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Pornography. What's wrong with it?


She rules her life like a bird in flight
Jamie Turner here has made moral and character judgments, and presented opinions about pornography without credentials in any of the social sciences. So it is relevant to ask what has shaped her judgments and opinions. Because religion is quite influential in shaping one's moral outlook it stands to reason that should Mrs. Turner be devoted to her religion it would no doubt have influenced her moral outlook. As it turns out she is. Not only a devote Mormon, she has written several articles revolving around religion. So I feel it's important to understand that her uneducated opinion is one guided by Mormon principles and beliefs.

If she had been a communist speaking on social political issues I would have identified her as a communist for the same reason.

My identification of her as a stay-at-home mom was simply to show she wasn't going to school or involving herself in larger outside pursuits that may enlighten her. Perhaps this is a bit of bias on my part, but knowing several such mothers who have seemed to have stagnated, I don't regard the enlightenment of such mothers as anything to write home about. :shrug:

Oh good lord. That's the most insulted I've ever felt on RF. You have no idea from her bio what she pursues. She has a PhD, which...hey, do you have that? And your disrespect to SAHMS is noted.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Perhaps this is a bit of bias on my part, but knowing several such mothers who have seemed to have stagnated, I don't regard the enlightenment of such mothers as anything to write home about. :shrug:

Are you seriously suggesting that your personal experience of six women is definitive of an entire group of millions of women?
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Oh good lord. That's the most insulted I've ever felt on RF. You have no idea from her bio what she pursues. She has a PhD, which...hey, do you have that? And your disrespect to SAHMS is noted.

Well you know honey,
it's not like you can do anything "educated" from home.

Home = poopy diapers and soap operas,
don't you know.


Veteran Member
Oh good lord. That's the most insulted I've ever felt on RF. You have no idea from her bio what she pursues. She has a PhD, which...hey, do you have that? And your disrespect to SAHMS is noted.
You're right, I don't have any idea what she pursues, which is why I admitted my bias up front up, and how it came about. But why YOU should be insulted is beyond me. Perhaps you're investing more value in my opinion than you should. I know that if anyone on RF said something disparaging about some aspect of life that applied to me I would simply put it in perspective and then get on with whatever. Taking things personally, especially when they come from strangers, just isn't worth the time invested in doing so. And to be clear here, I don't disrespect SAHMs, it's just that those I'm familiar with seemed to have stagnated in their intellectual growth. And, of course I wouldn't think this is true of all of them, but as it stands this is how it's shaping up in my mind for the majority. However, if you have evidence to the contrary, I would be delighted to see it. In fact, it would be very gratifying to see my perception proved wrong.


She rules her life like a bird in flight
You're right, I don't have any idea what she pursues, which is why I admitted my bias up front up, and how it came about. But why YOU should be insulted is beyond me. Perhaps you're investing more value in my opinion than you should. I know that if anyone on RF said something disparaging about some aspect of life that applied to me I would simply put it in perspective and then get on with whatever. Taking things personally, especially when they come from strangers, just isn't worth the time invested in doing so. And to be clear here, I don't disrespect SAHMs, it's just that those I'm familiar with seemed to have stagnated in their intellectual growth. And, of course I wouldn't think this is true of all of them, but as it stands this is how it's shaping up in my mind for the majority. However, if you have evidence to the contrary, I would be delighted to see it. In fact, it would be very gratifying to see my perception proved wrong.

If you understood this conversation, you'd understand why I'm insulted. You've contradicted yourself. You don't disrespect SAHMs but you "don't regard the enlightenment of such mothers as anything to write home about."

Yeah, that's not disrespectful.

And the time it's worth being insulted is no more than time spent posting in general. Whatever catches my eye is where I post. Irrelevant, anyway. I called you on a rude comment.



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I would like to point out that while I no longer enjoy watching full-fledged porn, when I did, I NEVER really desired the women in them, nor did I love my girlfriend any less because of them. They were just actresses, who essentially only existed on the screen, like actresses in a movie. And by the way, I don't think I was ever in danger of becoming addicted to it, since I only watched it every now and then.

