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pope made homophobic slur


Well-Known Member
Identical twins share the same genetics, with the rare exception of mutation during the split. What is far more common is environmental factors turning genes on and off. It's called epigenetics. The environment can be anything from a difference in position in the womb, to trauma that occurs in one's life.
And about 2% of identical twins don't share the same eye color. Are we to pretend that eye color isn't genetically determined?
I can compare a flat tire on a bicycle to flat tire on my car, even though the car flat is much more serious.
I can compare burning your dinner to burning down the kitchen, and still understand that they are unequal.
in case one both are flat tires
in case two both are fires
I'm only going to repeat this one more time. If you can't understand it, that's on you:

1. The comparison was between things that are inclinations/compulsion where it is acceptable to have the inclination, but not acceptable to act on it.

Orientation is the enduring personal pattern of romantic emotional and or sexual attraction to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or both.

An inclination is a tendency to act in a certain way

A compulsion is an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way, especially against one's conscious wishes.

your orientation is neither an inclination or a compulsion

2. Anticipating that you would try to mangle it, I made sure to include a clarifying comment that I absolutely do not put homosexuality on par with pedophilia.
But you still did
That means all your attempts to attack me for saying what I clearly did not say, are only hurting you. Take your strawman home with you.
You said it, pointing out that you said it is not attacking and you might want to look up just what a strawman is


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
And about 2% of identical twins don't share the same eye color. Are we to pretend that eye color isn't genetically determined?
I have already addressed this, which makes me think you are not reading my posts. I'm going to answer this one question, and then move on, since it makes no sense for me to waste my time with someone who dismisses my thoughts without even considering them.

The three reasons that 2% of the time identical twins will have different eye colors are as follows:
  1. Genetic mutations. Even though identical twins have the same genetic makeup, spontaneous mutations can occur in the genes responsible for eye color, leading to variations.
  2. Epigenetics. Epigenetic changes can influence gene expression without altering the DNA sequence itself. These changes can affect eye color by altering how the genes related to pigmentation are activated.
  3. Environmental Factors. Although less common, environmental factors such as exposure to certain chemicals or trauma during pregnancy can influence eye color.


Well-Known Member
I have already addressed this, which makes me think you are not reading my posts. I'm going to answer this one question, and then move on, since it makes no sense for me to waste my time with someone who dismisses my thoughts without even considering them.

The three reasons that 2% of the time identical twins will have different eye colors are as follows:
  1. Genetic mutations. Even though identical twins have the same genetic makeup, spontaneous mutations can occur in the genes responsible for eye color, leading to variations.
  2. Epigenetics. Epigenetic changes can influence gene expression without altering the DNA sequence itself. These changes can affect eye color by altering how the genes related to pigmentation are activated.
  3. Environmental Factors. Although less common, environmental factors such as exposure to certain chemicals or trauma during pregnancy can influence eye color.
And how does this apply to your statement "studies with identical twins show that you an have a twin who is gay while the other twin is straight." as a claim it isn't genetic?

Either way you will have a hard time comming up with any evidence to support your ideas about eye color


Well-Known Member
Perhaps if you actually read it, you would understand. Anyhow, I'm out of the conversation. Feel free to reply, but I will no longer respond.
I did and i do understand what you are saying. I was hoping you woudl see your homophobic statements for what they were. Though since you refused to give a direct answer to either time the question was asked i suspect you know just how homophobic your statements are.


Active Member
You know when I think it's someone else's business, for anyone, not just gay people? When a consenting adult is asked to participate. Or more than one, who knows. Otherwise, it's no one's business. I mean, basically.
It may be no one’s business however from a Religious standpoint the problem is when they claim to be followers of Religions that are openly against homosexuality.
That is hypocritical.


Active Member
The pope made an horrendous homophobic slur

I'm not angry I'm disappointed

It sends out the wrong message, that such language is acceptable

He should have known better

Shame on him!
How does it send the wrong message, the Bible itself is strongly anti homosexual.
As the leader of the catholic Religion he would be a hypocrite if he was not against homosexuality.
For people that disagree don’t become catholic.


