of the muslim world today, is it any surprise that God had sent a messenger from himself at a time when muslims would be killing each other, and nothing would be left of the Qur'an except it's words?

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
In order to be a reformer does one have to pose as Isa (as), or a messenger from Allah? Why did he not simply reiterate that which was already there, without proposing that he was anyone other than Gulam Qadiani?


In order to be a reformer does one have to pose as Isa (as), or a messenger from Allah?

No. There are many different reformers that are raised from Muslims in every age. I believe they are called Muhaddith, but they are not considered true prophets in the eyes of Allah, more along the lines of a Caliph, at least in my understanding.

Why did he not simply reiterate that which was already there, without proposing that he was anyone other than Gulam Qadiani?[/quote]

I don't understand what you mean. If you mean reiterate what was already in the Qur'an and ahadith, that is what he came to do. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was the Promised Messiah, foretold to appear by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) as the reformer of the latter ages, the Imam Mahdi. With his advent, all other awaited advents, such as the second coming of Jesus, were fulfilled through him.

The common misconception here is that some Muslims and Christians alike believe that Jesus will descend from the heavens. Such a thing has never happened in the past, would be contrary to the Law of Allah both in the sense of the physical world, and also from the fact that Allah always sends a messenger to a people from among themselves. If Jesus were to descend from the heavens, He would not be of the people of this age, violating the law of God, which God never does. His declaration that the second coming of Jesus was fulfilled through him (in essence) was to destroy the above mentioned misconception.

Reformers coming in the essence of others is not something new. The second coming of Elijah was foretold by the Holy Prophet (I believe, I will have to look for the actual ahadith) as already having been fulfilled in the form of John the Baptist. If such a precedent exists, then one is entirely able to believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the second advent of Jesus Christ, especially when one looks at his life and how he fulfilled the prophecies of what the "returning" Jesus would accomplish in the world.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hmm...You know...as an Ahmadi Muslim, I could respond in many ways. First of all, since we believe and say the Shahadah, who are you or any other person in the world to say that we are not muslim's? Judgement of other people's faith's rests with god alone. Bash us all you want, but remember an ahadith of the Holy Prophet where he severely rebuked Usamah Ibn Zaid after he had killed a pagan in a war when, right before he was about to be stabbed, said the Shahadah. The Holy Prophtet asked Zaid later "Why did you not cleave his heart to see if he said it from his heart or not? He kept repeating it until I wished I had accepted Islam only that day" (Muslim).

Hi dear goraya, welcome to the forum. :)

Actually, i had no intention to bash anyone. As you have your own beliefs which is based on your scholars, so i have my own beliefs too and don't take things personally please. If you had an intention to let your emotions or feelings get into this so i don't think it would be any good for neither of us to talk about it. Nevertheless, if you really want to talk about it through reason, then you are welcome.

Well, regarding the hadith, you misused it because the unbeliever at that time didn't say anything about his false beliefs "if he was a kafir" but the companion of prophet Mohammed saw the wine on their table and the glasses so he assumed that he was a kafir but wanted to spare his soul. Nonetheless, Mirza Gulam Qadiani clearly and publicly showed his beliefs to the world and based on that, the scholars of Islam set a judgement about it, not just based on vain desires or doubts as one might think.

All the respect to your beliefs, but it clearly have nothing to do with Islam, based on the fatwa of the scholars of Islam from all over the world.

If you want to discuss this issue further with me, then i have no problem to start a new thread in a proper forum, and talk about it with you.

Peace and blessing,

TT :)

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
The common misconception here is that some Muslims and Christians alike believe that Jesus will descend from the heavens

That's not a misconception.

Qadiani was the Promised Messiah, foretold to appear by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) as the reformer of the latter ages, the Imam Mahdi.

You are aware that the Mahdi and the Masih are not the same person right?


Hi dear goraya, welcome to the forum. :)

Actually, i had no intention to bash anyone. As you have your own beliefs which is based on your scholars, so i have my own beliefs too and don't take things personally please. If you had an intention to let your emotions or feelings get into this so i don't think it would be any good for neither of us to talk about it. Nevertheless, if you really want to talk about it through reason, then you are welcome.

Well, regarding the hadith, you misused it because the unbeliever at that time didn't say anything about his false beliefs "if he was a kafir" but the companion of prophet Mohammed saw the wine on their table and the glasses so he assumed that he was a kafir but wanted to spare his soul.

If you want to discuss this issue further with me, then i have no problem to start a new thread in a proper forum, and talk about it with you.

Peace and blessing,

TT :)

Hey there Truth. Sorry if I seemed like I "exploded" back there, I didn't, I merely took what the Holy Prophet said to heart, and reiterated it in my own words. No hard feelings, alrite?

Anyways, I think you are thinking of another hadith then then one I quoted. Here is the direct text of the Hadith I was speaking of.

Usama Ibn Zaid relates:

The Holy Prophet sent us on a scouting expedition to Huraqah, a valley of the Juhnah, and we arrived at its springs in the morning. A man of the Ansar and I came upon one of their men and when we had covered him he called out: There is none worthy of worship save Allah. On this the Ansari held back, but I finished him off with my spear. When we returned to Medina, this incident came to the knowledge of the Holy Prophet. He asked me: Usamah, did you kill him after he had affirmed the Kalimah? I said: messenger of Allah, he made the affirmation only to save himself. He said again: did you kill him after he made the affirmation? He went on repeating this till I wished I had not accepted Islam until that day.

Another version is:

The holy prophet said: Did he affirm there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and yet you killed him? I said: messenger of Allah, he said it out of fear of our arms. He said: why did you not cleave his heart to discover whether he had said it from his heart or not? He kept repeating it till I wished I had accepted Islam only that day.

Quite a thought provoking ahadith. and as for your invitation, I gladly accept. Let me just start a new thread, and we'll go from there.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hey there Truth. Sorry if I seemed like I "exploded" back there, I didn't, I merely took what the Holy Prophet said to heart, and reiterated it in my own words. No hard feelings, alrite?

Anyways, I think you are thinking of another hadith then then one I quoted. Here is the direct text of the Hadith I was speaking of.

Usama Ibn Zaid relates:

The Holy Prophet sent us on a scouting expedition to Huraqah, a valley of the Juhnah, and we arrived at its springs in the morning. A man of the Ansar and I came upon one of their men and when we had covered him he called out: There is none worthy of worship save Allah. On this the Ansari held back, but I finished him off with my spear. When we returned to Medina, this incident came to the knowledge of the Holy Prophet. He asked me: Usamah, did you kill him after he had affirmed the Kalimah? I said: messenger of Allah, he made the affirmation only to save himself. He said again: did you kill him after he made the affirmation? He went on repeating this till I wished I had not accepted Islam until that day.

Another version is:

The holy prophet said: Did he affirm there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and yet you killed him? I said: messenger of Allah, he said it out of fear of our arms. He said: why did you not cleave his heart to discover whether he had said it from his heart or not? He kept repeating it till I wished I had accepted Islam only that day.

Quite a thought provoking ahadith. and as for your invitation, I gladly accept. Let me just start a new thread, and we'll go from there.

Thats ok, no hard feelings. :)

Regarding the hadith you mentioned, my point still stand, because Mirza decleared his beliefs which makes it so easy to know whether he belong to Islam or not.

Thanks for accepting my invitation to discuss this issue. I'm so glad that i found an Ahmadi to talk with about this important issue. You seem to be a very nice and understanding person. :)

You can start a thread in here:


I already started a thread. It's under the general religious discussion forum. I called it

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani: The Promised Messiah or Imposter?

try searching for it.