Addiction is always a problem, but I think considering all the various addictions that are plaguing society right now, porn addiction is hardly the worst one; drug and alcohol addiction are far more potentially destructive to relationships and lives, including those of people not directly involved. But that's the point: addiction to ANYTHING is self-destructive, even to things like food. Heck, I myself have a slight addiction to video games that I have to try to keep under control. (I'm better than I used to be.) But even that's not so bad that it's directly threatening my life or my relationship right now; it just could cause potential problems in the future if I don't try to keep it under control now, which I do by keeping a curfew of sorts on it.

When it comes to destroying relationships, I have my own theories as to primary causes, and one of them is stress. After all, we live in a time when all too often both parents are working stressfully dull office jobs that they don't like from 9-5, Monday through Friday, on top of trying to raise kids, pay monthly bills, and hear about all the awful stuff happening in the world through the news. Without some way to vent that stress (say, through exercise), or reduce it via the various techniques that exist, that will cause marital problems.

So, yeah. Porn is not a very high cause of marital or societal problems.


Veteran Member
If you understood this conversation, you'd understand why I'm insulted. You've contradicted yourself. You don't disrespect SAHMs but you "don't regard the enlightenment of such mothers as anything to write home about."

Yeah, that's not disrespectful.

The thing is, my respect for people is built on more, much more, than a single characteristic. There are bound to be things in people I don't necessarily like or admire, but this doesn't mean I've lost my respect for them. I'm not that shallow. I can easily respect and hold in high regard people who have what I consider shortcomings or faults. I recognize that people aren't perfect, and don't fool myself that they need to be. The only people I don't respect are those who have proven they don't merit it, and SAHMs don't come close to qualifying for my disrespect.

But go ahead and take umbrage, affront, offense, and whatever else strikes you. I know where I stand, and I do it in comfort and with a clear conscience. ;) So let's get back to porno and how we can improve it. K?


The thing is, my respect for people is built on more, much more, than a single characteristic. There are bound to be things in people I don't necessarily like or admire, but this doesn't mean I've lost my respect for them. I'm not that shallow. I can easily respect and hold in high regard people who have what I consider shortcomings or faults. I recognize that people aren't perfect, and don't fool myself that they need to be. The only people I don't respect are those who have proven they don't merit it, and SAHMs don't come close to qualifying for my disrespect.

What exactly is the shortcoming, or fault of a SAHP?
Not working outside the home?



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
So let's get back to porno and how we can improve it. K?

How about make stuff actually happen in it, like in Japanese Hentai? (Which I don't like because of the disproportionate women... yeah, I'm quite picky.)



The thing is, my respect for people is built on more, much more, than a single characteristic. There are bound to be things in people I don't necessarily like or admire, but this doesn't mean I've lost my respect for them. I'm not that shallow. I can easily respect and hold in high regard people who have what I consider shortcomings or faults. I recognize that people aren't perfect, and don't fool myself that they need to be. The only people I don't respect are those who have proven they don't merit it, and SAHMs don't come close to qualifying for my disrespect.

You sure know how to take an insult,
and make it worse.

I'm not gunna bother here though.
My responses to this post alone,
would need a whole new thread.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
the purpose of sexual relations was for mankind to fulfill their God given mandate. The pleasure derived from sex was merely a side point...it wasnt what gave sex its meaning & value. Unfortunately, indulging in carnal pleasure makes one forget the true meaning of sex.

I'll give you a comparison. Food is vital for life. We need it to nourish our body and keep us healthy. A pleasant side point to food is that it tastes great. But the reality is that our bodies need the nutrients, not the flavors. If we were to merely extract the flavors from our food and only eat the flavors, then we would become very ill and eventually die.

The pleasure of sex is special, but its not its purpose.

So we're supposed to either repress our libido as the expense of mental health or mindlessly breed like fruit flies, overpopulating the planet and depleting its resources in the process? That's God's plan?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
And to be clear here, I don't disrespect SAHMs, it's just that those I'm familiar with seemed to have stagnated in their intellectual growth.

That's funny. I'd say this probably applies most to the majority of the Ph.Ds I've known.