Believer in God
Premium Member
How does it send the wrong message, the Bible itself is strongly anti homosexual.
As the leader of the catholic Religion he would be a hypocrite if he was not against homosexuality.
For people that disagree don’t become catholic.
There is a big difference between hating the sin and hating the sinner


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
It may be no one’s business however from a Religious standpoint the problem is when they claim to be followers of Religions that are openly against homosexuality.
That is hypocritical.
I am sorry but I disagree. I am a Roman Catholic but my decisions are for me alone. The Pope's are too unless he is speaking ex cathedra.


The hopeful or the hopeless?
Dude, I regularly volunteer at a queer center and run a group that meets there (though it's not officially a part of the center, just everyone in it happens to be so it's where we meet). I have never known this mentality.
Um...Dude? Are you aware of the context in which my post was made and the point it was meant to convey? If so I'm not sure what you mean by "this mentality" or how your information about volunteering is relevant? You'll have to clarify. Please.;)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Um...Dude? Are you aware of the context in which my post was made and the point it was meant to convey? If so I'm not sure what you mean by "this mentality" or how your information about volunteering is relevant? You'll have to clarify. Please.;)
The mentality of not liking gay sex meams your homophobe is so foriegn that there's a straight guy in the group I run. Nobody thinks he's homophobic just because gay sex aint his thing.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
You know when I think it's someone else's business, for anyone, not just gay people? When a consenting adult is asked to participate. Or more than one, who knows. Otherwise, it's no one's business. I mean, basically.
As you are a person that adheres to the moral of "anything between consenting adults is oikay," how do you feel about adultery?


The hopeful or the hopeless?
The mentality of not liking gay sex meams your homophobe is so foriegn that there's a straight guy in the group I run. Nobody thinks he's homophobic just because gay sex aint his thing.
Good. The term homophobe has been politicized to death, misapplied, and manipulated to serve the agendas of those crusaders who think their championing the "gay cause". Whatever that might mean to them.
Should you take the time to read some of what I've said, if so inclined, you'll see the term has been misapplied to me simply because I find the practice of homosexuality distasteful and its embrace as something to celebrate ludicrous.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I find the practice of homosexuality distasteful and its embrace as something to celebrate ludicrous.
That last part especially is probably why you get called a homophobe. Being proud and standing uo for yourself and embracing yourself when not even a century ago it meant off to asylum to be tortured is anything but ludicrous.
You find it distasteful? That's a term of moral judgement. Like a parent finding modern music distasteful just because the style is different from what the parents grew up with. Like people who call it distatsteful for women to wear revealing clothing. Don't look or obsess is if it bothers you.


The hopeful or the hopeless?
Actually it was Kathryn not me. And what she said was that what consenting adults do in private was their business.
Its JUST their business only if your a shallow and indifferent thinker concerning its potential public effects.
Consenting adults private business is only THEIR private business until it is not. The fact that private business can and often does become a public concern, eventually, requires intelligent people to follow certain "healthy" criteria by which they conduct their "private" business. The old adage -don't do anything in private you wouldn't like becoming public knowledge- is near impossible to achieve by human beings but is still a wise ideal to strive for. Of course one can argue that it might be healthy to conduct business in private whos public knowledge might get one killed or cause some other form of suffering. And yet, one persons unjustified suffering is another's justified applied penology. So, how are we to assure public safety and progress while allowing business to take place privately when some private business between consenting adults might be harmful to themselves or others? The simple criteria of "consenting adults" when conducting private business just isn't reasonably adequate.
There must be a public consensus of what business can be conducted in private "healthily". Which brings us back to public debate upon the old adage. Go figure. I think the kryptonite here is the fact that entire societies can adopt unhealthy practices as a healthy thing to do because of the innate limitations of our ability to visualize future consequences.