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The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
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Premium Member
I crave possessions, but I need some more ideas of dark spirits that are full of energy so I can look up info on them and learn about them before letting them share my body.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Staff member
Premium Member
None of us needs anything, I just want something to :D


Just me
Premium Member
It occurs to me that wanting someone else to possess your body is just laziness... so you don't have to do anything for yourself.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Staff member
Premium Member
It occurs to me that wanting someone else to possess your body is just laziness... so you don't have to do anything for yourself.

Part of it is laziness. do you know any spirits for me?


Well-Known Member
I crave possessions, but I need some more ideas of dark spirits that are full of energy so I can look up info on them and learn about them before letting them share my body.

Let the music possess you! And the spirit of the song overtake your being!

Listen to some music and get waaay into the moment. :) That's how I get possessed by music.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
My understanding of these things would say that technical possession would be impossible. One cannot 'vacate' their body until they die and at that point... the connection is turned off... It's possible to communicate, but much like an editor the acting medium is actually just repeating their impressions. Anything else is Hollywood...

Mostly speaking from my personal experience... take it as you will.. :)
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Well-Known Member
Let the music possess you! And the spirit of the song overtake your being!

Listen to some music and get waaay into the moment. :) That's how I get possessed by music.

...So no one wants to be possessed by music? I get possessed by music all the time...

Sum just pray to the Devil to take your soul and play with demons and burn Bibles, it worked for me, and I ended up committing the unforgivable sin and now I am bound for Hell and in the eternal service of evil. :yes:

While I have committed the unforgivable sin, played with demons and burnt bibles, I havn't prayed to the devil nor do i even believe in Hell to say that I can be hell-bound. I don't believe in evil as objective either.

Okay, but seriously with joking aside , be careful what you wish for, even if the smallest part of you believes its dangerous, it can really **** with your mind if what you believe to be a possession happens.


Well-Known Member
Oh and if you are possessed, please be sure to record it on video (1080p if possible). It would be great to watch :) *popcorn*

EDIT: Btw sorry for violating rule 10! It won't happen again lol. I knew those colours meant something... (Thanks Jason! T_T)
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Unrepentant goofer duster
There are plenty of charity organisations in Haiti who desperately need help at all times. If you want to be connected up with one of them which specifically works with Houngans and Mambos as community leaders to counteract the ****** influence of evangelicals on the island currently, and you seriously want to go, I can help you. Members of this organization I know personally have been to many many Vodou ceremonies as a result of their work there. If you want to be legitimately possessed by something that is definitively not some psychodrama, **** or get off the pot.


Well-Known Member
Once I had 'communion' with a demon, a "possession" if you will, but it wasn't that great but it wasn't bad. They wanted to feel the sensations of the body so I let them for about 3 minutes.

Being possessed by music is much more fun, but I do recall having possession with a demon WHILE being possessed by music once... now THAT was awesome.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Staff member
Premium Member
I need a spirit of knowledge, a spirit of darkness, a spirit of exotic energy, a spirit of anarchy, and a spirit of fun


Setian I°
Barring any discussion in regards to whether or not this is possible or safe, how is being possessed AT ALL something a LHP-er would want? How is literal complete submission to an outside entity compatible with left-hand path ideals? To me it seems completely opposite. Rather than playing games with spirits and feeling possessed or whatever, why not actually dig deeper into yourself and find what you need?
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Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
I crave possessions, but I need some more ideas of dark spirits that are full of energy so I can look up info on them and learn about them before letting them share my body.

Just remember that when you share your body with a dark spirit then you're also sharing it with everyone else that spirit has been with. Use protection. :D